#1: Cute things

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Out of the blue, he will just make you laugh or giggle. And at the wrong situations tell you silly little jokes that only you two understand.


When he laughs, especially at your

Jokes, he will scrunch up his nose in the cutest way possible. To make you giggle even more.


You find it really cute whenever you have had a rough day at work, he is always there waiting for you with at the table, food on the table, candle lit dinner, and your favourite album on in the background.


Whenever you have been away for quite awhile (which is quite often due to your work), you open the door to find rose petals scattered along the corridor making its way upstairs. Leading to your bedroom, you open it to always find him asleep on the bed, as you normally come home very late.


Whenever your feeling down, Niall always tries to make you laugh. Even if it just a silly face or something like that. One time he dressed up as a hotdog, you couldn't stop laughing all night.

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