#42 Things get heated and your dad walks in 1/5

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Okay so this is the Zayn part of this preference, sorry it took so long to upload it, I kinda forgot about it haha xx

So Enjoy x

And Liam part will be up soon xx Forgetful me eh? Xx haha



You and Zayn had just been on a date. It was perfect. You had pulled on your driveway, you sighing before getting out of the vehicle. Your dad didn't really like Zayn, well to be honest he didn't like him at all, not one little bit. You always wished your dad would understand the love you have for Zayn, but he would never listen. Always commenting on his tattoos and his smoking habit, but you didn't care you loved Zayn for who he was, and no one could change your opinion. Your dad wouldn't even let Zayn step foot on his porch, let alone his house. You thanked Zayn for a wonderful night, giving him a small peck on the cheek, then trudging towards the front door. "Wait (Y/N)" he spoke, you only a few steps away from him. You turned around as Zayn reached for your arm pulling you towards him again. Turning your back so it was facing the car window, you leaning against the vehicle, Zayn gently pressed against you. "Zayn what if my dad sees" you whispered, trying to hold back the urge of temptation. "Please (Y/N), I don't care about your dad anymore, I want to be able to show everyone your mine. I want to kiss, cuddle, holds hands in front of everyone to show the world that we belong together. I don't want anyone stopping us. I want to be able to kiss you goodnight, with your keys in your hand as we stand underneath your porch. I want to be able to come over to family dinners and secretly hold hands under the table. I want to steal kisses from you while no one is watching. I want your dad, to be proud of his daughter. I want your dad to know I love you. I want to do all these things with you, bit I can't.... So at least let me do this .." Zayn whispered. His lips brushing yours, tingles forming at the edges of your mouth. In a swift movement his lips were firmly on yours, tongue exploring the craves of your mouth. Your fathers rules, gone. Only Zayn covering your mind. His hand rose to your cheek tilting your head to the side, as your hands found the back of his neck, fingers twiddling the loose strands of hair. "(Y/N)!" A booming voice shouted. Both of you stopping looking around, to find the lounge window open, your fathers head poking out full of anger. Your body shivered, knowing your mistake. Yet something felt right about your breaking rule. Zayn's face coming closer to yours, your dad pounding on the window obviously annoyed. "Run away with me (Y/N). Just you and me." He spoke ever so softly, lips touching your ear. You knew your answer. Walking away from Zayn, you stood just outside the window, looking straight at your dad. "I'm sorry dad" was all you said before running round the other side of Zayn's car climbing back in, buckling your seatbelt. Your dad had vanished from the window, the front door now unlocking. Zayn quickly getting the car into gear, reversing out of your drive. Your dad running towards the car. Zayn rumbling the engine before speeding off down the street. Your last glimpse of your father just standing there, looking lost and hopeless. The car turned the corner, your dad out of sight. Your fingers entwined with Zayn's, his warm smile reassuring you everything would turn out just fine. Everything would be just fine. Right ?


A/N I was just wondering shall I do a second part for this preference, but only for Zayn?? Hellllllpppppppp xx

Oh thanks for the 15.5k xxx Omg that's so unreal haha, thank you all xxxx

Lou xx

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