Harry Imagine for Brea

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Right first just wanted to say sorry that i havent uploaded in like a week or two, Ive just been so busy with like travellimg around meeting up with family and stuff so sorry bout that. Anyway ...


So this Imagine is for Brea :) she has been waiting for ages for this and she says she is excited lol so i hope you enjoy this Brea!! By the way go and follow her @brea_amber xx


(Your POV...)

Reading my book. That's all I was doing. That's what I've always been told. I know it sounds stupid. But that is what my father wants. I come to my room every night to read. I know it's not one of the most exciting of things, but I wouldn't say I hate it. I say some words give me inspiration. Others enthusiasm. However, today I'm just not feeling it. I'm not allowed to go to parties, or anything like that. I can't even go and see my boyfriend... That's how protective my dad is, I know , lame right. My life wasn't the exact definition of perfection. Hell, it wasn't even close. All my friends say I have the perfect life, perfect boyfriend, perfect car and so on... but there can be complications and when that happens, my life couldn't be less than perfect. But I still sit here, reading through the pages, of books I've read thousands of times, while my dad works away in his little study. Sigh. I've just had enough.

Something startled my thoughts. A tapping going on by balcony, my feet swiftly made it to floor, as my hands closed the book. There it was again, only slight but still enough to hear. I travelled over to the blowing curtains, sliding them open. I smiled. That's all I could do. I opened the window, for his entrance. He carefully climbed in, shutting the window after him. He just stared at me, smiling, pulling me into his embrace.

"I missed you" he mumbled into hair., breathing in my scent. I stayed silent, wanting to enjoy just his company.

He pulled back "What and you didn't?" He smirked, eyeing down on me playfully.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, as his hands found my hips, bringing me closer. "Course I did" I smiled before leaning in. My lips touching his with the sensation. I always liked his kisses, they made me feel different... unique... Special. However the feeling didn't last long as a worry came across my mind. I pulled away.

"Harry" I sighed, looking down to the floor.

"What ? What is it ?" He asked, probably oblivious to the situation.

"You shouldn't be here .... My dad .... We'll get caught" I sighed, my head facing the door. A hand came up to my chin, turning it to face Harry again.

"Brea. Please don't worry about your dad, focus on me and you only, just for tonight" he whispered, gently placing a kiss to my lips.

I sighed, looking back at the door again. But as I turned around to face Harry a smirk spread across my face.
"Tonight huh?" I smirked.

"Yup, tonight your all mine" he whispered rasply. My cheeks turning crimson, but fading as I focused on Harry and his ... Lips. Oh god, just kiss 'em and stop looking like a retard. But his lips came to mine in a smirk, before anything could be said.


I'd say it got pretty heated, pretty quick. Harry's shirt had already been thrown to the floor as he worked on mine, sliding it over my head.

"Black lace, you knew I was coming ?" He giggled, as I returned the gesture .

I turned him around, pushing him to the edge of my bed, him falling down, me falling on top. A giggle escaped my mouth as my lips found his again.


We both froze.

"Brea, what's going on in there?"

My Dad.

I quickly jumped of Harry grabbing my top, pulling it over my head, as Harry did the same.

"Um yeaaaah dad everything is fine .."

I quickly pushed Harry towards my closet.

"Just err .. Trying on some of my clothes"

I said as I pushed him in the spacious yet uncomfortable closet, then shutting the door.

"Well you were making a lot of noise for just trying on clothes"

I shut my eyes tightly, praying he wouldn't figure out what was going on. Then opening them, quickly to open the door. He was just stood there. Arms folded. Glasses on the tip of his nose. Looking down at me with curiosity.

"Yeah just trying on clothes that's all"

I said, trying to convince him.

He slowly walked into my room, almost observing it. My eyes darted to the bed, my eyes widened at the sight.

Harry's Bandana.

I shuffled over to my bed, sitting down on the fabric, hoping my dad wouldn't see.

Dad swiftly turned around, am almost annoyed look on his face.


My head jerked up, awaiting his sentence.

"I know he's here"

I awkwardly coughed.

"W,what ya talking about dad" my voice went high, another sign of my unhonesty.

"Get him out, before I do something all three of us wouldn't like. We won't speak of it again" He strode towards my door, then turning to face me again.

"Understood?" He glanced up at me.

I sighed.

"Yes Father"




"Y,yes sir" a voice appeared from the closet, a small giggled escaped my mouth.


I know it was a bit long but Hope you enjoyed it Brea !! And anyone else who read it haha :) Requests Requests :P

~ Lou xx

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