#49 You Come Back After Walking Out Of An Argument

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You took a deep breath, standing outside your apartment's door. The wind was blowing coldly when you shivered, hands on your pockets trying to keep warm. You hadn't even taken a jacket when you had rushed out of your apartment few hours ago, and now you were freezing. You shook your head, hand reaching to door knob. It was cold under your hand when you squeezed it, putting your key in to the keyhole. You took another shaky breath when you opened the door, the last bit of anger vanishing immediately. Niall stood in the middle of the room, blue eyes rimmed red and puffy. His nose was running and hands balled in to fists when he looked at you, clear amazement covering his face. "Hi," you whispered, feeling how your own tears burned your eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but he stopped, only to take a big step forward and crash you to his embrace. He hugged you tightly, squeezing almost painfully when he breathed in, taking in your familiar scent. Your hands rested in his muscly back when he kept you close for a long time. When he pulled away from the hug, his eyes were dark and angry. "Don't ye ever do that to me again, okay. Ever," his voice was deep and husky when he kept you in his grip, making you frown. "O-Okay," you hesitated, seeing how his angriness subsided, making him sob against your shoulder. "Niall?" you whispered hoarsely, hand finding his hair when you stroked his blondish locks off his face. He was sobbing loudly, hands clasped to your back when he held you in the darkening room. "I was so scared... I thought ye won't come back!" he sniffled, making your heart break. You lifted his chin with your hand, making his blue eyes look straight at you. Even when they were tired and red, they were magical. They were ocean blue and deep like a well, making you feel dizzy even looking at them. "Why would you ever think that? I always come back for you Niall. Always," you whispered, kissing away his tears when they mixed to yours. His forehead was resting against yours, face so close you could count his dimples. "Me mom left every time they fought and one time she didn't come back...Then they divorced and..," Niall sobbed, making your eyes blur with hot tears. "Niall, look at me. That is not going to happen with us. I promise. I won't leave ever again. If I do, I'm always coming back for you," you promised, looking how sad smile covered his face. He nodded slowly, brushing your tears away with his soft lips. His breath lingered on your lips when he kissed your lips sweetly for few times before deepening to a kiss what made your head spin, "I believe ye...I won't let ye go. I love ye Y/N. I love ye so much."


You growled, walking as quickly as you could. It was snowing lightly, white snowflakes sticking in your eyelashes and hair. You had walked for ten minutes and you were already freezing. Nothing was open; it was over midnight and even most of the bars were closed. You knew you should go back, but you didn't want to. Not yet. "Stupid Zayn," you muttered to yourself while quickening your path. Your fighting had gone way too far again, and now it was you who ran away. A car's lights hit your back when you walked along with the park's side. You knew who it was even without looking. "Come to the car Y/N," he said quietly, opening the car's window to look at you. You didn't raise your eyes from the road, you just kept walking like no one would be there. "I'm sorry boo, I'm an ass," he muttered, looking at you with his pleading brown eyes. You could feel his sad stare on the back of your head when he drove next to you. "That you are," you answered, making him chuckle lightly. His eyes were red when you lifted your gaze to see him. He offered you a small smile, eyes sparkling sadly. He was still wearing his pajamas, stubble growing in to a full beard. "Please get in to the car...Please boo," he begged, lip trapped between his teeth when he stopped the car, opening the door for you. You were staring down, hands crossed to your chest when he get off the car. "Boo," he said lowly, touching your shivering arm with his warm hand. You could see his skin go goose bumps around the tattoos, he was only wearing a t-shirt. "No," you whispered, making him sigh throatily. "Fine, just please take the jacket I brought with me," he said harshly, stumbling back to the car, making you glance at him. He looked broken even when he tried to act angrily. You saw his hurt expression what shoot right to your heart like an arrow. You sighed to yourself, walking to the car, glancing him annoyed. "Move, I'm getting in," you grumbled, making him blink his brown eyes surprised. A grin appeared to his face when he helped you in, making your hands stop shivering. "I'm sorry too," you muttered under your breath, making him chuckle darkly. His hand found yours when he brought your knuckles to his mouth, kissing them lightly. "I love you," he breathed, eyes squinting when you groaned, trying to act annoyed, making him laugh again. "I love you so much boo..."


You opened the door silently, making sure that it didn't squeak. It was almost morning and you didn't want to wake Louis up, knowing that he had to go to work in few hours. You had ran out from an argument over nine hours ago and since then you had sat in McDonalds, thinking and avoiding everyone. You sighed, taking your shoes off when you tiptoed to the living room. The light was still on, making you freeze. "No, I don't know where she is, sir. Yes, I am asking you! Yes I know what time is it, just fucking answer me!" he stood back to you hand holding a phone on his ear. Niall and Harry were sleeping on the couch, both looking strained. "Fine!" Louis yelled to the phone, running his hand through his hair. He closed the phone, throwing it against Harry, making him stir. "What?" Harry mumbled annoyed, making Louis growl at him. You were standing in the shadows just looking at them, not sure should you leave or go to the room. "No one knows, Harry! Where the fuck did she go? What if something happened? What if she's never coming back! I need to find her! Harry where's my keys, shit, I need my keys now!" You frowned, heart feeling like a stone. You hadn't seen Louis as worried before. He was panicking and it was all your fault. "I need her, I need to find her, I need my keys!" he rambled yelling, throwing pillows to every direction when he tried to find his keys from the couch. "You left them in to your pocket, like always," you said silently, making Louis' head snap to your direction. His blue eyes were wild when he looked at you, taking you all in. His mouth was gaped open, tattooed arms tensed when he pulled you to a hug, lifting your feet from the ground. "Where the fuck did you go? I called everywhere! Even to the library's janitor," he mumbled against your neck, making you smile sadly. He felt so good in your arms, making every fight you ever had to fade away. "I sat in the McDonalds the whole time...I ate five ice-creams..," you sniffled, making him laugh against your skin. He was grinning when you took his head in to your hands, bringing his lips to yours. "I'm sorry," you whispered to your kiss, making him shook his head, still grinning, "No love, I'm sorry." You smiled to each other, eyes locked when he swirled you in to the room. Harry had passed out next to Niall, making you be alone at last. "I missed you babe," he grinned against your mouth, bringing your lips to passionate, heated kiss, "I love how sexy you look when you're angry at me." You giggled, nibbling his earlobe, making him moan throatily. His blue eyes were squinting when he couldn't stop grinning widely. "What?" you asked, seeing how his smile widened. His hand stroked your chin, making shivers go down your spine, "I'm just so fucking lucky. How did I ever deserve you babe?"


You shivered, hands crossed against your chest. It was freezing outside when you sat on your doorstep, trying to keep warm. You had run out few hours earlier and returned over half an hour ago, only to sit on the icy doorstep. "Where are you?" you whined, feeling how wind blew through your hoodie, making your teeth shatter. The house was dark, doors closed and Harry somewhere not found. Your keys were inside, his car gone, and no battery left in your phone. You closed your eyes, feeling how cold numbness made your fingers tickle. You had nowhere to go, and if Harry wouldn't be home soon, you would have to sleep out that night. You sighed to yourself, trying to stop yourself for thinking where he might be. Normally when you had a fight he went to pub with the lads to calm down and usually got home in the morning. Now it wouldn't be a good thing. "Please, please come home," you whined to yourself, blowing warm air to your freezing fingers. Your eyes stayed closed, tiredness taking over when you fell to slumber. The sounds of running footsteps wake you up. You felt someone's familiar hands wrapped around your body, lifting you from the icy steps, carrying you inside. "Oh god, oh god...Kitten open your eyes, open your eyes for me. It's alright now, you're in...Oh god..," Harry's voice was panicked when you opened your eyes, feeling how ice melted around you. Everything in your body was either white or blue from the cold air. Harry's eyes were red when he stripped your clothes down with shaky hands, not even noticing you were awake. "Hi," you whispered hoarsely, making his head snap up. He looked broken and vulnerable when he gasped, tears pouring out of his ocean green eyes. "Oh kitten...I'm sorry love, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault," he sniffled, lifting your cold, numb body to his arms. He laid you down to a bathtub, filling it with hot water, making your skin redden and tinkle. You winced, making his eyes fill with pain. "Harry, please come in with me," you begged, seeing how tears fell down his cheeks. He opened his red mouth, closing it again when he took a deep breath, "I don't think I should." You smiled sadly, knowing exactly what he was thinking, "Honey, this is not your fault. And it takes to two argue. I'm sorry." His eyes were red when he leaned in, hand resting on your cheek. "No, I'm sorry," he mumbled, kissing your forehead carefully. You smiled when he stripped his clothes, getting in to the bathtub with you. His hands searched you, pulling you for his embrace. "I'm sorry I didn't come earlier. I was looking for you everywere. I promised myself that I wouldn't come home without you. I was just coming to get my wallet so I could buy more gasoline when I found you," he mumbled against your shoulder, making you smile. "It's fine, you found me, that's all what matters love."


You slammed the door with all your power, making the apartment's windows jitter. A sob escaped your mouth when you leaned to the door, feeling hot tears burning in your throat. You could hear Liam's low, angry yells in the house when he threw something, making you jump. You didn't know where to go, so you walked around the house, sitting under the open window. It was a dark evening, making the only light coming from the window comforting. You could hear Liam's lonely muttering from the house. He was clearly doing the same thing you were; calming down. You hated to argue and you hated to cry in front of him. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks when you buried your head to your hands. You muffled your sobs to your palms, not wanting Liam to know how close you were. You didn't want to leave him, even when you walked out. You just wanted to calm down and wrap your hands around his big torso. You loved to cuddle against his warm body, even when you were angry. "Shit," Liam's voice mumbled so close it made you jump. His voice was teary and upset when he stood up in the house, running his hands over his face, "What did I do? Shit, shit..." his voice was getting panicked when he ran to the door, opening it with a slam. You knew he was looking for you, but you couldn't move. You wanted him to find you and wrap you to his embrace never letting go again. "Y/N!" Liam yelled from the door, making a quiet sob left your mouth. "Y/N!" You wanted to yell back but sobs were taking over your body, leaving you speechless. "Y/N!" his voice was deep and teary when he ran to the driveway, hands pulling his dark hair. You could see him from your hiding place. His muscly, inked arms were bare, making him sexier than ever before. His eyes were wild and scared when he searched the yard, brown eyes getting redder by minute. "Y/N!" he yelled again, sobs taking over when he ran to his car, making your heart break. You were here, so near..."Liam!" you yelled, sobs making your voice a blur, "Liam!" He stopped on his tracks, eyes searching you from the direction he heard your voice. You dried your eyes, trying to get up when his deep eyes found you, making his heart ache. "Babe," he whispered, staring you for a minute before running to get you as quickly as he could. You stood up with wobbly legs, holding your hands up so he could pick you up. "Babe," he breathed when he copped you to his arms, squeezing you so close it hurt. "I'm sorry I left," you cried, guilt growing inside you when you clutched to his muscly body. His hands were stroking your back when he kissed you, warm lips salty from tears. "I'm sorry I was such a prick," he whispered, making you kiss him again. You stayed there for a while, resting your head on his shoulder, letting his fingers trace patterns to your skin. "I got scared when I realized you left. I should have gone after you right away...I just didn't realize you actually left," he mumbled, pressing kisses to your neck. You smiled, playing with the baby hair on the back of his neck, "Well, look how far I ran...I could never leave you Liam. I won't do that." You could feel his smile on your lips when he kissed you deeply, making you forget every thought you had, "Good, because next time I won't let you leave."


Happy reading :)


-Lou xxx

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