#44 His parents dont like you because you have piercings/tattoos

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Tumblr x #44 His parents dont like you because you have piercings/tattoos



The rings that pierce your skin and stretch some parts of your ears have never been a turn off to Harry but when his parents see them they're less than pleased. "It's just not lady like." His mom comments to him. She's never said a word to you about it but becomes completely open with her son about her dislike for you and your piercings. Still, Harry always defends you when she comments about you, proclaiming that what you wear on the outside has nothing to do with the girl he loves inside.


Louis loved every one of your tattoos. They were a part of what made you...you. He was a little upset when he found out his parents didn't approve, never expecting them to praise you for the ink but at least expecting them to accept you for who you were. As much as he tried to convince them, they were never able to understand why someone would want to have that many tattoos. It took you to sit down and talk with them, to see your way. "I like to think that my body is a piece of art and that I can tell a story. It's the best feeling in the world to be able to express myself and have little permanent memories. Some of them are to honor those I've lost and those who are still living. Some of them are represent the things I love and the things I've overcome. They're my life and they represent me."


As everyone constantly reminded you, you'd hit your rebellious stage when you turned eighteen, several piercings on your face and tattoos on your skin. You just saw it as finally being free, able to do all the things you wished you could have when you were under aged. When you met Niall's parents, they didn't show it but their silence when setting their eyes upon your piercings told you that they were opposed to them. "She's a bit bad isn't she?" His mom asks, pulling him aside before you all sit down for a family dinner. Already knowing this would happen; Niall has prepared himself for the worst, giving a simple response before bringing his mom in with you. "Not at all. She's the sweetest girl I know. Just give her a chance and you'll see that too." He assures her, allowing your kindness to convince her that although you may look bad and rebellious on the outside, her first impression based on looks had nothing to do with your personality and the girl you were.


His parents seemed shocked when they first meet you, seeing that most of your visible body is covered in tattoos, even a couple of small ones on your face. "And what kind of job do you have with that many tattoos?" His dad asks as he shakes your hand, his first question as his face contorts into a look of pure irritation. Liam steps in quickly, pulling you to his side. "She's a tattoo artist and she does amazing work." He gives you a squeeze as his dad's questions about your work continue, getting you to show him your tattoos and explain a few of them so that he may understand the importance they hold to you.


You find it odd that Zayn's parents disapprove of your tattoos as Zayn has just as many as you. "What are you doing?" Zayn asks as you dress to visit with his family, sporting jeans and a long sleeve shirt, your neck covered in a scarf. Essentially every one of your tattoos are covered. Zayn walks over to you, unwinding the scarf from your neck and pulling off your shirt, replacing it with a short sleeved shirt. "It feels nice outside today." He smiles, running his hands down your inked arms. "I don't want your parents not to like me." You sigh, going to the closet to put on a jacket. When you come out with it on he still reaches out, taking it off of you. "Where's my girl, the one who doesn't care what anyone else thinks?" He leans down. You can't help but laugh at him, knowing he's right. "She's right here." You answer, only to impress his parents with the stories behind your tattoos, giving them meaning.

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