#56 - BSM / He Takes You To The This Is Us Premiere

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To @HazandNiallsCupcake for voting so much on my book <3 Go follow her x
(If you want a shoutout, keep voting)

Thankyou guys so much for over 700k that's crazy! Love you all *hugs hugs*

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Niall (Age 15):

"You're ready?" Niall asks as he walks into your room. Quietly you look to the ground. "Why aren't you dressed?" your brother wants to know as he walks closer to you. "We have to go in a bit." he adds. "I don't want to go." you mumble. "What? Can you please say it so I understand it?" he says a bit annoyed as he is already stressed out. "I don't want to go." you state now more clearly to understand. You look up slowly and see the frown on his face. "But why? I thought you were so excited." he says sadly. You sigh and look back to the floor. "Come on. What's wrong?" he asks and walks even closer. With one of his fingers he pushes your chin up so you have to look at him. "Well?" You sigh again. "I don't belong there. I won't look good in that dress and I don't think it's a good idea to be there." you confess. To your surprise his face turns to an understanding expression. "You're scared to be judged aren't you? So what if someone says something about the way you look. Others will think you look beautiful. I know how you look in this dress and you look wonderful in it. There'll be always people who want that you feel bad about yourself. I mean they also write some stuff about me." Niall explains. "If you really don't want to come than it's alright but I would love if you'll come with me." he admits and kisses your forehead. After that he leaves your room and you stare at you dress. 'I can't let him down.' you think to yourself before slipping on the dress. After you're finished you run down the stairs. "Wait. I'll come with you." you shout as Niall wants to leave. He smiles as he turns around. "I told you you'll look great." he says before hugging you.

Liam (Age 4):

You wanted to go to the 'This is us' premiere with Liam since he told you that they make a movie. It took you some time to convince him. "I don't know. It'll go really long. You'll be tired." he always said. Luckily with your big puppy eyes you had to chance to change his mind. "But please. I want to be with you." you said with the saddest look you could offer. You saw it in his eyes how it broke him. As he said yes you were more than excited and now the day is almost here. "Liam. How long?" you ask as you sit next to him. "What do you mean.?" he asks while watching TV. "The premiere." you remind him. "Ohh. It's tomorrow. You know this." he smiles at you. "But why not today." you whine. He chuckles and sits you on his lap. "Because we invited everyone for tomorrow. Don't worry you just have to sleep one more time and than we can get ready." he says and kisses your forehead. "Ok. Thank you." you say and kiss his cheek. "Good night." you say as you start to walk to your room. "What?" he laughs. "It's just 5." You turn around to face him. "But you said I have to sleep one more time. So I sleep now than we can go." He laughs and picks you up. "Come on. We watch a bit TV and than we eat dinner." You do as he says and quickly the next day comes along. "Liam I need your help." you say excitedly as you enter his room. "What is it?" he smiles. "My dress." you answer him. He helps you to zip it up and than you're both finished to go. As you arrived you can already see the crowd of people outside of the car. "Li? I'm scared." you say as you see the flashing lights. "It's ok." he tells you and hugs you tightly. "You'll be drove to the back and than we see each other inside ok?" You nod and hug him a bi tighter before he lets go and goes on the red carpet.

Louis (Age 16):

At the beginning you thought it would be nice to be with Louis during the premiere but only because you thought you could spend some time with him. Now you just sit around waiting for Louis as he has to finish lots of interviews. "Are you ok?" your mum asks as she sits next to you. "Yeah yeah." you sigh. "I just thought I would be going to the premiere with Louis. Not that he's in the same area while I sit here and hope he'll be here at some point." you explain. "I know. But Louis has to finish these interviews." she tells you. "Isn't it always like that." you ask and stand up to look around. After a while you finally find the drinks. Taking yourself something you feel a tip on your shoulder. You turn around to see Liam. "Hi. You finished your interviews?" you ask taking a sip of your drink. "We did and by the way. Louis is looking for you." Liam says. You nod and start to walk back to your previous spot. "Hi. I was looking for you." Louis says from behind you. You turn around and give him a small smile. "Liam told me." you announce. "Mum told me that you're a bit upset." You shrug your shoulders. "I just thought I have a bit more time with you." you say and bump his shoulder with yours. "I know but you know how it is. I'm sure we have more time after it." he promises you.

Zayn (Age 14):

"How do I look?" you ask Zayn. "Good. I like the dress." Zayn tells you as he eyes you up and down. "Wow. Now my little sister starts to wear high heels." he laughs as he looks at your shoes. "They aren't to high and they look great to the dress." you defend yourself. "I know I know." he chuckles. "It's just not usual to see this." he explains. You nod your head and you start to leave for the premiere. "I can't believe you even have a movie." you say on your way. "Believe me. Me neither." After a short time you finally arrive. During the movie you sit next to Zayn and he starts to whisper before it starts. "I'm glad you're all here." You turn to him and mutter a 'Me too'. After the movie finished your feet start to hurt not being used to wearing such shoes. As everyone decided to go to a little after party you tried to fake a smile but apparently Zayn noticed it. "Something wrong?" he asks. You move from one to the other foot. "Of course." you try to sound convincing. "Well if you say so." he says with a little smirk on his lips. "Come on we should search for the others." he says still smirking. You start to walk slowly biting your lip as the pain sets in. You walk a few steps until he stops you. "How long are you trying to act like they don't hurt." he asks almost laughing and points to your shoes. "They don't." you lie. "They do. You're just to stubborn to admit it." he argues. "Ok yeah they hurt. I'm not used to this." you mutter the last part. "I'm surprised that you made it for that long." he says. You shot him a look. "I wouldn't be mad at me right now as I have the solution. Mum warned me this could happen. Come on she has a pair of flat shoes with her." he says. You smile and start to walk again only to hiss because of the pain. Quickly your up in Zayn arms. "They really hurt mhh?" You only nod and hide your face in his shoulder completely embarrassed.

Harry (Age 6):

"Harry? Why can't I go with you?" you ask him as he puts on his blazer. "What do you mean? You know you come to the premiere with me. And you should be dressed by now." he points out. "But I want to go with you on the pretty red carpet." you mumble and sway from side to say with your hands behind your back. With your head lowered you look up to him. "Please." you whisper as you see him struggling not to give in. "Look. There'll be a lot of people who want to take pictures of Zayn, Louis, Liam, Niall and me." he starts to explain. "I would be trouble." you say sadly. "No no. I don't mean it like that. Look you know the flash of the camera when mum takes a picture of you?" You nod your head. "I don't like this." you add. "See. And all of the people have a camera and there'll be many flashes. It's difficult to see and I think it would be better if you stay back." he explains. Sadly you nod your head yes and start to leave. "I get ready." you whisper and don't see the the sad look which overcomes Harry. At the you stand at the end of the carpet with your mum and sister to wait for Harry. You see him and the others as they step on the carpet and he quickly waves at you. Already forgotten that you can't be with him you wave back making him smile. Almost as he stands by you Harry looks again to you. Suddenly he signals you to come over. Not knowing if he really means it you stay still. "I think Harry wants to see you." your mum whispers and gives you a little push. Quickly you run into his arms. "One picture won't hurt." he whispers into your ear. He waits for a few pictures before walking off the carpet happy that you're happy.


Love Lou x

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