#60 He's In The Mood and Your Not

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Thank you Guys so much for 0ver 900k, I can't believe it ! I'm nearly at a million now, so please keep reading/voting/commenting and I'll get you a shoutout <3

Also whoever can guess my favourite 1D song off the new album will get a Personal Imagine !

(Comment here/below)



Harry laid across the bed as you two watched a movie, and the rule, 'everytime they kiss, we kiss. and every time they get it on, we do' wasn't really working for you tonight. "Harry, I don't want to tonight." You told him as he went to kiss you. "Harry, I said no." You said, pulling your head back. "I'm pregnant and i've gotta pee and I'm tired and my feet hurt and my boobs hurt and I just want to sleep." Harry rolled his eyes, kissing your lips. "Just a quick one?" Harry whispered to you, his hands on your hips. "No, Harry." You told him as you pulled away from him again, turning around in your bed as he turned and put his arms around you, pulling you close to him, placing kisses over your shoulder and neck. "Harry, if you don't get your hands off of me, you'll be sleeping-," Harry rolled his eyes. "On the couch, I know." He said, rolling his eyes. "No, honey, I was thinking outside."


"Hey, my beautiful woman that I love." Zayn whispered into your ear as you finished the dishes. "Zayn, stop it. You know what your whispering does to me." You told him, sighing. "Exactly, baby." He whispered again as you shook your head. "No, Zayn, I'm tired. I've been at work all day, came home only to clean up and cook and clean again and do laundry and I just want to go to sleep so I can wake up and do it all over again." You told him, moving away from him. "Time for bed." You told your kids before they ran upstairs. "But, baby, I missed you all day." He whined, "And I missed the feeling of sitting down all day." You told him, walked upstairs and climbing into bed. "Goodnight." You told him, cuddling the blankets. "Whatever." He grumbled.


"I'm lost without you, can't help myself, how does it feel to know that I love you, baby?" Liam sang to you, planting kisses down your neck, his hands firm on your hips. "Let's go upstairs." Liam whispered to you, trying to pull you. "No, Liam." You told him, since you didn't feel too good. "I don't feel good." You whined, but Liam didn't seem to mind. "I'm sure I can make you feel better."

Liam said, kissing your ear. "Liam," You whined again, getting a headache. "I said 'no'." You reminded him, pushing him off of you. "But, Baby, please?" He asked as you walked upstairs as he followed, "Couch." You told him, slamming the bedroom door shut.


Niall smiled as he held you close to him, your six weeks of maternity leave were up and you and Niall were finally allowed to 'have fun' and Niall couldn't wait. "Baby, come on." Niall said, pulling you onto his lap. "Let's go upstairs and have a little fun together." Niall said, though you shook your head. "Please, princess? Little Niall is not very happy right now." Niall told you, hugging you close to him as he kissed your neck. "Niall, no. I feel like we should wait..Just one more week. You do remember what happened the last time we did it right at the six week mark, prince." You reminded him and he tried one last attempt, kissing your neck. "But, we could try again?" Niall offered, lightly kissing your ear. "No, Niall."


"Come on, baby. Play a game with me." Louis said, for the fifth time and you finally couldn't take it anymore. "Fine, Lou!" You adjusted yourself on the bed, "Come here," You whispered seductively as he came near you. "A little more." You giggled, "A little moooore." You let him stop when your lips were to his ear. "You know Lou, you remind me of my ex-boyfriend who was mysteriously, yet so strategically stabbed to death, ironically after I told him 'no' and he kept asking. They never caught his killer. Did you have a question?" You asked and Louis quickly climbed off of you, "I can wait." He grumbled, jumping under the covers.


Love Lou x

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