#32 Be Safe

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"You're only saying that I'm going to have fun because you want me to relay the message to my parents so they think you're sweet and will warm up to you," you grumbled halfheartedly before nudging your face into his chest. Zayn kept his arms still around you, his hands sluggishly moving up and down your back in a way that made you want to stay right where you were until the end of time. "Hey," Zayn chuckled, "That's not entirely true. I really do think you're going to have fun; you haven't been home in so long. But if you do happen to repeat it, you should be sure to add how much I praised your dad's cooking even though I've never even eaten it and how much I'd love to look over your baby photos with your mom." With your forehead now resting on his collarbone, your lips lazily kissing at the little amount of exposed skin, Zayn was unable to catch the roll of your eyes. He let out a little sigh, resting his chin on the top of your head. "I really wish I could go though," he noted in a more serious tone of voice. "I'd love to be able to finally meet your parents and see your childhood bedroom and eat like a right pig, but." You placed a quick kiss to his jaw, something sort of like an acceptance of an apology. "Next time," you whispered simply. Zayn cleared his throat of any nervous lumps. "Be safe," he mumbled, shifting so his lips pressed to your hair. "Call me when you get there. Like, as soon as. Or else I'm going to call you seventeen times and leave you eleven messages, crying about what hospital I should be going to and if I should lie to the mean nurse that's really only doing her job and say you're my wife so I can get easier access around to see you. Like in the movies." Pushing your palms to his chest, you gave Zayn another dramatic eye roll before grumbling, "You're such a drama queen."


"My brain's all wonky because of the jetlag," he murmured, half of his words getting lost in the pillow his face was currently buried in. "And I kinda have a headache, so I don't think raging club music's gonna be good for me." With the corners of your mouth dipping into a frown, you made your way back to the bed and took a seat on its edge. "You sure you don't want me to stay with you then?" You asked, voice oozing with consolation and worry. Liam was more than capable of handling these kind of things any other time he came back home, and your brain was beginning to muddle the justification that it was all right to baby him, just this time. "I've gone out with my friends all the time while you were away, they'd understand if I decided to stay home with you tonight." Your fingers lazily traced lines up and down his back, earning a muffled groan of pleasure from the boy. "Li?" His body stuttered then, head lifting up as he smacked his lips together lazily. "Sorry," he hummed, swinging his body around so he could face you; his hands curled into fists before rubbing the built up sleep from his eyes. "I think I fell asleep for a second," Liam chuckled. "What're you saying? Something about not going?" You nodded curtly in response. Liam placed a hand to your thigh, thumbing along the hem of your dress. "Don't," he murmured. "I'm alright, promise. I'll end up passing out, probably, after you leave anyway. And you already told them that you'd show up, I don't want you to have to raincheck because you're never gonna leave this bed again after you come back, not till I say so anyway." Liam pawed at your neck with his thumb ghosting along your jawline. "Just.. be safe. Promise? Call me if you need anything?" Pressing a kiss to his lips, you mumbled, "'Course."


"Hi. I, uh. Aw, crap. You know I'm shit at leaving voicemails. I dunno. I just.. we just got back to the hotel and I can't really sleep, although I really should, and I just wanted to see how you were doing and. Yeah. Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow then. 'Night, pretty girl. I love you." Fiddling with his phone after he hung up, Louis let out a sigh before he decidedly set it on the nightstand and shucked off his shirt before crawling into bed. There was a gnawing in his chest, probably from just being his ordinary worrisome self, but Louis stayed awake with his eyes set on the ceiling until he physically couldn't hold them open anymore. It was about six hours later that Louis stumbled awake, blindly making his way to the bathroom for a quick wee before crawling back into bed. On impulse, he decided to check his phone. Cringing at the sudden bright light, Louis sprang fully awake when he spotted the notification of a missed call from you. Quickly, he called back. "Lou!" You chirped, happy tone of voice as always. Louis could literally wake up every day to that voice. "Hey," he yawned. "How're you? How're things? You okay?" Louis envisioned the roll of your eyes that always followed your chuckle as you replied, "I'm good. Things are good. And I'm okay." Louis slid back underneath the comforter, this time deciding on laying on his side, his phone snugged nicely between his ear and his pillow. He could almost picture you laying beside him, if he closed his eyes when you spoke. "Don't make fun of me," Louis whined in a tone that made it impossible for you to not imagine the pout on his lips. He shuffled underneath the blankets, eyes shifting to the clock across him that stated he was already off schedule. "Listen, babe, I gotta go. Woke up late. I'll call you tonight, hopefully? If not, I love you. Be safe. I'll see you in only two more months."


"You've got everything then?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest almost as if to keep whatever emotions you were hiding from the otherwise eager boy standing in front of you. Niall curled both his hands around the handles of his suitcases, squinting his eyes as he bobbed his head from side to side before formally stating, "Yep. I think so. May have forgotten a shirt or two, but. That's okay." Stiffly, you nodded your head, trying to keep from teetering onto the heels of your feet like you and Niall both knew you did whenever you were feeling uncomfortable and anxious. Really, you should have been used to this already - it was the third tour Niall was leaving for since you two started dating. But, contrary to popular belief, it never got easy seeing Niall leave that front door and not return for months, which actually felt like eons. "You," he tapped the tip of your nose with the pad of his index finger, effortlessly regaining your attention. "You promise me you'll be safe while I'm away, yeah? I don't want to come home to you spraining any ankles or new puppies running about or lighting any places on fire or anything." Something short of a strangled sob and muffled laugh left your lips, your hands immediately lifting to clap over your mouth, hopefully preventing anything further from spilling out. Niall frowned at the sound, tucking a few strands of hair before he pressed little kisses across your right cheek. "Seriously," he murmured, kissing at your closed eyelids like that were going to magically evaporate the tears that were beginning to build up behind them. "Be safe." Niall pulled your hands into his, sliding his fingers through the spaces of yours to keep them grounded at your sides as he gave your lips a sweet kiss. He let his lips linger against yours as he whispered, "I love you. And I'll be back sooner than you think, I promise."

Harry :

"There are thousands of them," you murmured, letting the curtain fall back over the window before you shook your head to rid itself of its dazed state. Harry sheepishly shrugged his shoulders, grabbing the handle of the suitcase before taking a couple of steps towards the door. "Ready to go?" He asked, his eyes kept down at your shoes. Slowly, you walked towards him, taking a hold of his free hand and intertwining your fingers before giving him a small smile. Harry responded by draping his arm over your shoulders, using the crook of his elbow to pull you closer to press a long, abiding kiss to your temple. As you two slid out of the elevator minutes later come the lobby's floor, Harry gave your right hand a little tug, abruptly halting your walking. He then pulled your body the rest of the way to him, small pout on his lips he hadn't even bothered to wipe off. Cupping your face with his hands, Harry made sure to lock gazes with yours so you could see the amount of sincerity lingering in his eyes if his voice hadn't done any justice. "Be safe, yeah?" He mumbled, his neck quickly craning so he could peck at your forehead. Fondly, you rolled your eyes and pat a hand to his side. "I can handle 'em, Haz," you whispered back with a confidence Harry wasn't too sure was forced or not. He slowly shook his head, giving you an eye roll back, and shoved his hands in his pant pockets. He had faith in the car and the driver and the one - although he had persisted for at least three - security guard that was with you, but Harry couldn't mask the wariness in the smile he flashed you just as the hotel lobby doors opened and a wave of screaming spilled through.

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