(PART 2) Leaves You At The Altar (Niall)

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Shoutout to @hachica and @DirectionerAmanda1 for voting so much, it really means a lot.

If you want a shoutout, just keep voting <3

You might want to read 'Leaves the altar part 1' (if you haven't already) before reading this one, cause ya know it could be confusing x

A lot of people were requesting this so here it is :)

(Your POV)


My fumbling fingers traced the outline of the laced vale, taking a deep breath in and breathing out again before smiling in the portrait mirror.

The thoughts from last night came rushing back, the phone call, his unsure voice, the urgency to end the conversation. I inhale again whilst my shaky hands graze the white silk of my gown.

Everything will be fine. It'll be perfect. He'll be perfect. My nervous thoughts circling my mind on a constant roll. Until they were broken by the clearing of a throat.

You swiftly turned around to be met with a familiar face. "You look beautiful sweet pea" you smiled at his adorable compliment. "Daddy" you sighed briskly walking to be in his arms. His embrace warmed you, almost reminding you that everything was going to be okay.

"Are you ready?" He asked, I nodded breathing out. Before I knew it, the door handle had already been turned, the room was behind and the long corridor took its place.

This is it. You can do it. Don't be afraid. This is what he wants. This is what you want. You are sure of it. Am I really?

My palms were becoming sweaty as we were nearing the entrance. My feet weren't walking any more, I had completely stopped. My father questioning my sudden halt.

I'm wrong. I'm not ready.

My hand unwrapped from underneath my Father's, my feet carrying me away from my future, from him. "(Y/N)! (Y/N), where are you going?" A concerned voice of my father's bellowed down the hall way. I wouldn't stop. I couldn't now. My hands pushed on the main doors opening them wide enough so me and the long dress could get through. I stopped. That's when the tears came. They wouldn't stop, and they didn't. Even when I was walking down the narrow street, or when I had passed a few trees. The tears were falling freely, my cheeks acting as a waterfall.

I must have looked the insane. Walking down a street in a wedding dress, holding my vale in one hand and my engagement ring and shoes in the other. I was a failure.

My mind was trying to process all the problems that this morning was facing, that I didn't even realize I was trudging through a
nearby park.

You'll never believe me if I tell you now.

But I recognized a mournful boy, in a tux, sitting on the swings in the background. My heart stopped completely.

Had he found out?

Was he looking for me?

Why am I so stupid?

It wasn't until I was sitting next to him,did he even realize I was there. He looked up and was stunned at first, then his face turned white and tears started to stream. His body lunged towards me, engulfing me in the tightest sensation. I too stretched my arms and wrapped them around his limp body,as
tears started to fall from mine once again.

"I'm sorry Ni, I'm sorry" I whispered, not being able to use my full voice.

"What ?" He pulled back, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "No princess I'm sorry, I should of never walked out, I knew this is what you wante...."

"Wait what?" I stood up from the swing, my hands trembling, confusing filling my expressions. I walked away from him. "I walked away Ni, it was my fault"

His expression was also confused. Then realization hit both of us, we both ran away from the same thing.

We embraced again, out of the fact that we knew it wasn't the time for us. We needed to fall in love all over again. We needed each other.

We embraced for what seemed like an age, but we didn't mind. It was comfort. It was love. And maybe that's the reason we felt we should get married, to seal that bond. But our bond was already sealed, we didn't need a ring or a priest to prove that. We'd already proven ourselves. What's the point in proving that to anyone else?

Yet we did get married later on in life. But that's a different story.


Hope you enjoyed it, the other two will be up soon.

Love Lou x

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