#55 - PART 2 - You Have An Affair With Him

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Part 2 :)



You're arching your back against the sheets, trying desperately to hold onto the feeling Harry leaves in the pit of your stomach as he ponds into you when the door bangs open. You gasp, for another reason, when your husband storms in. Harry rolls to your side, throwing the sheet over your body as he stumbles from the bed when your husband pulls him off the mattress. You clutch the sheets to your chest, crying as your older husband shakes your naked lover while spiting hateful words to his handsome face. "I'll fucking kill you! They'll never find your body, do you know who I am! I'm the fucking Prime Minister!" he seethes, tossing Harry to the ground before punching him. You watch as Harry manages to stand, lifting his arms to block his face before your husband has turned to you. "You whore! I trusted you, I loved you! I gave you everything, everything I could! How, dare you" he cries, dragging you from the bed before shaking you harshly. He tosses you to the ground like a rag doll and then Harry slams him into the wall, putting up a fight for the first time since being caught. "Don't touch her, don't speak to her like that. Blame me, if you want someone to blame. I filled her head with whatever it took to get her into my bed. It's me, all me. I pushed her to fall into bed with me, it's my fault" Harry says harshly and you've never seen him be so cold. Your husband shrugs him off before storming from the house you'd disappeared to for the weekend, leaving you to sit slumped against the wall. Harry breathes heavily, dark eyes landing on your crumpled form before dropping to his knees. "I'm sorry. You were right, we should have been more careful. I've ruined everything for you, I'm so sorry" he says softly, cradling your tear stained face. "Did you really mean it, did you really only say those things to get me into bed with you?" you cry and Harry sighs, pulling your bare body into his to rock you gently. "Never, I do love you. I want him to hate me not you. I don't want you to lose your life, I don't want you to get the hate that's sure to come" he says softly, running his fingers through your hair and this is the Harry you'd fallen in love with months ago.


Liam watches as you chase his children around the backyard, tracing the curves of your body he knows so well. His youngest daughter, a four-year-old curly haired beauty, squeals as you toss her into the pool. His sons are pelting you with foam nerf-bullets and you laugh, tossing your head back as you use the oldest boy as shield. "Do you fuck her often?" Danielle asks, taking a seat beside her husband while cradling her nine-month old daughter in her arms. "Excuse me?" Liam stutters, trying to keep his cool as he turns his gaze to his surprisingly calm wife. "Do you fuck our nanny often?" she repeats, turning her ice-cold stare to him. "I'm not stupid Liam; I see the way you stare at her. I hear people talk, I hear what they say" Danielle says and Liam gulps. "I'll take the children if you ever leave me for that little slut" she seethes, standing as Liam tries desperately not to let his gaze fall back to your giggling form. "Fire her" she demands and Liam snaps his gaze upwards. "You can't take her from the children Danielle. I get that you hate me right now but the kids, they love her. Besides us, she's all they've ever known" Liam defends but Danielle just smiles sickly. "They'll be fine, she's just a nanny. Fire her, tonight. I'm not letting you leave me for some nanny" she says, turning on her heels before storming into the house and for once in his life, Liam's never been so torn.


You lay in bed beside Niall, staring up at the ceiling because there's someplace you were supposed to be and it wasn't here. He shifts beside you, sitting up against the headboard before looking down to the place his wedding band used to be. "One to go" he teases, meaning every word and you sigh before covering your face with your hands while you cry. "He'll never let me go, he'll never give me a divorce Niall. You know that" you cry softly and Niall pulls you into his arms. It's true, you both know how your husband is. For everything he is, he'll never let you leave and miss out on seeing his son everyday. No matter how badly you want out of the loveless marriage you find yourself in, that's just not possible. The hotel room door slams open and your husband storms in. Niall stands, pulls his boxers up before holding his hands up to defend himself. You watch as the two men fight, gasping when your husband body slams Niall to the ground. "You whore! You'll never get away from me, I'll never let you leave this marriage and take my child!" he seethes, giving a swift kick to Niall's ribs before leaving. You cry out, covering your mouth at Niall's bloody face before dropping to his side. "I'm so sorry" you gasp, holding him against the once clean sheets and he chuckles, wheezing because the action causes strain to his clearly broken nose. "It's alright love, we'll figure something out" he tries to assure you, wincing as you press a wet towel to his bloody nose.


As you kiss him good night you open the door to a more familiar face glaring at you. Your eyes widen as you stare at your husband's angry face. He says nothing as he pushes you aside to make his way to Louis. "Don't!" you shout but it makes no difference. "I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch!" he screams at Louis' shocked face. He pounds his fist hard into Louis face as you scream his name in horror. "Stop it!" you shout running over to your husband to try and pull him away from Louis. "Get off of me you wretched whore!" he scolds punching Louis again. You manage to wedge yourself in between the two of them causing your husband to back up. Your vision of him is blurred by the tears in your eyes but you can tell his face is red with fury. "We're done!" he shouts before throwing you down on the floor and storming out of the hotel room. You sob as Louis walks over to hold you. "It's going to be okay," he says rocking you in his arms. You look up at his bruised and bleeding face as you kiss his wounds. "I'm so sorry," you say hanging your head. "Don't be, everything is going to be fine," he assures you kissing your forehead.


You pull into the drive way to the sight of your husband's car already sitting there. You weren't expecting him back, but you had done all you could to get the scent of Zayn off. You walked in the door to his glare starring you down. "Where have you been?" he asks. "I went out with the girls," you reply making your way to the stairs. "Don't you fucking lie to me," he shouts already in your face blocking your way to the stairs. Your scared face tells your story without words. "You were with him weren't you?" he shouts again. "With who?" you ask still scared. "Don't act ignorant. Do you think I'm stupid? I know you're fucking that Zayn guy." he scolds. You look at him in complete shock. "Yeah that's right, I know," he continues. You try to go around him to ignore his accusations. Just the second you go to step around him you find his hand across your face and your body lying on the floor. You hold your face in shock as your husband storms out of the house. You're crying on the floor as your phone begins to ring. You answer your lovers call choking on your emotions. "(y/n) what's wrong?" Zayn asks. "He knows Zayn, he knows," you say trying to control your sobs; silence on the other end.


Love Lou x

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