Liam Imagine for Jessica

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So Imagine is for Jessica so please go and follow her @JessicaLevenson :) xx

Enjoy xox


Liam's POV:

"I hope she likes it. What if she doesn't. Nah course she will. Right? Well she did say one time that she doesn't like 'big' sorta things. But it is our anniversary. It'll be fine. It'll be perfect. But no what if she .." My mumbling was interrupted.
"Mate would you just calm down, Jess is gonna love it" Harry patted my back.
"Are you sure ? It's not too big because Jessica did say that.." My sentence was interrupted again, by a finger being placed at my mouth, shushing me.
"Liam take a chill pill seriously" he chuckled.
I chuckled to.
"Yeah your right" I smirked, thinking about the night ahead.
"Good. Now everything is set up, your ready, everybody's ready, we just gotta wait for Jessica." He said concentrating, viewing the surroundings. I nodded in approval.

It seemed like ages before Paul came towards us and told us that she was at the doors. I breathed out shakily, microphone wobbling in my hands. My head towards the floor, preparing myself. Then Zayn nudged beside me. My head looking up. There she was.



Sexy. Haha

Her red dress, touching the floor as her fingers twiddled with excitement. Her eyes scanning the arena, the floor not full of chairs, but a walkway of petals. Her brown locks bouncing as she walked, brown eyes gleaming at the sights.

Here we go ..

The lights shuttered on, spotlight on us all. Jessica looked towards us, stunned at the sudden movement. As Niall strummed the guitar, and Zayn began to sing.

"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me ..."

She smiled.

Jessica's POV:

I couldn't believe this. I thought he forgot about it. He didn't. He was waiting for me. This is so perfect. I've missed him so much.

I smiled as Zayn sang them first few words, me realising what the song was.

There was only one chair on the floor, right at the stage. I carefully sat down, observing each one of their faces, as they sang so intently. Liam. As his solo came we never lost eye contact, a happy tear slid down my cheek, quickly wiping it away smiling all over again.

"I'm in love with you, and all your little things." Harry finished off. I sat there amazed, and then clapped smiling. They all smiled back, then walking off round the back of the stage, leaving Liam standing there. I smiled, quickly making my way up the steps running into his embrace.

"Liam" I sighed, smelling his scent.
"Jess I missed you so much " he whispered, breathing deeply.
"I missed you too Li" I quietly whispered, pulling away from his embrace, lips catching one another in a needing kiss. Passionate and romantic. He pulled away.
"Happy Anniversary Jess" he smiled teary eyed.
"Happy Anniversary" I chuckled, engulfing myself in his arms once again.

I felt safe.

Happy again.

Hope you enjoyed it Jessica :) xox I know you've been waiting awhile for it, hope it's alright :)

Any more requests ? :)

~ Lou xx

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