Chapter 14: Canada oh Canada

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Beep beep beep

My eyes began to flutter open. I turned my head to read 5:45. I opened my draw and pulled out sweats and tshirt. I took a quick shower than woke up Sid so he could get ready. I threw my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my
phone charger and headphones.

I began lugging my carryon down the stairs when I herd Sid get out of shower. I grabbed the car keys and brought my bag to the trunk.
It was freezing and my hair was wet so I made my way into the house quickly.
I put the coffee pot on and took out to cups. The doorbell rang it had to be James. He said he would drop Sid and I off at the airport.
I unlocked the door

"Morning sunshine"

"Morning James" I gave him a kiss on the cheek

"What's that smell eh?"

"Coffee.. Want some? SID COME ON WE GOTTA GET GOING!"

"Ha ya ill take some coffee"

I poured James a cup and myself one.

"Here you go"

"Thank you"

"So are doing anything exciting for Christmas?"

"Nothing much, family is coming to visit"

"Well that's good"

"Yea uhh we should probably get going you don't wanna miss your flight"


Sid started walking down the stairs, fumbling with his phone. Who could he have been possibly talking to this early?
Sid and James grabbed the luggage and threw it in the van. I jumped in te passenger seat with my sweater, purse and coffee. I could see little flurry's coming down. Maybe pittsburgh would have a white Christmas.

James dropped us off infront of the airport.

"Thanks James"

"No problem eh"

Sid grabbed the luggage from the back and hauled them into checkout. We checked in the bags and went through security. We found our terminal and sat down.

"Are you exited?" Asked Sid

"I can't wait.. Excited is an understatement"

I placed my head on Sid's shoulder and his arms wrapped around mine. I had to keep myself awake, I could sleep in the plane.

"Flight 145 now boarding.
Flight 145 now boarding"

"That's us"

Sid grabbed my bag and we got out tickets scanned. First class.
We made our was onto the plane. First class was pretty empty and our flight attendant told us to take any seat.
Sid took the window seat and I sat next to him.

"Please buckle up. We're getting ready for takeoff. And please turn off any devices at this time. Thank you for flying with us"

I snuggled into Sid's arms and began falling asleep.


I felt a nuge.

"Clair wake up the plane landed"


I felt Sid's big arms pick me up. He carried me into a taxi. He closed the door to the car and told me he would be right back. When he did come back it was with all the luggage. I slept the whole car ride than I finally felt the car come to a stop. I stretched and yawned.

"Morning sleeping beauty"

"What time is it?"

"11 now come on there waiting"

Sid got out of the car to take the luggage out of the back. I sat up an retied my hair. I opened the car door and Sid grabbed me by the waist. We walked up the path to this small run down house. Sid hit the doorbell and a lady greeted us.

"This is my mom Trina"

"It's so nice to meet you, Im Clair"

"No, the pleasure is mine" she kissed me on the cheek.

I walked through the door and Taylor was siting down eating breakfast.

"Hey Clair, it's finally nice to put a face on the voice behind the phone"

"Same here"

I gave Taylor a hug than Trina introduced me to Troy, Sidney's father

"Hi I'm Clair"

We shook hands. Trina told me to take a seat at the counter. Sid walked in with all the bags.

"I see you already met the whole family"

"Haha yea there very sweet"

"Well follow me ill show you to our room"

I followed Sid up the stairs and turned into the room at the end of the hallway.
The walls were painted light blue. Two big windows made the sunlight light up the whole room. A big shelf lined one wall. I walked over and was astonished by all the awards and pictures. Centered next to the window was a queen sized bed with a small night table. On top of the table was a hockey lamp and a little note
"Welcome home"

"Sid, your family is so sweet"

"Follow me I wanna show you something"

I followed Sid through the living room and down the stairs to the basement. There it was standing right infront of me. The famous drier that Sid hit with pucks. I was in Sidney Crosby's practice room, where his hockey career started.

"So this is the famous practice room?"

"Haha yea.. Here take this"
Sid handed me hockey stick and began placing pucks on the taped line on the floor.

"What's this for?"

"You've told the whole team how you have a wicked slap shot.... I don't believe it"

"Oh so this is what this is about. Your on pretty boy"

I took the stick in my hand and turned my body so it was facing the wall. I twisted my body as I lifted my stick. I felt all the energy go from my body to the stick. I hit the puck nice and hard releasing all the energy sending the puck flying toward the drier. Ding was all I herd. I turned to Sid and his jaw was wide open.

"Close that your gonna get flies"

"All right your pretty good.. 5 on 5?"

"Your so on"

Sid took his shots and made 4 of the 5.
I grabbed my stick and started showing off a bit. I began flipping the puck on the stick. I finally put it down and took my shot. I got all 5 in.

"I let you win"said Sid with a coked smile"

"Yea you wish"

Screamed Taylor from the top step.

Sid and I walked into the kitchen. Trina made a whole bunch of sandwiches.

"Aww thank you... You really didn't have to"

"The pleasure is mine sweatie. So when are you and Sid leaving?

"Uh Monday so in a week"

"Planning to do anything exciting?"

"Uh I don't know.. Sid are we?"

"Yea in fact right after lunch go change into leggings and a sweatshirt"

"Well i guess I'll do that now. Thank you Trina lunch was very good"

I walked up the stairs and began opening my suitcase to find my clothes and curling iron.

------Sid's POV

I was so glad my family got to meet Clair. And I'm so glad I'm home.
Taylor told me she likes Clair a lot.

"Mom where is all my old hockey gear?"

"Out in that garage.. Why?"

"You'll find out later"

I walked out to the garage and pushed the door open. Taylor was in there watching TV.

"I see you cleaned in here since I've been gone"

"Yea it's so I can get out of the house without going anywhere"

"Where are your old skates?"

"Next to your hockey gear in the corner"

"Listen I need you to help me with something"

"Depends what is it?"

"I need you to go to this address tell them Crosby sent you. There gonna give you something and I need you to hide it in here"

"Yea I guess I could do that"

"Good and uh don't let Clair know about it"

I grabbed mine and Clair's hockey skates and threw them in the trunk of my dads car. I opened the front door and Clair was slipping on her boot.

"Ready babe?"

"Uh yea.... Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise"

"It's always a surprise with you"

Clair got in the car and we began driving a little farther out of Cole Harbor. Till we finally pulled up to empty parking lot. Clair didn't bother asking questions because she already knew the answer I was gonna give her.
We walked up to my first hockey rink. I opened the door and there sat my first coach.

"Looked who's back.. Hey Sid"

"Hey coach. I wanna introduce you to someone. This is Clair my girlfriend"

"I'd never thought I'd see the day where Sid would love something else than hockey.. I'm his first coach"
He shakes Clair's hand as she giggled

"I'm Clair it's nice to meet you"

"Are we set?"

"Oh yea. The ice is ready for you Mr.Crosby"

I took Clair's hand and began walking down the hallway. I opened the door and the smell of ice came. I inhaled deeply. I missed this smell, it didnt smell like regular NHL ice.
This ice had the smell of hardwork, dedication, and dreams.

"This is where my childhood happened. All on this very ice"

"I can't believe you brought me here Sid"

" I'll be right back. You uh wait here"

I began walking to the car to grab our skates.

----- Clair's POV

I was absolutely amazed and out of words for where I was standing. Here was the place where The Sidney Crosby began his hockey carer. I huge mural was painted on the wall of Sidney as a kid. Across the top was written "Home of Sid The Kid". Just as I began dazing of I herd the door behind me close. I was a but startled but I calmed down when I saw it was Sid. He was holding 2 old pairs of hockey skates.

"Here put these on"

"So this is your surprise"

"Yea now hurry"

I slipped on the skates and tied them tight, they were a prefect fit. I made my way into the ice as Sid was still lacing his skates.

I placed me skate on the ice. The felling you get when you step onto the ice is like no other. Hockey was always my escape from the world. No I didn't play, but when the world hated me hockey didnt. I began taking laps around the rink when all of a sudden the lights went dim and music began playing. Sid made his way over to me.

"May I have this dance?"

"Yes you may"

My arms warped around Sid's neck as his hand found my waist. I couldn't help but get list in his big brown eyes. Just than his phone began ringing. At first Sid tried to ignore it but It wouldn't stop ringing.

"I'll be uh right back I gotta take this"

Sid skated off the ice and began to skate laps.

-----Sid's POV

Just when Clair and I had perfect alone time my phone had to ruin it.
Taylor called me 5 times until I answered.

"Uh yea?"


"What are you taking about?"

"This thing you made me pick up!"

"Oh you mean Clair's present"

"Where am I suppose to keep this?"

"I don't know! Hide it in the garage, buy the food. Ill pay you back just hide it until Wednesday"

"You so owe me"

"I'll be home in an hour"

"Ugh fine"

I clicked the phone and made my way back to the ice.

"Uh Clair we have to get going"

"Is there something wrong"

" nothing's wrong Taylor just need me"

I began driving home. Once I pulled up into the driveway I sent Clair inside and told my mom to keep her busy. I snuck around the house and opened the garage door. A puppy came up to me and began licking my face. I looked up to see Taylor with her arms crossed.

"This is what you made me pick up"

"Yea it's Clair's Christmas gift"

"What the hell am I suppose to do with it till Wedsnesday?"

"You have to hide it from Clair.. I need you to keep her busy tonight so I can get the dog ready"

"The dog ready?!? You know Sid your crazy I swear! All I know is ill keep Clair busy but you better take care of that"

"Yea yea, here's the money for the food"

Taylor stormed out of the garage and I began making a small bed out blankets for the dog.

----- Clair's POV

I was helping Trina make brownies when Taylor came through the side door. She seemed a bit angry but calmed down quick.

"Uh Clair wanna go to the mall?"

"Uh yea sure let me just grab my bag"

I grabbed my bag and followed Taylor to the car.

"Wait uh where's Sid I wanna tell him I'm leaving"

"UH NO... I uh told him I was taking you to the mall"

"Oh okay"

The mall was at least 20 minutes away. The first place we stopped at was Macy's. I began looking at all the perfumes. Taylor told me to wait here she needed to find a dress for a date she had tonight. Just as I turned I bumped into a girl just my age. Her hair was blond and wavy. She seemed so familiar.

"Clair is that you?"

Her voice set of bells in my head

"Clarissa is that you?"

Tears flooded out of my eyes just than we were in each others arms.

"I haven't seen you in forever! What are you doing In Canada? How is your family?"

"Clarissa slow down I can't answer all these questions at once"

"I can't believe this "

Clarissa was my childhood friend. When I was little I spent 3 years in Canada, before my mom died. Clarissa became my bestfriend in the world but when I went back to PA we lost touch. But here she was. We traded phone numbers and made plans to get together this week.
After I said goodbye to Clarissa, Taylor came back with a shopping bag.

"Ready to go?"

"Uh yea... I was wondering if you could do my hair and makeup for my date tonight?"

"Of coarse I can"

We got in the car and pulled up to the drive way.

"I'll meet you upstairs?"

"Uh yea ill get the curling iron ready"

Taylor and I got out of the car. Taylor ran into the house and I made my way around to the garage. I knocked but it took a while till anyone answered. I herd the door unlock and Sid opened it a crack.

"Uh yes?"

"Can I come in"

"No! I mean uh no"

"Why not?"

"Uhh cause its a mess. Yep it's a mess and my mom doesn't want you seeing it like this"

"Uh okay well ill be in the house with Taylor"

"You do that"

That was weird. Sid normally didnt act like that. I helped Taylor curl her hair and do a smokey eye. She slipped into her dress which was absolutely stunning. Not fancy but not to casual. It was a black skater dress with off the shoulder long sleeves. I gave her a pair of my black low cut boots with golden studs. Just than a car horn honked.

"That's him!"

"Have fun sweetie, you look beautiful"

"I will. And ill tell you all about it later!"

I was so tired that I made it into Sid's bedroom and changed into PJs. I crawled under the covers. Just five minutes in bed. Before I knew it fell asleep.

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