#27 James Blunt - Goodbye my Lover ( song preference )

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Might be a good idea to listen to the song first ;)



"It may be over, but it won't stop there."

The inevitable had happened. You couldn't take it anymore. Harry was millions of miles away on tour, and it was getting to you. You both vowed that the distance would never force you two apart, but you couldn't take it anymore. Girls were on Twitter, saying nasty things to you, and showing you supposed photographs of Harry with other girls. You had no idea if they had doctored the pictures or not, but it was all too much for you. You had to end things. You called Harry later that night, and broke up with him. It hurt you so bad to have to do it, but you just couldn't go on with your life like that anymore. Harry was completely heartbroken, but he knew he would back in three weeks. He was set and determined to win you back. In his mind,he kept saying, "It may be over, but it won't stop here." You were the one for him, and there was no way he was letting you get away.


"I'd be the father of your child, I'd spend a lifetime with you."

It was one of those late night conversations, about sweet little nothings. Normally, these conversations never made any sense. You and Liam would just ramble on and on, until one of you passed out. Tonight, neither one of you could fall asleep. It got silent for awhile, so you assumed Liam was drifting off, so you closed your eyes. All of the sudden, Liam said, "I can't wait for a future with you." You immediately opened your eyes, and smiled. "You mean that, Liam?" you asked. He rolled over and looked you straight in the eyes. You looked at him, and could see he was telling the truth. "I'm in love with you, you know that. I'd be the father of your child. I'd spend a lifetime with you. You're all I want, and if you said you wanted to get married, right now, I'd roll out of this bed, and rush to the courthouse. You're my everything." he said, with a serious look on his face. You didn't think it was possible to even fall more in love with Liam, but you did.


"I know you well, I know your smell, I've been addicted to you."

Louis had been pursuing you for quite some time. Ever since you met him in that nightclub, he's been persistent. You liked him, but you wanted him to have to chase you. You didn't want to be easy, he would need to have to really want you. Louis had been trying his damned hardest. You had been on almost nine dates with Louis now, and you still weren't an "official" couple. He wanted to be, and you wanted to be too, but you needed him to try hard. On your tenth date, Louis was about to give up. He thought you were acting so distant from him. Finally, he broke down and asked you if you even wanted a relationship. "Of course, I do." you answered. He took your hand, looked you square in the eyes, and said, "Then give me a chance. After all of this hanging out we've been doing, I know you well. I know what perfume you use, I know your smell. I know how you move, how you speak, I've been addicted to you." You couldn't believe he was so infatuated with you. It was pretty crazy that some guy, you had just met only a few weeks ago, had been studying you so well. You couldn't help but give in to him. He was irresistible.


"I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile."

Your relationship with Niall was nothing but the best. You two were bet friends, but you had hooked up a few times. Recently, Niall had began to catch feelings. He had noticed things about you in the past, that he liked, but after beginning to hook up with you, he had gotten the feelings pretty bad. He knew it was a risk, to take a friendship into a relationship, but he wanted to take that risk. You meant everything to him. As you two were watching a movie, on the couch, one night, he blurted out, "What would you think of us not being friends anymore?" You were completely blindsided. What had you done wrong? "Niall, what do you mean?" you said, nervously. You had felt tears starting to well up in your eyes, and you were trying to keep them back. "No, no, not like that. Don't cry! I meant like, what if we took our relationship to the next level? Become a couple. We would obviously still be best friends, but add a title to that." he explained. You felt a lot better now. He had you worried. You smiled, and replied, "I don't know. I think it could work. What about you?" He smiled at you, pulled you closer to him, and said, "(Y/N), we know everything about each other, and it's not like we haven't hooked up before. I've seen that beautiful smile, I've seen you cry, I've seen every one of your emotions, and I'm in love with them. What do you say we give us a chance?" You knew he was right. He knew everything about you, and had been there for you at your best and worst, it was worth a shot. You looked up at his beautiful blue eyes, and kissed his lips. "Let's give us a try. Let's do it." you said, after the kiss. He smiled, and went in for another kiss.


"You changed my life, and all my goals."

When you first met Zayn, all he carried about was drawing, tattoos, and his music. He could have cared less about a relationship. There was something about you, that changed him. He normally just hooked up with girls, and never even wanted to contact them afterwards. You were different. When he looked at you, he didn't just see you as a hit it and quit it type. He knew you were too good for that. You were too good to let go. He didn't know how the heck he had managed to find you, and put you in his life. After meeting you, he never even attempted to have sex with you, it was tempting, but he didn't want to lose you. He managed to get you to fall in love with him. You were what he needed in life. In the past three years, you had gotten Zayn to quit smoking and work out. You taught him what love was, and how to be loved. He couldn't thank you for everything you've done for him. You've changed not only his outlook on life, but his real, physical, life. Today, was your three year anniversary. He wanted to shower you with love, so he planned an exciting evening for you two. What started off as a romantic, anniversary dinner was about to change for the both of you. As the dessert came, Zayn got up, and dropped to one knee. You were in shock. Was this really happening? "(Y/N), I want you to know how much I appreciate you. You changed my life, and all my goals. You saved me. I love you so much, so tell me that you'll spend the rest of your life with me?" he said, while holding a beautiful diamond ring.

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