Chapter 2: Date Night

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I had just finished curling my hair when I got a text from Sid

Sid: Dress casual and warm.. I'll be there in an hour

Casual? I wonder where he was taking me. I opened my closest door and reached for the box on the top shelf. As I pulled down the box some dust came into my face causing me to cough. I opened the box and pulled out black leggings with a hot pink tunic. My make up was done now all I needed was a sweatshirt. All the way at the bottom of the box was my Pittsburgh Penguins sweatshirt, I unfolded it and held it up.

"Yep, still fits"

Before locking up the apartment, I grabbed my phone and wallet. Just as I was walking out of the house, Sid pulled up in his yellow and black camaro. He got out and walked to the passenger side of the car

"Right this way beautiful"

I couldn't help but blush. I sat in the car and Sid closed the door behind me.

"So where are we going"

"Well my dear, that's a surprise" he said with a smirk

"Pleeeassssssse tell me" I said, sticking my bottom lip out to make a pouty face.

"But that would ruin the surprise"


He pulled the car into the parking lot of the Consol Energy Center. Just as I was about to open the door, Sid ran to my door and opened it for me.

"Its okay Sid, I know how to open a door"

"I know... But I'd rather do it for you"

We walked into the arena. Sid was leading me. He gently covered my eyes and guided me through the hallways. I didn't know where I was, but I was struck with cold air on my face. Just than Sid took his hands off my eyes.
We were at the ice rink, white lights were strung all around.


"Oh my Sid, this so beautiful.. You didn't have to do this"

"I wanted to..... I think the most beautiful girl in the world deserves it"

" no one has gone out of there way to do something like this for me.. Thank you Sid"

"Now.. Figure or hockey skates?"


"Are you sure about that?"

"Yea I'm sure"

Sid came over with my skates

"May I lace them for you."

"If you want"

I let out a small giggle. Sid bent down and started tying my skates.

Just as he was getting up our eyes met. He stood up and held his hand out. I let my hand grab his, I felt sparks fly through me. Something about his touch, he was so gentle, so full of life. His hand entangled with mine as we walked to the ice. Sid put his one hand on my hip and the other one stayed entangled with mine. We both got onto the ice, Sid was still holding me tight.

"You can let go if you want"

"But I don't want you to fall" he said it sarcastically

"Let go, believe me I won't fall"

"Alright, your wish is my command"

As soon as he let go I began speeding down the ice, picking up speed I stopped quick. Snow came flying off my skates over the glass. I began to skate back towards Sid, whose jaw was wide open

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