#21 Fame gets to him

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You'd noticed he'd been going to the gym a lot lately, making it his number one priority to go each and everyday before work. And although it was nice to see, you knew why he was doing it. Ever since he'd been building muscle, the girls had been going crazy. And it was like he was noticing how much of a reaction it was causing, building his ego and making him be cocky. One day he came home all hot and sweaty, and as much as it was a turn on, he did something to turn you off. "You're looking good babe." "I know I do." Your smile disappeared as he walked straight to the shower and turned it on. Leaning against the counter, you thought about everything that had happened. The sarcasm, the ego change, him ignoring you, it was all adding up. Liam walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist, going to the fridge and gathering stuff to eat, but you made your decision. Going to the hallway, you grabbed your purse, stopping to look in the mirror and see the sadness in your eyes. You were really going to do this? Liam walked out, taking a bite of his sandwich and stopping to look at you. "Where are you going?" Not looking at him, you walked to the door and turned the knob. "I'm leaving."


"Do you wanna go out tonight?" You sat on the couch with Ni while he was watching tv for yet another boring night. You had really been wanting to go out, but now he never wanted to. "Why? So you can show me off to your friends?" "What?" The answer came as a shock to you, his words sounding harsh as he looked back to the tv. "When have I ever did that?" He looked at you and shook his head. "Ever since I began touring, you always want me to hang out with your friends." The only way to explain your reaction was rage. "With my friends? I'm sorry that all I've done for the past year is fuckin hang out with you and your friends Niall. Did you ever think maybe I just need time to see my friends? And I'm sorry that I'm proud to have you as my boyfriend and want my friends to get to know what a great boyfriend I have. But I guess I'm wrong." He didn't even blink, just looked at you and said nothing. "Bye Niall." Getting off the couch, he said your name once but it didn't stop you from walking out the door.


"Smile." You heard yet another paparazzi's voice from behind you and Harry. Harry immediately pulled you in and plastered a smile on his face. Fakely you noticed. You smiled, but it was weak. After the shot was taken, Harry stepped away and continued walking. Following after him, you put your head down and walked. He'd been doing this a lot lately. He'd invite you out, but act like you weren't even a couple anymore. It hurt. At lunch, he'd sit there on his phone, not wanting to conversate with you, interested in what the fans had to say more than you. He laughed at another text and set his phone down to take a drink. You looked around and saw other couples there. The difference between them and you guys? The were happily talking to each other and you could see the love between them. Looking back at Harry, you noticed he was on his phone again. You couldn't take it anymore. "Do you love me Harry?" "What?" He didn't look up. Just kept texting. This time, a real smile appeared on your face, because you finally had clarity. "Nothing Harry, nothing." Scooting back, you gathered you things and left. It wouldn't surprise you if Harry hadn't even noticed.


"I'll pay for you." That was the phrase you heard a lot from him now. In the beginning, you took it as a kind gesture, but now, it was like he was rubbing it in your face. Because even after you'd kindly turn him down, he'd still buy it. And what pissed you off, was later on, he'd remind you that he bought it. Your best friend was over and she wanted to see the new dress you'd gotten. You guys were talking about it when Zayn walked in. "You like it? I bought it for her." Your smile froze as your friend nodded her head and said he did a good job. "Um, can you give us a sec?" She nodded her head and walked out. "Zayn, you can't keep doing that." He shrugged. "Doing what?" He said it harshly, he knew what he was doing. "Why do you have to let everyone know you bought it for me? Like.....like you're throwing it back at me?" "I just uh, just want people to know who's doing everything around here." Your brows rose up and your mouth dropped. "So it's going to be like that? That you do everything around here? Like I don't provide anything?" He didn't say anything. Still holding the dress, you dropped it to the floor and put your hands up. "Then you can find someone else who will let you do that Zayn." Walking past him, he tried to stop you but you pulled away and kept walking.


Lately he'd been distant, acting differently, holding you at arms length as he spoke rarely to you. So the only thing you could think of was he was going to break up with you. He was in the bathroom getting ready, leaving for another night as you sat on the bed. He didn't invite you, he never did anymore. "Who are you going with tonight?" "Friends." That's how he was now. Always short clipped when he talked. "Girls?" He scoffed. "Yeahh. Girls." "Should I be worried?" He walked into the room and picked up his outfit. "Jealousy isn't attractive (Y/N)." "Well I was just...just making sure." "What? You think I'm going to leave you?" You didn't answer. You just looked away. "(Y/N), if I wanted to, I could have someone else in a matter of minutes, but I haven't have I?" Your head snapped up and you stood to face him. Just seconds before, you thought he was going to leave you, but now it was completely flipped. "So you can have someone else that quick huh? Well then, don't let me stand in the way Louis."


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L xx

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