#4 He gets jealous 4/5

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By the way (Y/M/L/N) means Your Mum's Last Name

And (Y/F/N) means Your Full Name




Your Mom had invited you over for dinner with your family, and of course you invited Harry along with you.

You knocked on the door of your old home, to be greeted with your Mom.

"Sweetie come inside! I haven't seen you in ages!" She hugged you tightly, before pulling away.

She met eyes with Harry. "And who may this be?" She questioned.

"Nice to meet you Mrs (Y/M/L/N), I'm Harry, (Y/N)'s boyfriend" he smiled shaking your Mum's hand, then slipping his other round your waist.

Your Mum stayed quiet, her head facing the floor. Both you and Harry were confused.

"Mum, is everything al..." You began

"Boyfriend?" Someone choked of in laughter.

You knew that voice. Oh No. It was your ex-boyfriend.

Obviously your Mum would invite him, he is like part of the family. Quite close to your brother infact .

Harry nudged you, wanting to know what was going on.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't (Y/F/N). I see you've been working out. Was it for your boyfriend?" Your ex spoke, you looked down foolishly to the ground, not knowing what to say.

You felt Harry's hand tighten around your waist bringing you closer.

"Actually she has been working out, and it was for me as well. And I get to see this amazing body every single night. Oh as what do you get? A pillow?" Harry spoke defensively, obviously the words filled with jealously.

"Oh haha, I'm pretty sure she would rather spend every night with me than you mate!" Your ex bellowed.

"Ummmmm, don't think so because (Y/N) is 'my' girl and doesn't need a low life person like you" Harry raised and ten stormed off our the house and to the car.

" I'm so sorry (Y/N), I didn't think you would bring anyone, I'm so stupid, I shouldn't of invited him" your mother spoke, with extreme sorrow in her voice.

You engulfed her in a hug. " please Mom don't worry. I love you" and with that you closed the door behind you and got in the car with Harry.

"I swear I could of ripped him to shreds" Harry went on, pulling out the drive.

" Your so sweet " you blurted, giggling.

"Why are you giggling at a time like this" he questioned, getting more annoyed.

"Someone got a bit jealous" you said poking his cheek.

He fell silent. All that could be heard was your giggling.

You knew, he realised you were right.

From then on, whenever he would bring up the memory, you'd give him a sweet kiss and telling him that you are forever his.

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