#18 The other boys check you out ...

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"Okay, sorry for making you guys wait! I'm ready to leave!" You skip into the living room where the boys, all in their swim trunks with surfboards and sunglasses are waiting for you. You've all planned a day at the beach and you'd been running late. "Holy..." Liam looks up at you and admires your bikini. "You look stunning," he adds. You suddenly feel a bit too exposed and blush. The other boys lower their sunglasses and look at you, clearly impressed. Liam noticed them and glares. "Maybe a bit too stunning, how about we cover you up a bit until we get there?" he slides his T-shirt over his head and hands it to you. You slide it on gratefully, feeling a little more comfortable. Plus, his T-shirt smells just like him!


"Okay, I found them!" you shuffle back into the room where Zayn, Harry and Louis are watching television. You jingle your car keys, but they slide out of your hand and fall to the floor. "Oops.." you bend over and pick them up when you hear Zayn ask Louis what time you're all leaving. "Sorry, Zayn. I can't hear you over the sound of you checking out my girlfriend's ass," Louis replies. You quickly grab your keys and stand upright, tugging at the hem of your shorts. Zayn's face is red, and Louis winks at you. "She does have a nice ass though, doesn't she?" he adds.


"That cat costume looks amazing on you," Harry purrs, admiring your leather catsuit and cat-eared headband. It better look good on you! You, Harry and the boys were headed to a costume party in Hollywood tonight. You climb into the limo where the other boys are waiting, but have to climb over them to get to your seat. "Sorry! Excuse me, sorry!" you apologize as you climb across them. "Don't be sorry..." Louis says cheekily. "Don't be sorry at all," Liam adds, blushing. The boys all turn and look at Liam, surprised even Daddy Directioner is being a bit cheeky tonight. "What? She does look lovely. You do look lovely, (Y/N)," he shrugs. Harry puts his arm around you and nods. "Look, but don't touch, boys," he grins.


"When you said plunging neckline, you really meant plunging neckline, huh?" Niall stares at your gown for the awards show that night with a grin. "You look stunning." Suddenly, Harry pops his head into the room. "Niall, do you have an extra pair of sock-" he eyes your dress with a cheeky grin on your face. "Harry, her eyes are a little bit higher up," Niall rolls his eyes and grabs a pair of socks from his closet and chucks them at his curly-haired friend. They hit Harry right in the balls and you hide a laugh. "Serves me right, I guess," Harry winces and takes the socks, taking one last look as he leaves the room.


"Hello, legs!" Niall nudges Harry with an amused look on his face as you walk into the room looking for Zayn. You blush, tugging your skirt down a bit. "Those legs are amazing..." Louis adds. Suddenly, Zayn comes into the room. "Who's legs are amazing?" he says, daring any of the boys to answer. "Yeah, I thought so. Keep your hands...and eyes away from her, she's mine." He adds, kissing your cheek.

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