#38 You have an anxiety disorder

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Thanks for the reads xx means a lot :*



Oh god they're closing in. All you could hear were the screams of the teenage girls that were mobbing you and your boyfriend. You squeezed your eyes shut and squeezed Niall's hand tighter. You felt like the wall of rabid fans were closing in on you and like a heavy rock was set upon your chest. Niall rushed you to the car that was waiting for the two of you and let out a sigh of relief. "You're okay, I promise".


"Hey babe, I- what's wrong?", he asked suddenly, kneeling down in front of the couch. "I think I'm dying", you sputtered out, body shaking violently. "No no shhh", he said, pulling you into his chest. "You're fine, I'm right here...hey, look at me", he said quietly, tilting your chin towards him. "You're going to be okay". Although your mind was telling you that you were in immediate danger, you tried your best to talk yourself down, falling deeper into his chest. "I love you, Liam."


You clinked your glasses together. "Happy Anniversary, babe", Harry said, his eyes twinkling. About 5 minutes later you started to feel a bit strange. Your panic attacks came without warning and out of the blue, leaving your world whirling. Suddenly your surroundings started to look twisted, like Alice in Wonderland. You placed your palm flat on the table and forced yourself to take deep breaths. Harry could tell immediately what was wrong and luckily he knew exactly what to do. He grabbed your hand from across the table. "Watch me, breathe with me, nice and slow...in and out...that's it, you're alright. I love you"


"I'm just so sick of living like this", you sobbed, pulling at the roots of your hair. Louis hated seeing you like this, dragged down by the weight of your disorder. He knew that trying to make you laugh wouldn't solve this problem and he felt helpless.

"Baby, I promise that you will be okay. I will help you no matter the cost. We can go as slow as you need. We can start with just walking around the block, yea?" You looked up at him, eyes puffy and swollen from the hours of crying. "I don't deserve you", you say sadly. His face fell. "No, love...quite the opposite."


Grocery shopping. The simplest of tasks, yet here you are, huddled in the corner of the frozen aisle. Luckily you were with Zayn and he has had panic attacks himself after smoking too much. He sat down next to you and leaned his head against the cold freezer, swiveling his face towards you and grabbing your hand. "Gorgeous, look at me. You are right here. Right now. And you are okay. Now I want you to try and breathe nice and deep, mkay?"

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