#52 A Fan/s Hurts You

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And he gets a little protective, as you would have expected him to, and instantly pulls you away from the fan - the one who had hurt you. He holds you close to him, your body pressed to his chest so there isn't any space between the two of you. His arm is wrapped around your waist, and he dips his chin slightly to look into your eyes - his somewhat darker than the usual soft green that they were. He gently takes your cheek in his hand, examining the red handprint on the soft skin; gingerly turning your face this way and that to see better in the bad lighting. An emotion flashes in his eyes after he notes the damage, - a look you don't recognise -, before he takes your hand in his, his body still pressed to yours protectively, and pushes through the crowd hastily; determined to not let you get hurt anymore, and to get out of there before he did something he would regret.


And he takes it to Twitter, because that's usually a good place for him to blow off some steam and let the fans know that what they did to you was unacceptable; typing out angry tweets to the 'fans'. He'd spent a long time on there too, trying to word his messages as well as he could; even with him in such a blind rage, and with his hands shaking from the anger boiling inside him, he knew that his mind wasn't as clear as it should have been to be doing such a thing. He wanted to make this right though; to tell the fans that what they did to you was wrong, and that they shouldn't have done that to you; that they shouldn't have hurt you. He wants you to feel safe when you go out in the streets, or when you walk to your friend's place, because that's what you deserve - to be able to go outside without being afraid, to be able to go outside without being scared of what's going to happen to you if you do. And just because you were with him didn't mean that he had the right to take that away from you; to make you feel any less safe and to make you afraid to go anywhere, in fear that his fans would hurt you, just because you were dating a celebrity.


And he's worried about you, when you come home covered in bruises, and he notices the angry red marks stretching up your arm - from where someone had scratched you. He's by your side the minute you come inside, an arm around your waist as he supports you, a frown on his face as he takes note of the damage. He guides you over to the bathroom, gently helping you along with his hand on your lower back, before he sits you down on the counter and pulls out the first aid kit. He's concerned, and the little lines etched in his forehead don't go away even for a second as he tends to the scratches along your arm, and the little cuts on your hand; his brow furrowed in both worry and concentration. When he's done cleaning up the little cuts and scratches, he presses his lips to yours - just softly - as he holds you in his arms; just glad that you were safe now.


And he's angry, because he loved you, and he didn't appreciate the people he loved being hurt. He yells at the young girl too, his temper getting the better of him, and she watches with wide eyes as Louis - as her idol - yells at her with such hatred and anger towards her, burning in his eyes.
"I swear, if you ever touch her again, I'll-"
His yells only cut off when you gently place a hand on his shoulder, and give him a soft smile as if to say "I'm okay,", despite the stinging in your hands from where you'd tried to catch yourself when you fell and the dull ache in your knees where the skin was grazed- pushed over by a young woman a little too obsessed and a tad too jealous.
And only then, when you promised him that you were okay, would he walk away - although he was still hesitant, and you could see it in his eyes - and forget about whoever had hurt you, just for a moment, as he cleaned up the scratches on your palms and the grazes on your knees.


And he feels really bad about it too; apologetic. He won't stop telling you how sorry he is that it happened - even when you tell him that it's okay, and that you're fine, as he holds the ice pack to your rapidly swelling eye to try to stop the bruising, his other arm around you to keep you close to him. You can see it in his eyes that he feels horrible, because he thinks that it's his fault, and that's why he keeps saying sorry to you; that's why he keeps apologising for something that he didn't even do.
It's because he thinks that it's somehow his fault. It was his fan that hurt you, his fan that had hit you, and he can't help but think that you deserve better than that - that maybe, you shouldn't be with him, because he's no good for you, because you get hurt when you're with him; because he was Niall James Horan of One Direction, and if being with you got you hurt, then he wouldn't want that for you.

Love Lou x

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