#19 The two of you are fighting

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"I just don't see what the big deal is, (y/n)!" Liam said loudly as he stood up from the couch. "It's just that you've been on tour for months, with very few oppurtunities for alone time together, and the first thing you do when you get home is a freaking twitcam!" you shout as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "We're going to dinner tonight, (y/n). I just wanted to check in with the fans and tell them I'm back home. Plus, I have to thank them for a great tour and for supporting us! It will only be an hour or so. I promise!" he says gently putting his hands on your shoulders. "An hour!?!? It takes an hour to say 'Thanks guys, I'm home'? Just forget it then. I'm going to bed." you say pushing his hands off of you and walking towards the staircase. "(y/n), you must be joking! You're acting completely immature. You are honestly so selfish sometimes!" he shouts. You start walking quickly towards him "Selfish? I share you with the world and see you less than the fans! I never complain and the first time I do, you call me selfish? You are unbelievable, Liam Payne!" You finish as you stand on your tippy-toes to be eye-level. He stares at you and whispers "I just don't see why an hour will make a difference." You literally face-palm and hiss "Well, it was a surprise, but..." you pull out a Victoria's Secret bag and hold it out to him "I had a surprise for tonight." Liam's eyes go wide as he looks in the bag. "I guess I could just tweet the fans." he says with a grin.


You glared at Niall from across the table in the hotel restaurant after a signing. "Is something wrong, (y/n)? You've barely said a word all dinner." Niall said ensuring that everyone's attention was now on you. "I'm fine." you reply looking down at your plate. "Well, obviously you're not, (y/n). Otherwise you wouldn't be acting so frigid." Niall said annoyed. *cue the awkward glances from everyone around the table* "Excuse me? I've done nothing wrong... unlike you." you retort. "What!?! What have I done wrong?" Niall boomed hitting the table with his fist. "Would you like us to leave or-" Liam squeeked. "Shut up, Liam!" Niall yelled. *now cue awkward glances from the entire restaurant* "So tell me, (y/n), what did I do?" "Well, besides flirting with every tall, tan, bimbo at the signing today, absolutely nothing!" you yelled back. "WHAT!?!?! I wasn't flirting" he bellowed almost knocking over his drink. "I'm not blind, Niall! Who do you think you are, flirting with all of those girls in front of me? You're not Harry!" you say pointing to the mop of brown curls across the table. "Errmm... this is between you two. Don't go dragging me into it." Harry says craning his neck to face the ceiling. "Princess," Niall's voice suddenly soft and gentle. "I'm sorry if that's how it came off. I wasn't flirting, honestly." You look up to see Paul place his napkin on the table and awkwardly walk to the bar in the restaurant. "I'm not like Harry." he smiled reaching across the table and taking your hand in his. "Ummm, well, you guys, I'm still here." Harry says with an annoyed expression. Everyone at the table except Harry, laughs at The Curly One's discomfort.


"Boo, have you seen my new blowdryer?" you hear Zayn call from the bathroom as you scoop up the remains of the very thing he was looking for. "Ummm, well..." your voice dripping with guilt as he comes around the corner and sees his new (and smashed) blowdryer in your hands. "Is that my... is that it?" he shrieks pointing at the heap of metal and plastic in your hands. Your guilty expression confirms it. "Are you serious!?!?! What did you do!?!?!" he yelled tugging at his wet hair. "I didnt mean to break it, Zayn." you said worried "I was cleaning and it fell off of the counter and, well, shattered." "UGGHABUUUHHHHH" he yelled clenching his well-manicured fists. "What kind of noise was that!? You are over-reacting, Zayn. It's just a blowdryer!" you said holding in your laughter. "No, (y/n)." he said making air quotations around your name as if his whole life was a lie now "It is not just a blowdryer. It is a Uishima Hydro-Powered Heat Excalibur X-390! It cost me $700!" You stood agape taking in everything he had just said. "So you're telling me that not only do you study the different models of hairdryers, but you also spent $700 on a blowdryer." Unexpectedly, Zayn begins to laugh. You nervously begin to laugh with him and he says "You're right. You're right. I'm just IN-ZAYN!" he laughs as he walks back towards the bathroom. "Are you drunk?" you call after him.


You had just thrown Harry an amazing surprise birthday party with much help from Louis. So, to thank the sass-master, you tweeted "@Louis_Tomlinson Last night was perfect! We should do it more often! Hopefully, Harry won't be as suspicious next time ;)" Perhaps you should have phrased it differently. Within 15 minutes #(y/n)CheatedOnHarry is trending worldwide. Too bad you left your computer and phone in the bedroom when you went to listen to the boys' live radio interview. After about 10 minutes of talking music, the interviewer changed course and said "So, Harry. I find it shocking that you can sit next to Louis right now considering what has happened." "What do you mean?" "Well, everyone knows that (y/n) is cheating on you with him. You must have discussed it." Excuse me?" Harry said in an upset tone "Well this has become extremely uncomfortable. I'm sorry..." the interviewer trailed off. "Louis," Harry's voice growing angrier "What the hell is he talking about?" The radio cut to silence and your phone began to ring immediately. You ran to the room and answered knowing that it was Harry. "Har-" you started "What the hell is going on, (y/n)?!?!" he screamed through the phone. "Nothing! I heard the interview and I swear that i'm not cheating on you!" you cried "I saw the tweet, (y/n). I saw it!" Then it dawned on you: the tweet. "Oh, Harry. Just think. Where were you last night when I was supposedly cheating on you?" you spoke. "I was at the party that you and Louis had planned... oh my god. I'm such an idiot! I'm so sorry, love." his voice cracking nervously. "Oh god. Louis, I'm so sorry" you heard him shout away from the phone. "What's wrong? Is Louis ok?" you ask. Tomorrow, #LouisGotABlackEye is trending.


"Not right now, Louis. I'm tired." you said pushing Louis away. "Come on (y/n)!" he begged. "No. I told you that I'm tired. We already did it 3 times today." you said closing your eyes. "Oh my god, (y/n)! You're so boring! We almost never get the chance to do it and now that we have the time..." he yelled angrily. "Are you serious, Louis? I'm exhausted and we always do, you know that." you rolled your eyes. "You're unbelievable, (y/n)!" he said storming out of the room. "Oh god. Louis, get back in here and we can play!" he ran back in and jumped onto the bed next to you. Then you played your 4th game of monopoly that day.


All rights to rightful owner xxx

And thank you so much for the 270 reads xx

Enjoy !

L xx

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