#55 - PART 3 - You Have An Affair With Him

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Last Part Guys <3

Enjoy :)



You sit on the floor in the unfurnished apartment your husband had purchased. Well, ex-husband. You couldn't complain, after everything that happened you were lucky that he had even bought you a place to live. You were lucky he didn't hate you, too much. So here you are, sitting cross-legged on the hardwood floors of your empty one bedroom apartment as a single woman. You have yet to leave the apartment since news of the scandal broke, opting to stay inside away from the shit storm outside. Your husband, ex-husband, didn't stop the divorce from becoming public so the whole world knows of your affair with Harry Styles. Harry's taken the blame for everything, told every magazine and interviewer that he pursued you until you gave in. He was labeled as a home wrecker and you, a whore. There's a knock at your door but you try to ignore it. It's persistent though until you're standing to answer the door. Harry's at your door, dressed in black but there's a smile on his tired face. You let him in and he looks around, hands in pockets so not to reach out and touch you as he's done so many times before. "Did you get this in the divorce?" Harry asks quietly and you nod. "Only this?" he asks and again, you nod. "I had an affair, I only deserve the apartment" you answer but Harry shakes his head. "No, you deserve everything. I'm sorry I put you in the mess. I should have been more careful but now, I... want to be with you. I can finally have you to myself" Harry says and you start to tear up. "Harry, I'm the country's whore. I'm no good anymore. You got what you wanted, the Prime Ministers wife. You don't have to keep coming back for me, the thrill's gone now. We got caught" you cry quietly, trying furiously to wipe the tears before they fall but fail. "No, that's not true at all. I didn't get what I wanted, I won't get what I want until you're mine and mine alone. The thrill will always be here because I'll be with you. You are not a whore" he says quietly, cradling your face in his large hands until you're leaning into his touch. "We make a pair, don't we. The home wrecker and the whore" you tease, crying softly until he's kissing your tears away. "Well, I'd rather be a home wrecker with you than a house husband to anyone else" he answers truthfully and you chuckle at how corny his words were. You spend the rest of the night holed up in your apartment and you know, as long as you're with Harry everything will be alright.


You look up with tear-filled eyes and see Danielle at the top of the stairs and you know; she knows. She smirks before disappearing into the garage and you listen as her car leaves the large house you had once called home. Liam tries to contain his emotions but this has been a train wreck in the making and watching you pack your things is something he just can't handle. "I... don't want you to leave" he admits, crying softly in the doorway and you take an unsteady breath from your spot at the bed he'd made love to you in so many times. "I know... I understand" you tell him and you do. You don't expect him to put you in front of your kids, you'd never let him do such a thing but that doesn't mean your heart doesn't break. He hadn't been harsh when firing you just simply saying you had to leave. He stills your shaking hands when you try to zip your suitcase, his own trembling hands zipping up the bags that will take you from him. "Remember that Teddy and Hannah are fighting right now and Maddie doesn't eat green things and the baby is teething" you cry because you know Danielle doesn't know these things. He nods before reaching out to touch you but you shake your head. You carry your things to your car and take one last look at the house you'd seen his children come home to and grow into; the home you had fallen in love in. You go back to a normal life and even finish your RN before going to work at the Royal. It's a Friday night when there's a knock at your front door and your roommate is the one to answer. You look up from your book to find Liam loitering in your bedroom doorway, hands in his pockets and you think the worst. "The children are fine" he says before you have a chance to ask and you give him a quizzical look. "The children are miserable without you. I'm miserable, without you. I love you and I love my kids and trying to balance the two seems impossible. But Danielle, she can't take raising the kids and she left. I don't deserve a second chance but if you would come back, I know I'd make you happy" he says softly, looking at you as you lay in your hot pink scrubs. "And be the nanny?" you question and he smiles, shaking his head. "My wife" he says, crawling onto the bed while pushing your books onto the floor. You giggle as he kisses you and even though you've never been a wife, you've been a mother and that's enough for now.


You reach out, struggling to grip the top of the stairs before your husband jerks you backwards. You keep quiet as he flips you over, lifting your arms to try and block his blows but he's too heavy and too strong for you. His heavy fists pound against your face and you know how horrifying you must look but you know you can't stop fighting. You kick him away, staggering to your feet through tear stained and blood shot eyes before stumbling down the hall. You grab your son from his room, push past your screaming husband and hurry to your car. He might be a bastard but your husband would never hit you with his son in your arms. You strap your son into his car seat before sliding into the front seat, every part of your body protesting in pain as you pull out of the driveway. Niall scowers the hallways for room 213, sighing before hurrying into the room to find you bruised and bloody against the hospital bed. Your son runs to him, wrapping his arms around Niall's legs as the doctor looks up. He explains the situation, stepping back as the police come in to document your marks before Niall sets your son in the chair. "I'll take care of you now, you'll never be unsafe again" he promises against your ear, kissing your bruises and you wince. "Don't worry, I've got you" he says and you know he means every word. He brings you to his home from the hospital and proceeds to keep every promise he's ever made to you. He heals your wounds, inside and out, until you're wearing his ring and your little boy calls him "daddy".


A few weeks had passed since the incident with Louis and your husband at the hotel. You had left your house to move into a one bedroom apartment in the next town. Your husband had mailed the divorce papers to you before you had even had a chance to unpack all of your things. You signed them with tears in your eyes and returned them back to your old address. You were making your way outside to finish getting the rest of the boxes out of your car when a hand is placed on your shoulder. You turn around to meet Louis gaze and burst into tears. You had tried so hard to stay as far away from him as possible these past few weeks and now the reason your marriage was over was starring you in the face. You shake your head as you begin to walk back inside, not saying a word to him. "(y/n) wait!" He says grabbing your arm. You stop with your arm in his hand keeping your back facing him. "(y/n) please," he says choking on his emotions. You turn around before you realize what you're doing in concern for his feelings. You look at him through tear filled eyes as he kisses you. You wince as if his kiss causes you pain. As he pulls away you rest your head on his chest as he wraps you up in his arms. After a few emotional moments of embrace he pulls away, walking over to your car to grab some boxes to carry inside. You close the car door behind him and follow him into your apartment. He sets the boxes on the kitchen table and turns around to see you standing closer than he had expected. "I'm here for you, I always will be," he says pulling you in close.


You sit in the floor sobbing at the fact that you had just told Zayn your husband knew about the two of you. "He just left," you tell him "I don't know where he's going but you need to leave your house." Your warning triggers fear in him, "Why? What does that mean?" "It means you need to leave, and go stay with someone for the night," you encourage. After a few moments of silence after making your suggestion Zayn speaks, "I'm coming to get you." "No! You can't, what if he comes back?" you protest. "Exactly, what if he does come back? You'll be there in the house with him alone. If he hurts you (y/n) I swear I'll kill him," he contests. You hold your face as you wince in pain as you feel the cut your husband had left on your face only moments ago. "Zayn you can't come here, you just can't," you continue to protest. At that the line goes dead, and you know he's on his way. You pack up everything you can and set it by the door waiting for the arrival of your lover. As the roar of an engine falls upon your ears you look out the window to make sure it was who you were expecting it to be. Zayn slowly steps out of the car and you open up the door and pick up your things. Zayn takes the box from your hands as you lock the door behind you. He sits the box in the back seat and climbs in the car. He grabs your hand and kisses it. "I promise, everything is going to be alright, I promise." You look into his eyes knowing he means every word and that he really is the one that you were meant to be with.


Love Lou <3

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