#22 Stressful Break Downs

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You and Harry were about to walk out of the hotel in (whatever state you want in the US). You peek out the window from the lobby and see girls waiting outside by the hundreds. "Holy hell." Harry mumbles looking out from behind you. He kisses you lightly on your neck making you flinch. "You going to make it through the crowd okay?" He jokes knowing how you usually feel about the bigger crowds. "As long as we don't get separated I'll be fine." You assure him with a smile. Security tells you it's time to go and a few men walk out then you two then more security guards. Harry clutches your hand tightly and you make your way through the crowd slowly as your ears are shouting into and people come all too close to you. At some point you two get separated and you look around frantically for Harry but don't worry too much because a security guard keeps his hand on your shoulder the whole time. You get to the car and climb in quickly to find Harry sitting stiffly waiting and breathing heavily. "Harry? Darling are you okay?" You ask worriedly taking his hand. "Yeah," he lets out a breath. "I just lost you and the crowd was so big and I got worried and then my foot got stepped on and I couldn't find you and-""Shh. It's okay. I'm here, you're here and we are fine." You cut him off and take his head in your hands scooting closer to him. You breathe in and out deeply with him and soon his breaths go back to normal. "Are you good?" You ask. He nods and hugs you tightly. "Just ask long as you are." He whispers.


You've searched all downstairs for Liam and you have yet to find him. Grabbing your coffee you walk upstairs and peek into your bedroom, the bathroom and lastly the study where you find him sitting at the desk with papers spread all in front of him. "Hey, Liam! What are you up to?" You ask walking over. "Nothing." He mumbles not looking up. You raise an eyebrow because obviously it doesn't look like nothing. "Well, what are all the papers then?" "Song writing. Or, more so, I'm trying to write a song." He answers, still sounding off. "Are you okay?" You ask knowing he isn't. "UGH NO!" He shouts and quickly grabs up all the papers tossing them to the ground. You stare at him in confusion. "Liam! What's going on I haven't ever seen you this upset! You seem stressed, what is going on?" You walk around the desk and stand in front of him with your hands on his arms. "I can't write! I can't for the life of me think of lyrics and I have to have this finished in two days!" He sits back down in his chair and you sigh hating to see him so frustrated. You kneel down and pick up the scattered papers and place them neatly back onto the desk after reading some of them. "Liam," You pause and sit on his lap wrapping your arms around his neck. "These lyrics so far are really good. You just have to get into the right thought process. If you need to take a little break then do it because this is stressing you out. I've found you up here for hours every day this week!" You explain trying to ease his mood. "I know, I know. But if I don't get it done I-""Don't think you're not going to get it done. And if you really can't you know the boys will help you." He smiles starting to calm down. "See, you're already feeling better just from taking a break!" You laugh and kiss him on the cheek as he squeezes you tightly. "Thank you for looking for me, babe. Now, what do you say we go take a really long lunch break?"


When Louis came home from the recording studio you could tell he was in a mood. He seemed stressed out, and irritated but you didn't know why. "Hey, Lou. Are you okay?" You ask sitting down close to him on the couch. He lets out a deep frustrated sigh and leans his arms on his knees with his head down. You gently rub his back. "Babe, please? I want to help." You plead. "I'm just mad at myself." Louis grumbled. "What? Why?!" "Because. Today in recording I kept getting off pitch and screwing up my parts because my throat hurts and I kept having to redo them and I still kept screwing up." He admits angrily. You feel so bad for him. You know all he wants is to do well with the solo's he has because he used to be so nervous about them. You get down on the floor in front of him and scoot close lifting his head with your hands. "Lou, you're a wonderful singer. You're just a bit sick right now but you know they will let you redo them. Not everybody gets it on the first try." You try to encourage him to not feel as bad. He looks down to the ground but then smiles at you. "Thank you, (y/n). I love you, you always know what to say." He leans forward and kisses you lightly and you wrap your arms around him tightly. "You're welcome, Louis. I'm always here for you. Okay?" He nods into your shoulder and tightens his grip on you and you can feel him start to smile again.


"Oh my god this traffic sucks!" Niall shouts and lays on the car horn for the third time in the past 15 minutes. You sigh at his constant complaining and being so impatient. "Niall please. Calm down. You knew coming out during rush hour in London would be crowded." You explain again. "Yeah I know but I made a reservation for us for dinner at 6:30 and we're thirty minutes away and it's almost six!" He yells slamming his hands down on the wheel. So that had been your surprise. Niall had told you he had a big surprise for you despite there not being any special occasion. "Awe, Niall you made dinner reservations? We'll get there I promise." You say even though you don't really know. You just want him to stop being so mad about the traffic because then he won't be in as good a mood at dinner. He grips the wheel so tightly that his knuckles start to redden and his veins pop out. "Sweetie." You remove one of his hands from wheel and clutches it between yours. Gently you rub the back of his hand with your thumb. "It will be okay. Don't stress over the traffic okay? Because if we do get to dinner on time I want you to be in a good mood." You smile trying to make him happier. Leaning his head back in his seat he looks over at you. "You're so sweet to me, (y/n). And you're right. I'm going to enjoy my time with you now and if we get to dinner we get there. If we don't well hell we can go for takeout." You laugh at his completely turned around mood and lean in to peck him on the cheek, just as traffic starts to inch forward again.


You listened from the bathroom as Zayn grumbled to himself in agitation from your bedroom. "Zayn, you're stressing over nothing." You call out receiving no answer. After you'd put your earrings in you stood in the doorway watching as he tried to decide between a long sleeved button up or a rolled sleeved button up. "I don't know what to wear!" He exclaimed sighing loudly. "Where the rolled sleeves." You suggest. "But what if they hate my tattoos? I don't want them to judge me..." He admits. You were going to dinner with your parents for the first time with Zayn and he was totally freaking out. You had explained to him a million times that your parents weren't judgmental over stuff like that but he still refused to comprehend that. "Zayn, they're going to love you if you just be yourself. Not if you try to cover and hide yourself!" You shout in annoyance walking over to him. "I'm sorry, okay (y/n)? I just want them to like me. I don't want to be that guy that your parents don't like but you still date him anyways." He explains sitting on the edge of the bed. "Zayn, my love, you're going to be perfect. They are going to love you from your inked up killer hot bod, to the mushy gushy perfect heart you have. They are so excited to get to meet the guy who changed my life so much. Okay? Just put on the shirt and we'll get going. Okay?" His body eases up and he slips the shirt on and buttons it up. Holding his arms out for you to look you nod. "You look great, Zayn." You smile and take his hand leading him out of the room.


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