#54 BSM - His girlfriend is mean to you but he doesn't believe you / PART 1

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(It's your age btw)

Niall (Age 8):

You knew how happy Niall was to have a girlfriend but you couldn't share his happiness. She spend a lot of time with him and sometimes it seemed like he forgets about you. As you talked with him he said that wouldn't be true and told you that his girlfriend thinks you're jealous. You tried to tell him that that's not true but he didn't listen since he had to get ready for a date. Today they would have another one and as Niall gets ready she arrived early. You tried to be nice since Niall seemed to like her so much. "What are you doing?" you ask her to start a conversation. She rolled her eyes. "Why do you care." she says shortly. "I want to know." you explain. She doesn't replay since she's to busy with her phone. "Are you talking with me?" you tell her annoyed. "Just shut up ok?" she screams at you. Quickly you run to Niall hoping he would defend you. "Niall she screamed at me." you cry as you run into his room but she follows you quickly. "What happened." Niall asks. "I don't know. I didn't do anything Niall. You know I love kids." she says too sweetly. He sighs. "(Y/N) I know you like her not that much but could you give her at least a chance?" he says before he leaves with his girlfriend for his date leaving you with tears in the eyes.

Liam (Age 5):

You're a young little girl so of course you love to dress up. One day you have a tea party with your stuff animals and on another you play princess. Everyone thought it was adorable how you spend hours to get ready. Today was again one of those days. You looked through your clothes and found a dress you liked. You had a few difficulties with getting it on. You wanted to ask Liam if he could help you but he was busy with dinner. His girlfriend was in the living room so you wanted to ask her. "Can you help me." you ask and turn your back to her. You can't see the way she rolls her eyes but she helps you. "thank you" you say and run back into your room. You looked into the mirror but you weren't happy with the sight. Your hair looked messy and you wanted someone to do it. You decided to ask Liam's girlfriend again. "Can you do my hair?" you whisper. She sighs heavily. "Can you stop being so annoying?" she says rudely. With tears you run to Liam. "She said I'm annoying." you cry as you run to him and hold tightly on his leg. "What do you mean." he questions and picks you up. In this moment his girlfriend comes in. "I wanted to do her hair because she dressed up but I don't know. She screamed at me and run away." Liam gives you a disappointed look. "(Y/N). You know I don't like lying. Please apologize. Now." You look at him and then back to her. "I'm sorry." you say quietly before squirming so Liam let you down and you go to your room.

Louis (Age 14):

Being a teenager wasn't easy for no one. So also not for you. It didn't helped the situation either that your brother wasn't at home as often as he used to. You loved that he lives his dream but you would love it too if you could talk to him personally whenever you wanted. Louis had a few days off and came to visit your family along with his girlfriend. But today was again a day where you're extremely emotional. You just wanted to watch a few movies and have some time with Louis. You walked to his room and entered after you knocked only to find him gone but his girlfriend there. "Can't you knocked?" she asks annoyed. "I did." you state. "Yeah sure." she snorts. "Can you leave now." she ads. "Where's Louis?" you ignore her. "In the bathroom. Don't you think about asking him to spend time with you today it's our day." Hurt you leave the room and walk directly into Louis arms. "Everything ok?" he asks as he sees your face. "No. Your oh so perfect girlfriend is just mean." you explain and walk into your room. "Come on don't be such a drama queen." he yells after you but you're already gone.

Zayn (Age 7):

Zayn got recently a new girlfriend and you meet her a few times but didn't really know anything about her. Zayn invited you to go with him to the movies and of course his girlfriend was also there. The day didn't started so good as she was very surprised and probably not happy to see you. You pushed negative thoughts about her to the side and tried to talk with her over and over again. You ask her millions of questions but she gave you only short answers. "What's your favourite colour? I like green. Don't you think it's a beautiful colour?" you say excitedly. "Yeah." she mumbles. "I just have to use the rest room. I'll be right back." Zayn says and walks away but you kept talking. "Maybe we can have a tea party one day." "Ok now just shut up. It's horrible that you're even here so close your mouth and stop talking about stupid things." Zayn comes back and notice tears in your eyes. "Is something wrong?" he asks concern. "I don't like her. She's mean." you cry and he sighs. "Look I know you like to spend time with me alone but try to get to know her. She's lovely. Now come on. The movie is waiting."

Harry (Age 16):

You and Harry's girlfriend never came along, you just didn't like her. Of course you weren't so happy as he brought her home with him as you liked to spend time with him alone but you thought that you could survive a few hours with her. Since you're still in school you had to do homework but you had your problems with them. Normally Harry helped you if he's there and so you went to ask him. "Can you help me with my homework." He looked at apologizing. "I have to buy a few things. Sorry. Just ask (h/gf/n). She'll helps you." You sigh heavily as you think about your options. You decided the best is to ask since you wanted to be done with it. As you asked her she just stared at you. "Do it on your own or are you so stupid?" Was her only responds. This means you try it again but without any results. After a while Harry arrives and sees you're still busy with homework. "Haven't you ask for help?" he says sad. "I did but she refused to help me." you tell him. "(Y/N) don't tell me this. I know you don't like her that much but try at least. You can't expect people to be nice to you if you aren't nice to them."

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