#25 Miscarriage

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You gazed into his round blue eyes and wondered if your son would be just as handsome as your husband. Wait, no, he could still be a she. "Do you think he or she will have a voice like yours?" you asked. He lowered his eyes and smiled in the thought. "Who knows," he whispered, "but whoever he or she becomes, I trust us to mold him or her into the best little boy or little girl he or she can be. You do, too, right?" Your attention diverted to the door as your doctor walked in. You and Niall almost leapt from your seats in anxiousness. "Mr. and Mrs. Horan," the doctor announced, "please remain seated. The nurses and I tried the best we could to attain other results, but I am very sorry to tell you this." Silence filled the room. Please, no, you thought. Niall clutched onto your hands tighter. "The baby has passed away," the doctor spoke. Immediately, Niall shot up from his seat and clutched the doctor by his white coat. "Why are you playing such a cruel joke on us? Do you think this is funny?" he shouted. Your doctor lightly pushed Niall away to help him relax. "Mr. Horan, this is not a joke," the doctor breathed, "I am very sorry." The doctor turned on his heel and left the room. "Why?" Niall cried. "Why us? Why? We would have been excellent parents. We would have! I know! Why us? Why?" He buried his head onto your chest as you laced your fingers through his soft blonde hair. We never know why, you wanted to tell him, but you were just as confused and hopeless and well...lost.


The nurse brushed her equipment over your little baby bump and smiled. "If you listen closely," she crooned, "you can actually hear little Darcy's heartbeat." Harry's thin lips curved as he patiently waited for the sound. He finally had the day off, which meant he could finally see Darcy for himself. "Well, this is odd," the nurse frowned. You followed her gaze to her clipboard and to the ultrasound screen. "What is wrong?" you asked worried. The nurse looked at Harry intently and strode to the door. After a long silence, the nurse returned with the doctor. "Mr. and Mrs. Styles," he sighed, "I have terrible news, and I want to warn you, we have many seminars here to help you. Your baby has passed away." The moment stilled. "What do you mean?" you whispered without tearing your gaze away from a patch of the white wall. "I am very sorry," the doctor solemnly apologized and turned to leave with the nurse following in suit. You remained still. "Babe," you heard his voice croak beside you, "we can fix this." You did not move. "How?" you softly cried. Lightly, he fingered a loose tendril of hair on your cheek. "We can try again," he smiled sadly as he caressed your cheek. "You know neither of us would mind that," he lightly chuckled. You tore your gaze from the wall and burned your eyes with his. "You really are the best," you cried. "Anything for you and Darcy," he promised. Anything, you remembered. You would be fine...you would be just fine.


Tears blinded your eyes and choked your voice. The blood told you everything you needed to know about your baby. "Louis," you cried from the restroom. Being unable to speak any louder than a decibel, he could not hear your voice from the restroom. "Louis," you cried again. No response. You felt weak. You remained on the floor of the restroom and sobbed into your shaking hands. Who the hell cared, you thought, not as if Louis could magically bring your baby back. She or he was gone...and this was your entire fault. "Babe," you heard from behind you, "did you call-what happened?" Louis lowered to the floor to carry you to the bed. "Are you okay?" he asked in panic. "Fine," you cried, "fine...just fine." He furrowed his eyebrows confused. "Then what the hell were you doing on the bathroom floor crying?" he shouted frantically. "The baby," you whispered. "What about the baby?" he bellowed. You hid your tears in your hands. "The baby is gone," you cried uncontrollably, "and this was all my fault! I am very sorry, Lou...I tried the best I could." You flailed your arms in frustration. He clutched your wrists to calm you down. "We will work this through," he whispered, "we always do." Your lips trembled, and you wanted to tell him thank you, but he understood how you felt anyway.


After being away on tour, Liam found time to fly into town and assist you on your monthly checkup to the doctor. "I cannot wait to meet her," he chuckled. You lightly giggled and bit your bottom lip. "You might even hear her heartbeat today," you excitedly announced. Suddenly, the both of your eyes turned to the door when the doctor walked in. "Hello," the doctor smiled, "now, Mrs. Payne, I looked at the ultrasound photos from previous visits, and I never realized before, but there may have been a mistake." Liam's smile washed away with a frown. "What do you mean?" Liam asked puzzled. The doctor sighed and hugged his clipboard nervously. "The baby passed away," he spoke, "I am very sorry." The doctor turned on his heel and left. You followed his gaze as he began to cry into his fists. Silence. "This is my fault," his voice cracked, "this is entirely my fault. I should have been here instead of on tour. I am so sorry." Liam always apologized; in fact, this was his nature, but he seemed really remorseful this time. "This is not your fault," you shook your head as he continued to cry, "no one can explain why these things happen, but they do. Promise me you know this is not your fault. I need you to." Your tears silently fell onto his fists, which were wrapped around yours. "I promise," he cried, "but let me fix you. Let me stay. Screw the tour. I have to stay here with you. Let me." You shook your head and let out a breath you had been holding in. "No," you sobbed, "the best things to do in times like these is just...move on."


The moment simply froze. "What the hell did you say?" Zayn shouted toward the doctor. "Sorry Mr. Malik," the doctor sighed, "but this happens, and we never know why." You reached for his hand, but he pulled his away and punched the hard wall. You were too confused to even respond to his sudden frustration. "Mr. Malik," the doctor warned, "we understand you are going through a rough situation right-" "A rough situation?" Zayn shouted. "My fucking daughter passed away! We were going to raise her well! I was damned well going to treat her better than any other man I know! I would have been a damned good father! What the hell did we do wrong? Tell me, doctor! What the hell did we do wrong?" You pulled Zayn from his black hair and buried his face into your neck. Your tears mixed as the doctor left the both of you alone. "We have to try again," he cried, "or I might go crazy. I need a family with you. I love you too much to give up."


Thanks for the reads, very much appreciated xx

And if you would I'm giving a shout out to @megsymoowaffles go and read her fanfic Just my Luck, she is my directioner buddy so if you would xx please do so haha x

Anyone want a shout out ?? Inbox moi! Xx

L xx

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