One Direction Preferences/Imagines

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These are from tumblr by the way, and are very good xx No copyright intended, I just want to share these people's amazing writing skills x

Especially @effinamazayn.tumblr pure class preference writer.

Some are mine as well, like the one below x

- A/N I take requests!! Xxx If you want an imagine or preference just inbox me or comment on my page these details ...

~ Imagine or Preference

~ Your Name

~ Eye colour

~ What 1D boy ya want

~ What you want to happen

~ sad/happy

~ your personality

Thanks :)


How you met


You had just finished your last letter to the new agency asking if they were interested in taking the offer that your boss inquired last week.

You were extremely tired, so you shut your Laptop down and gathered your stuff, putting it in your brief case.

The last thing you had to do was just give your boss the letter he had been asking for. So you made your way to his office.

When you reached there, you knocked on his door.

" Come in " an unfamiliar voice spoke. You gave yourself a confused look,

But opened the door anyway.

Sitting in the chair was not your normal, old, pervish boss. But a young, incredibly handsome, and not to mention hot, man sitting in his place.

He looked around the same age as yourself.

You were utterly confused and didn't know what to do or say.

"Uhhh" was all that escaped from your lips.

The young man looked up to meet his eyes with yours. Green mesmerising eyes. Making you almost feel in a trance.

"Oh sorry, I'm your new boss. Mr Green recently fell ill, and asked me to take his place." He spoke, a low humble voice. Unintentionally sexy.

"O, Oh Hello, nice to meet you ...." You stuttered awaiting his answer.

"Styles. Mr Styles. But you can call me Harry" he winked while shaking your hand. Was he flirting? You asked yourself.

You blushed. " (Y/L/N). Miss (Y/L/N). But you can call me (Y/N)" you smirked, mimicking what he said.

He smiled bashfully, fixing his hair to try and hide it. But you caught him blushing.

"Oh right, here is letter for the latest agency. " you quickly gave him the letter.

"Thankyou" Harry said placing the piece of paper on the table.

As you began to walk away, making your way to the door...

" Wait! (Y/N)!" The same voice shouted you. You swiftly turned around, meeting your new boss one again.

"Yes, Harry" you smiled shyly.

"Mmmmmmm... Would you, maybe , ya know, like to go out with me sometime?" He smiled, looking towards the ground, shyly.

You were gobsmacked didn't know what to say.

"Sure" you smiled, him returning the same.

"Great, mmmm wanna go now?" He asked, fiddling with fingers.

"Yeah! That would be really nice" you answered.

You both walked away, talking, getting to know each other more and more.

He was a really genuine lad who seemed to be interested in you for who you are.

And maybe, just maybe, you shared a kiss at the end of the night ;) xx


A/N hi so yeah first imagine!! Haha Request all ya want!

L xx

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