#48 Skypes

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Competition Results...

3rd Place-


2nd Place-


1st Place-


Well done everyone that entered x

Those who won please message me an I'll tell you the prizes :)

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Enjoy the Pref :)



"There's my gorgeous girl!" He yelled, a smile splitting his face as he brought the skype screen to life. Damn, did you look good. He ached with missing you, but he knew he'd be home soon, didn't make it any easier though. "Hi, Ni. How are you?" You scooted closer to the screen, your hungry eyes taking in every inch of his precious face. 'I'm good, baby. How are you?" He leaned forward, his cheek resting on his fist as he adored you through the computer screen. He watched you chat excitedly, his eyes moving over your face. Damn, did he wish he was there. He loved seeing how lit up you were when you talked, and he wanted to be there to brush your bangs out of your eyes. His fingers twitched in his palm and he could almost feel the silken strands of your hair slipping through his fingers. Not to mention your mouth. Was there ever a moment he wasn't thinking about your lips and how they fit perfectly against his? He didn't think there was. "I miss you so much," he said, cutting you off mid sentence. Your eyes softened and you placed your hand over your heart. It was easier to talk to Niall about all the good things going on in your life, it kept you distracted from the ache that filled your chest in his absence. "I miss you too." He sighed, he hated seeing that look on your face. "I think about you," he whispered softly. Niall didn't like to show it, but he was aching just as much."I think about you all the time." You sat stunned at his confession. It wasn't unheard of for Niall to spill his heart out, but it still left you breathless every time. "Every place I go to, I see something that reminds me of you or someone will say something that you would think is hysterical," he shrugged, looking into his lap. "You might not be here in person, baby, but you're right here." He tapped his chest and he smiled. "You're with me everywhere I go."


You sat anxiously, waiting for Zayn to pick up the call. Your fingers were nervously twisting in your laps as the video chat rang and rang. You heard his voice before the screen came into view. "Hello? Babe, you good, yeah?" And then his brown eyes came into focus and his smile and you sagged back into the chair. "Hi, handsome," you said watching his smile increase. He stuffed his beanie down further on his head and you looked at the bags under his eyes. He wasn't sleeping much these days and you worried for him. "Hi, yourself. How are you, good yeah?" He asked, his accent thicker than you remembered. You shuddered, the sound of his voice always did something explainable to you. "I'm good, how have you been?" You didn't have much to tell Zayn. It was the same old; school, work, keeping house, missing him. Your days didn't change much. "I'm good, babe. Just tired. I got a surprise for you today," his eyes lit up and your stomach flipped. "Tell me what it is!" You demanded, your heart clenching at his handsome face on the screen. Damn, the distance seemed insurmountable right now. "That's why they call it a surprise, baby girl," he teased. "It should be there by the end of next week, and when you get it call me," the look in his eyes left no room for argument and you wondered what it could be. If you were reading the look in his eyes correctly, it'd be something you both could enjoy. "It's good to see you," he added quietly. "It's good to hear your voice. I miss you all the time, baby." With his words weighing heavily on your shoulders, you felt a hot tear slip down your cheek. You missed him too, more than you could ever say.

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