#47 Panic Attacks (with or without him) Part 1

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Haven't done one of these in a while :)
Inspired from the idea that @Mcflyer101 gave me , thanks for the comment :)

Enjoy ;)

Love Lou x



Your hand slams on the cabinet side, your breathing rapidly increasing. The idea to cook Zayn a meal, hadn't intended to end like this. Your attacks would come and go, the last one was around 3 months ago, you thought they were beginning to wear off, obviously not... A strangled cry erupted from your lips, as you began to sink to the floor, leaving the spaghetti to furiously boil. Your head banging with the pain from you chest, breathing inaccurate. You clutched your chest, as another cry escaped from your mouth. Loud footsteps could be heard, making their way closer, down the stairs. Your eyes closed, breathing still rapid. "(Y/N)?!" You hear that familiar voice, only it's shaky and shouty. Not normal. "Z,Za,Z" you try to say his name, however your breathing prevents this. "Shh,Shh. It's alright. Everything's alright. Your alright. I'm alright. It's alright. Calm down. Breathe." He says, rushed at first, but then slows down, realising that's the best way to approach your attack.
"(Y/N). Look at me. Come on Baby. Open your eyes. I'm right here." Your breathing slowed, eyes slowly opening, to see those big browns eyes full of tears. He gently strokes your cheek. "Baby your safe with me" he quietly speaks, as he embraces you in his arms. Breathing in deeply, inhaling his scent, then breathing out, exhaling the passing attack. Your safe with him, you knew that for sure.


You were both in bed. Sleeping. Dreaming. Well one of you wasn't. You were tossing and turning all night. A nightmare awake in your head. You suddenly say up, breathing heavily, hand placed over chest, sweat dripping from tie forhead. You looked around the room nervously, the night terror still up in your head. Your hands shaking, tears steaming down your face, as your breathing began to increase in speed. Oh No. You knew whenever you had a nightmare, a panic attack would normally occur afterwards. This worried you more, not exactly helping with the situation. Your hands going their way to your hair, clenching and tugging, breathing heavily,'rapidly. Your chest bouncing up and down , adrenaline of shock and terror coursing through you, you were shaking violently. Movement occurred next to you, a groan of tiredness aroused from next to you. His eyes struck open realising the problem from the sound of your distress. "(Y/N)!" His worried voice echoed round the room. "Just breathe sweetie, your not dreaming anymore, your awake, I'm here. I'll protect you. His hand stroking up and down your arm as he spoke comforting words. Your shaking came to a stop as you turned to look at boyfriend, his eyes gleamed of concern yet comfort. You rested your head on his shoulder, as you tried to control your breathing. His arms secure around your torso, as his rhythmic breathing led you to fall asleep once again.


Your hand picked up the photograph, fingers tracing the edges of the wooden frame. A tear slips down your cheek, as you wish for his presence to be here with you. You missed him so much, yet he was travelling the world while you were here. You needed him desperately, Grayson (your sons name) needed him, you both hadn't spoken to him in 3 weeks nearly. It was getting too much just thinking about it . Your hands started shaking as tears began to roll down your pale face, breathing pacing faster, as your heart started to race. The frame was dropped to the floor, broken glass covered the floor, you kneeled down to pick it up, however your knees have way, and you fell to the floor too. A mournful sob escaped your mouth, tears falling into the broken glass. The door swung open, revealing 14 year old Grayson, his eyes widened, quickly running toward you. Heart beating faster, feeling it about to burst. "Mum!" His voice terrified, as you sobbed more into your shaky and unstable hands. "What happened? What's wrong? Are you alright?" His eyes looking for some sort of response. Nothing. His eyes scanning the scene, as your breathing increased, and hands shaking unsteadily, sobs pouring out of your mouth. A Han placed upon your back, rubbing gently. 'Just like his father' you thought, making your crying worse. Grayson carefully picked up the photograph of Harry and You, when you were both younger. A spark appeared in his eyes as he rushed out of the room, he picked up his mobile, speed dialling his dad m. Harry. It took a few seconds for him to answer. "Grayson? Hey matey, how's it going ? Haven't spoke to you.." "Dad, it's mum. Something's wrong." Grayson interrupted his dad, speaking seriously, tears forming in his eyes. "What's wrong? What's happened ?" His voice full of concern and weary. "I think she is having one of her panic attacks again" Grayson spoke, a tear dripping down his cheek. "Pass the phone Gray." Harry responded quickly, worried about the situation at home. "Dad I'm scared" Grayson's voice filled fright. "It'll be alright Bud, just pass the phone to mum. Everything will be fine." "Ok"
Grayson made his way over to you. He cautiously placed the phone in your shaky hand. You lifted your head to look at your son. He smiled. "(Y/N)?" That voice you've been longing to hear for weeks now. "H,H,Har,H" you tried to speak but your voice cracked, your breathing increasing again. "It's alright baby girl, Harry's here. Think of me there. Calm down. Breathe. Why remember when you pushed me In the pool that time at Niall's 21st and I got all moody, because they were my favourite pair of Hollister shorts?nBur I got you back though, I pushed you in, you fell for it cause you though I was getting you cake, but I was really going to push you in then pool. Haha. Just remember them times, huh? Love, you feeling better." Your breathing had slowed, and your hands had become less shaky. You were intently listening to Harry's voice. "I love you Haz" thou spoke, realisation of how much you were missing him. "I love you too baby girl" he spoke again. "Please come home" you whispered quietly, afraid you'd burst into a load full of tears once again. "I promise".

The next morning you wee greeted by two strong arms wrapped around your waist. A smile spread on your lips, as you remembered the promise he made last night.


The other two will be up soon x

Vote and comment x

Love Lou x

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