#23 Its been years ...

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From Tumblr x

Before you read just wanted to say,

I cried while reading all of these haha! The Louis one isn't that bad, but the rest ...... Who can have the strength to right such a thing, I'm literally balling right now :'( x

L xx



...and now he's watching you from across the room all over again. "He's been watching you all night," one of your bridesmaids whisper, pointing to a lanky, curly headed man across the room. Craning your neck, you see the man, drinking what looked to be his sixth drink and looking up to gaze at you. He looks like a deer caught in headlights when you catch him staring, but he doesn't look away. You knew those green eyes anywhere. "Isn't that Harry?" Your maid of honor, who was also your husband's sister, speaks up, quirking an eyebrow and hinting a smile. Still surprised and still staring, you nod your head at your sister in law. You weren't expecting him to come, hence the reason why you didn't bother to invite him. Maybe he tagged along with Louis, you think. However, you don't make any plans to go over to him. Your break up had been very messy and you didn't feel like taking a walk down memory lane, not tonight at least. You feel arms snake around your waist and giggle as a scruffy kiss lands on your cheek. "Hello, wife," he smiles, his eyes meeting your's "Hi, husband." Glancing over your head, his eyebrows quirk as he questions, "Isn't that Harry?" "Yeah, I think he came with Louis," you say, looking over to see him talking with Niall. "Hmm. Talk about unlucky." "Why do you say that?" "Because," he starts, looking down into your eyes and pulling you closer, "if I were him, I'd never let you go. Now all he can do is watch and regret, I imagine."


...and it still hurts. It hurts to think about you, to hear about you. Everything hurts. Even just catching a glimspe of someone who has the same hair, laugh, or smile as you makes him ache. And it's all his fault. He should have treated you right, should have proved you wrong when he reminded you so much of the last one. And he loved you so much, and still does now. Liam just didn't know how to keep you. Last he heard of you, you skipped countries and didn't tell anyone where you were going, or when you were coming back. He destroyed you. He scraped every wall of your's down and destroyed what was left. He didn't know how badly he destroyed you until he saw you that one day in the super market. Your hair was pulled back lazily, and you wore a sweatshirt two sizes too big, but it was a shirt he recogonized, a shirt that once fitted you so well. The bags under your eyes were dark and puffy, and your skin lost it's natural glow. He wouldn't have noticed that it were you if he hadn't helped you. "Miss?" He says this as he picks one of your dropped cans off the floor. "Here you dropped th..." Your eyes widened like a deer caught in the headlights while his scanned you over through a watery view. "Y/N?" With that, you bolted out of the store, never looking back, never to be seen by him again. And he has to live with that. He has to live with that fact that he completely stomped out the girl who once had a bubbly laugh and a generous heart.


...and he now stands in front of you with the same grin and the same blue eyes. Your jaw slackens and your eyes immediately lock on to his. Louis Tomlinson. You never thought you would see him again until now. As the memories run through your mind, a light blush graces your cheeks and you stat nibbling at your bottom lip. "Well," he pops, catching your attention, "are we just going to stand here like awkward teenagers, or are you going to give me a hug?" Smiling, you throw your arms around him and squeeze, earning a hearty chuckle from him and a squeeze in return. He buries his face into your hair and takes you in, and he then pulls you back to give you a once over. "You look good, Y/N," he smiles, letting his arms drop to his sides. "So do you. I see the facial hair is coming in nicely." You softly giggle when his hand flies up to his close-cut beard, a grin tugging at his lips. "I had to change something." "I guess the sleeves weren't enough, eh?" You punch him lightly, both of you chuckling at his tattoo covered arms, but letting it falter. It's quiet, and you're pretty sure he's thinking the same thing you are: What happened? You sigh, shaking your head lightly and adjusting the bag on your shoulder as you mumble, "It was nice seeing you, Lou." He nods, his lips curled in and his hands pushed into his pockets. "It was nice seeing you, too." You smile one last time before rounding him, heading in the opposite direction as he is when you here him call your name. Turning your head, you meet his hopeful eyes, "Um, you wanna maybe..." He pauses and then sighs, shrugging his shoulders up hopelessly. "Get coffee?"


...and he now stands a few aisles away from you. He watches you from afar as you stare down at two boxes in hand, trying to decide between Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs. He chuckles quietly. You're still the same. He would think after five years, you would finally be able to make this decision. Running a hand through his hair, he finally decides to approach, nervously nibbling at his bottom lip in an attempt to calm his nerves. He taps your shoulder lightly, watching you turn with eyebrows high and a small smile. "Y/N?" Now your eyebrows knit downwards, and your eyes scan over his face until you finally recognize him. "Zayn!" You exclaim and drop the boxes, launching your body into his. "Oh God, how long has it been," you wonder as you pull back, smiling happily and letting your arms fall to your sides. "Um, five years, I think," he laughs, scratching a nervous hand behind his neck. "How've you been?" "I've been great," you start, "actually, I-" "Mommy!" Turning with a bright smile, you watch your daughter fly towards you in her father's arms. Zayn can't help but feel his heart sink as the two come closer and the man places a small kiss to your cheek. Your husband holds a broad smile as he place the little girl on his shoulders and his hands on her knees to keep her steady. "Sophie found the Nutella," he says as the five year old throws the jar into the basket. "Great," you smile, "Pete, this is Zayn, an old friend. Zayn, this is my husband Pete."


...and he misses you just much as he did then. He hasn't slept in his bed and hasn't been in his own apartment in months, so when he drunkly walks in one day, he feels a heavy weight bring him down by his heart. The walls and furniture still hold your memories, your photos still hanging on the wall and your keys still hanging from the hooks on the wall. There was still a hole in the wall next to the kitchen entrance, and the couch cushions and curtains still smelled like you. Louis sits on the couch, watching him from his spot and waiting for his reaction. Placing his bags down by the side table, Niall sighs and closes the door, lowering himself to the floor and placing his flushed face in his hand. When Louis hears him sob, he brings himself over to Niall and sits next to him. "It's alright, Nialler," he mumbles, placing an arm over the younger. "But it's not," Niall stammers out, heaving and sobbing and rocking his body back and forth. "She's gone, Louis," he hiccups as he tries to pull himself from the embrace. Louis only holds on tighter, sighing and letting his eyes well up with tears for both you and him. The car accident had taken you away to quickly from everyone, but no one suffered more than Niall.

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