Niall Imagine for Lauren

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Hey so this is like gonna be a spam of imagines haha :P

So this imagine is for Lauren, i know shes been waiting for this for a while, so i hope she enjoys this :) Go and follow her @imniallsirishwifey, by the way amazing username ;)


Your POV:

"Smile" I said, clicking the screen of the Iphone.

"Thankyou so much" the squealing girl giggled, taking the phone from my hands, as i smiled down at her.

"No problem" I smiled sweetly, looking up to Niall. He smiled back, but then looking back to the excited girl infront of him, telling him about her love for boys.

I waited until they were finished talking, twirling my blonde hair around my finger, humming a tune.

"Ya ready to go" i looked up to Niall, nodding my head, smiling. He quickly entwined our fingers, as we began walking down the street once again.

We walked for a while longer, often getting stopped by either fans or paparazzi . But then continuing to walk further down the street.


Me and Niall have only been dating for about a month or so. It's going pretty well If you ask me , he's so kind and considerate and amazingly funny, is that even possible haha. I mean yeah I get hate, but Niall is always there to comfort me when things can get too upsetting, and i thank him thoroughly every chance I get.

Today was one of those days where things kinda got outta hand.

Today was one of those days where you think everything is going great, but then it just flips.

Today was one of those days, where i'll have to thoroughly thank Niall for his comforting words.

Today , I guess, was just one of those days ..





"Nu uh"


I looked towards Niall, giving a confused look before bursting out laughing.

"Where can you see a tiger Niall?" I giggled, covering my mouth with my hand, trying to stop the giggles.

"It just popped into my head" he said chuckling.

The laughing died down, for us only to look at each other once again and break out into fits of laughter. Niall rolling his head back, as I leant forward clenching my stomach.

It was perfect.

Cheesy I know, but if you were there to experience it I'm sure you would have thought the same.

We were heading back to the hotel, us being bored decided to play eye spy. Imaginative, huh? Haha.

Still giggling as such, and still walking towards the building, we began to see a large amount of people crowding round the doors. I think anyway.

Niall's laughing stopped. "Oh no"

I turned towards him, curiously asking. " What it is ?"

He looked down at me. "Just remember something okay?" He raised his eyebrows, blue eyes gleaming into my own.

"O,okay" I mumbled, weary of his next sentence.

Niall looked towards the doors them back at me again. I nudged him, urging him to finish what he started.

"Whatever you do. Don't let go of my hand. Don't listen to what they say. And keep your head down. Okay Darling?" His voice soft yet stern, his thumb rubbing the back of my hand gently, lightly squeezing it.

"Okay Niall" I spoke, a reassuring smile on lips, as Niall kissed my cheek, then us proceeding to the hotel.

As we got closer, the lights began to flash more, people crowding around us. And then the screams came.

It was suffocating.

I wanted to cry.

The paps asking questions in your face, hands grabbing my hair, flashing lights engulfed me. My clammy hand tightly clutched to Niall's. Slowly trying to make our way to the entrance.

Bodyguards at the side of us, trying to reduce the amount of screaming girls, cameras and lights. It wasn't much of a difference.

My shaking body as we squeezed through the tight space. My hand slowly slipping from Niall's. My heart racing.

Then I couldn't feel his hand in mine no longer, my head looking up from the ground to masses of girls everywhere. Screaming at me, telling me things, horrible things, about me. Is this what they thought of me ? Am I really that bad of a person?


I want Niall.


I couldn't take it. I crouched down right there, in the middle of this mayhem. Mumbling words to myself, tears slipping down my cheeks.

I felt lost.



A pair of strong arms hauled me up, carrying me in my shaking mess.

I couldn't see, or do anything. Blocking out my surroundings.






"It's me Niall "

"Is she going to be alright Paul ?"

"She's just had a panic attack that's all Niall. Don't worry."

"How can I not worry?"

"She'll be fine mate. Just comfort her, what you do best huh?"

"Yeah i guess"


"I'm so sorry. I didn't think it would be that bad. I'm such an idiot. Whatever they said to you, means nothing. Your perfect the way you are. That's why your here with me."


"Nothing's working Paul"

"Keep going "


"Whatever they say, it's not true. They're jealous, and they always will be. That's what they're like. Remember when you got jealous at Starbucks, oh and at TGI Fridays, and at that interview. See you get jealous, but I guess I'm just the same. Hah. Every guy that even looks at you, doesn't have the right to even look upon someone like you. Your one of a kind. Unique. Funny. You laugh at my horrible jokes. And when you smile, it lights up the room. Like when I met you, your smile, in every way perfect. I guess I wasn't the best to start a conversation. I was nervous. Sweating like a pig. Aha. You have this effect on me, I just can't get enough of. Your everything I've wanted Lauren. The princess I've been waiting for. So don't let those things get you down. You deserve to be treated so much better. I'm so glad your in my life, making me feel whole. Complete. Your my answer to everything. I love you Lauren. I do."

My shivers stopped.

My eyes slowly opened.

My breathing slowing.

My arms wrapping his neck.

My face buried into his chest.

My words fumbling out in a whisper.

"I love you too Niall"


Wow just realised how long this is haha... #awkward but like when ya start on something you just keep going and going and going .. Aha :)

So hope you enjoyed this Lauren :P

~Lou xx

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