#30 Leaves you at the altar (sad) :'(

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P.S Box of tissues needed, this should never happen to anyone :(

but ya know its a preference :)



All of my men were standing around, beers in hand and I could hardly breathe. I walked over to the window, looking down at the setting before me, chairs being set up, people bustling around, and an altar being built. I gulped nervously. "You wrote your vows right?" Louis patted my shoulder. My hand reached into my pocket, crumpling the note cards I'd scribbled on, words of my ending the engagement. I couldn't read those words to her. I couldn't read them in front of everyone, end things with her in front of everyone. "Harry, it's time." My mom smiled as she stood in the doorway of the room. I lined up behind my friends, listening to the music playing, my moment to walk down the aisle where I would make her my wife. I couldn't, my feet turning away, everyone watching in shock as I ran away from the most important thing in my life, the thing I could never hold on to.


I don't know why I panicked. I should have just told her but here I was, sitting in the house we shared instead of facing her at the chapel. I knew she would be embarrassed, would have to ask people to leave. I waited, still dressed in my tux until she walked through the door, accompanied by both of our mothers. "Louis." She sighed as soon as she saw me. Anger was present in her mom's face and disappointment in mine, but I couldn't read her. I stood, my hands in my pockets. "Can we talk please?" I asked, waiting for her cue to be left alone, to explain myself. "I'm sorry, I wasn't ready." I tried but she had no more words for me, dropping the engagement ring I'd given her in my hand and walking out the door just as I'd walked away from her.


"Any cold feet?" She's asked me the previous night as we talked on the phone. "No." I lied but if cold feet was literal, then mine felt like they'd been sitting on ice for a month. The next morning, I woke hoping this was all a dream, that the proposal had been a part of my imagination, and that (Y/N) and I were fresh in our relationship again, high on love. I closed my eyes, trying to will myself to do this. My best man opened the door, stepping into the room with a smile on his face. "Ready to get married?" He smiled but the expression on my face told it before my words and finally my feet warming the further I got away, carrying me to the door. "I can't do it."

Liam: There she was, standing right in front of me. I tried to keep my eyes off of her but as she spoke I couldn't draw myself away. "Please come with me. We can be together. I still love you Liam." She urged me, those last words sealing the deal. My mind went to (Y/N) for a moment. She would be torn apart, but I couldn't give myself to someone who I didn't truly love. The decision was made from the moment we met. We could go no where, because I would always love another, and now I would run away with another.


I know I asked but I couldn't do it. She would be devastated. I pulled the jacket from my arms, tossing it on the couch. This was it. In an instant I would be gone. She wouldn't forgive me. Hell, I wouldn't forgive myself. Still, I wasn't ready. After six years I still wasn't ready for marriage. Sure, I loved her but I wasn't good enough for her. She deserved better than someone who would run away at the first sign of doubt. That's what I was doing, running, as I got into my car, pulling away before anyone could realize, leaving her on the most important day of her life, breaking her heart and tearing us apart.

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