Harry Imagine for Sydney

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Hey so this imagine is for Sydney aka.Fizzy #twins ;) aha :) And guys go and follow her @MockingJay1819 :P

Shoutouts go to

@Belieber030194 and @i_love_loui_cousin

Go and follow them :)

Enjoy !! And sorry if this is so long, I haven't been on in ages, so I wanted this one to be special :)

Wiping my forehead, as sweat begins to trickle off it. My tongue trapped between my teeth, concentrating, eyes squinting. Cooking. How I loved cooking.... Haha yeah, that was a lie. I mean when Harry said that 'the lads' were coming over, I just thought they'd come over for a drink and that would be it. But nooooo, food is what there here for. Harry was certain that he would be cooking tonight, yet being the kind person I am, I offered to cook instead, letting Harry catch up with his Best mates. I mean i was quite nervous about it, since this would be the first time I've seen all of them, well except from Liam, I've met him once before. However it wasn't the happiest encounter you could imagine, more like a nod, a scrunch of the eyebrows, a lousy handshake, and an irritated sigh. He made it seem like, he wanted to get away from me as fast as possible. I only said three sentences and they were, Hi, Nice to meet you, I'm Sydney but you can call .... He wouldn't even let me finish the last one, before scurrying off down the hall. I never told Harry about it, I mean I didn't want to stir up anything so I just left it, thinking he needed to go somewhere. But deep down I know that's not the full story. It kinda upset me in a way, ya know?

I breathe a deep sigh, as I start stirring the pasta pot. My eyes twitching to clock, then back to the pasta. It's 5:30, they'll be here in 15 minutes. I should go and get myself all cleaned up, wouldn't want them thinking I'm a scruff bag. Can you imagine if they walked in and saw me like this? Yoga pants, old shirt, no makeup, hair tied up in a ponytail. Yuck! What I sight to see? Yeah maybe I should go and change.

As I make my way upstairs into the bedroom, someone else comes out.
"Oh hey Fiz" he speaks with a smile. I smile back, "Haz" I say nodding, about to go past him. "Where you going? Isn't the pasta still on? Oh god you haven't burnt it have you?" He groans, throwing his head back. It's then that I notice what he's wearing. Black skinny jeans, white top, his necklace. Maybe simple, yet effective ... Very effective aha. I chuckle "No Haz, the pasta is boiling, I'm just gonna get changed before they get here" I chuckle again, before placing my hand on his cheek, outlining in his jaw line, round his collar, taking both sides in my hand, pulling him closer. "Woah" he chuckles, stunned with the gesture. "What's gotten into you?" He smirks. "You just look ... Nice" I giggle, my voice getting lower. "Do I now?" He smirks getting even closer towards me, chess pressed, breathing. " Mmhuh" I hum in approval. He smirks leaning closer, so our lips brush.


Well looks like some people are early, aha.

"Looks like we'll have to do this another time. Later huh?" Harry smirks, then gently pecking my lips. Making his way to the door, I sigh, getting myself off the door frame and begin to pick an outfit.

I carefully apply my lipgloss, smacking them together when done. I stood up, looking at myself in the mirror, not to overdone, not to underdone. Tight skinny jeans, with a white flow top, my curly blonde hair reaching just past my shoulders. Just right. I smiled. Then making my way out the door and down the sta... Wait stop. Breathe in. You can do this. Just be yourself. Breathe out.

I gracefully make my way down the stairs, humming a tune. I get to the hallway hearing loud laughing and talking. Inhaling again, I make my way towards the lounge. My eyes looking towards the floor, the talking stopped and it all went silent. I lifted my head to see all 5 eyes on me. 1 of them was smiling, the other 4 not so much. I gulped, as Harry made his way over to me. He put an arm around my waist as he introduced me. I just smiled through it, but they didn't. Geez, this was awkward. They kept staring me down, I mean I was only a short 5'1, they don't need to make anything else of me feel small. After Harry's 'speech' about me, their faces still emotionless, I waved and smiled "Hi". Still nothing. "What's gotten into you guys?" Harry asks, confused. "It's fine, I'll just go finish the tea Haz, maybe with a bit of food we'll all loosen up a bit" I say smiling up at him, he smiled back, placing a kiss on my cheek. I walked towards the kitchen, all eyes still on me.

Well that went... Great. Note the sarcasm. It went bloody awful. My hands were shaking the entire time. What did I do? Did I do something wrong? What's up with them? I let out a frustrated sigh. As soon as I got to the kitchen earlier, the talking carried on, as if nothing happened. Was it me? Did Harry realise this? I stir the pasta, almost finished. Just a couple of minutes. I lean back against the table, head looking at the ceiling. I hear the laughter and chatting die down, curious as to why, I go towards the living room. My back to the wall, I listen to their conversation, rude I know but they have been too, so well yeah.

"Don't you see it, Haz?" I hear a voice say. I scrunch my brows, see what?
"See what?" Harry's low voice comes in.
"Well she's just no good for you mate" another voice says, I let out a small gasp. They don't like me. They don't even know me. Why?
"What?" Harry's voice confused.
"Dude, listen out. The lads and I say that we can't see you guys working out I mean she's different. We don't think it's good for you" another voice says, tears brimming in my eyes.
"I mean come on Haz, your always late for studio, and when was the last time you went to an after party concert, Friday night take outs, lads night." Someone else says. I sniffle, urging the feeling to leave, I wipe my nose with my hand.
"How long has it been with you two together? 5 - 6 months? Look you've already moved in with her, she's just trying to get ya money. A gold digger."
I can't believe the words coming from their mouths, they don't even know me. That's the problem here. It breaks my heart to even think to use Harry like that. I sniffle some more, the tears falling down my cheeks, one by one. "And ya know lads I bet she only 'cooked' the food from microwaveable packet" they all laugh, except from Harry. Except from me. I can't take it anymore. I walk out towards the scene, tears streaming now, sniffles all over. They all look towards me. I shake my head, running for my coat and shoes, quickly putting them on. Harry stands up and is by my side,mumbling things like I'm sorry, I don't know what's with them and such. But it makes it harder to walk out the door. "Wait" I say, a hiccup in between. I go towards the lounge door. They're all still looking at me. "You make up assumptions. You don't know me. You make up lies. You don't know what I've been through. You make up all these things that aren't true. And you still haven't even made any effort in making conversation with me. You call me all these things, that you want to be true, but they'll never be. I'll never be the person you say I am. So stop trying to get Harry to believe I am. And I've worked all day, trying to make the best possible meal i can, for all of you. And I hate cooking, I can't do it for shit. But I still did, wanting to make a good impression. But I guess you don't care. All you came here to do was stab me in the back. So I'd think before you say anything else." I gave them one hard look, sniffles occurred during that speech, so did tears. But I didn't let them effect the way I felt. "Cause you don't know me, and now you probably never will" I ran towards the door, Harry's hand grasped my wrists. I pulled away making my way outside. I ran down the street, tears pouring, as the rain did the same.

I leaned against a brick wall sliding down it. Tears overflowing, my vision blurry.

"I never wanted to hurt you. But I just did by letting them do that to you. I should of done something. I'm so stupid. I don't see you like that, your everything I've ever wanted. Their just jealous that I actually have a life now, I'm with you, I'll always be with you. Fizz, look at me. Im here. Talk to me love" he voice strained at first, then loosening, getting softer at every word he spoke. I looked up, to find Harry kneeling in front of me, eyes brimming with tears. I carefully crouched to my knees, then instantly tugging him into a hug. He embraces his arms around me, as I let out all the tears. Rubbing my back, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. After all was gone, I pulled back looking into his eyes "You know, I'd never to do anything like that to you, use you" I sniffled, rain drops falling from the end of his nose onto his lips. "I know" he spoke, his voice tender. "I love you" he spoke, eyes looking for a response. "I love you too" I whispered, smiling slightly. He held me closer, bringing me in as his lips tenderly touched mine, a passion sensation growing in the pit of my stomach.

I guess the person you love really does make things better, they make everything better. After that, the boys said their sorry's and it took time to forgive but I eventually did. We get along quite well now, they understand I'm not here for the money. They said they were just trying to look after Harry, I understand. I mean they are all best mates, so I wouldn't wanna ruin that , ya know? So yeah, Harry and I. We're great. It funny cause, he's still mending my broke pieces. Even now.


Thanks for reading :) I know that was like proper long, it took me ages to write that haha. Hope you enjoyed it :)

Next Shoutouts-

"But baby running after you, is like chasing the clouds"

Love Lou x

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I'll update :)

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