Chapter 7: The Idea

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I woke up on the morning and turned over. Sid wasn't in bed. I got up and began searching the house for him. Where had he gone?

After I finally found Sid in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Good morning beautiful" he kissed me on the cheek

"So whatcha making?"

"Pancakes... The only thing I know how to cook"

Sid walked over to the stove and took a pancake and placed it on the plate. I walked over to the fridge to get syrup and butter. When I turned around Sid had 4 pancakes pilled on his plate..

"Your gonna eat all that?!"

"We'll it's not gone eat itself"

"Hur hur smarty pants"

After Sid and I finished eating I began washing dishes.

"I'll do them don't worry about" Sid said.

"No.. I ate the food you cooked so I'm gonna clean the plates"

"Whatever you want princess. Just get ready I wanna take you somewhere today"

After I finished cleaning all the plates, I went upstairs to shower. I let my hair air dry and put on shorts and a tank top.

"Are you ready?"

"Yea coming"

It was just about lunch time and I was starving. Sid and I got into the car and sang along to whatever song came on the radio. Sid parked at the bottom of this hill in a park. I got out of the car and all of a sudden Sid picked me up bridal style. He was running up the hill with me.

"Sid put me down" I was giggling uncontrollably

Once Sid reached the top of the hill he put me down. There was a red blanket spread on the ground, with a basket and guitar.

"Sid this is so cute"

"I cooked most of it myself.. Now here's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich"

We both started laughing.

"Why... Thank you kind sir"

"Your welcome fair maiden"

After we finished lunch Sid took the guitar and started strumming it.
The sun glistened through the trees and petals from the flowers flew in the breeze.

"I didn't know you played"

"I really don't but I know I few cords" just than Sid's strummed a really bad noise. I took the guitar and started strumming it. One of my favorite songs came to my mind and I began signing.

"Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

But watching you stand alone

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid

I have loved you for a 1000 years

I'll love you for 1000 more"

"Your voice sounds like an angel" Sid made me blush. Sitting here, made me realize how much Sid means to me.

I looked over at him..
"Do you ever think you don't know about me. Cause sometimes I fell like I know nothing about you"

"I know the feeling. I mean my life isn't much of a story to tell"

" I world still like to here it"

"Alright fine but I wanna here about yours first"

"Well I didn't take hockey seriously till I was around 10 and realized I had some sort of special touch. The puck just always seemed to come to me. Family has always been a big thing in my life. They have pushed me to be what i am today. I miss my parents but I get to see them once in a while"

"I miss my mom, she passed away when i was 15. She was like my bestfriend. My dad and I are kinda distant, After my mom passed he lost it. Every night he would come home drunk. He was set on me being a hockey player. I was better than my brothers but hockey wasn't what I wanted to do. Yea hockey cleared my
mind. I'd go to the pond and shoot some pucks when I needed to. My brothers left for Canada to pursue there hockey dreams and now they coach. Damn it's been a long time since I've seen them. I was close with them, they were there when my dad wasn't. I moved to Pittsburgh last year. Packed up and left for this place. I left my best friends and whatever I had left of a family. But I've found happiness here, by myself"

Sid and I began laughing. He picked up one of the pink flowers and placed it in my hair. He looked at his watch. ''Think we should get going". I helped him pack up his things and we stopped by his house.

----- Sid's POV

I could tell when Clair was talking about her brothers, she missed them terribly. Some how I was gonna get her to see them again. I'll do anything to make her completely happy. I could see it in her eyes that they were missing from her heart. The search was on, I was gonna get her to her brothers.

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