#6 He breaks something of yours

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My creation :)



"Ummmmm, (Y/N)..... I don't know how to tell you this but.... I kind of... Well... By accident.... Not meant purposely .... Sort of ....... brokeyourfavouritemugofftheshelfwhileiwasgettingsomebreakfastandiknowitwasfromyourgrandmotherandimreallysorryimsuchanidiotanddontworryiwillreplaceitassoonaspossible"

He said all quickly before walking away, leaving you speechless wanting to laugh so hard that he took this type of thing so seriously. I mean you got mugs from your grandmother every week, always telling her every one she bought was your favourite.


" How was your day Lou? " you asked walking into the house, seeing him sitting on your sofa. No response.

You walked over to him staring off into space with something in his hand. "Lou?" You spoke, wondering what had got him in such a state. He slowly looked up, guilt covered his face. " It was my fault. " he whispered, gazing off again. "What Lou? What was your fault?" You questioned kneeling down in front of him. He opened out his hand showing the bracelet your father gave to you as a little girl, you treasured it dearly, but now as you have seen, the bracelet has broken in half, a couple of beads already gone from the jewel. Your eyes watered as you got up and walked out the house, leaving Louis alone to suffer with the consequences he has brought upon himself.

You came back of course, to a lot of apologies, kisses, cuddles and lots and lots of chocolates ;)


You were upstairs playing on your phone, replying to tweets, liking status' and commenting on Instagram. When you heard a loud crashing noise coming from downstairs, where Niall was cooking dinner. You rushed down to see what was going on. "Niall, are you alri..." You stopped midway sentence, to see Niall caught in the scene, standing over what seemed like a shattered plate, you stared at it for a second then realising. "Is that?" You spoke, only for Niall to nod his head shamelessly, tears drowned from his eyes. " I'm sorry, I know it was gift from your mum. I was just reaching for the saucepan when it fell and I couldn't do anything. I wish I could of. But I will pay for any expenses. I'm sorry princess. " Niall blubbered in between sobs. You walk over the broke ornament, squeezing past Niall's arms, wrapping yourself round his torso, nuzzling your head. "Please Niall, don't worry. It's ok. We will sort it out" your comforting words loosened his body, making him relax more before engulfing you in his arms more.

You stayed there for a while, until you had to clean up then ring your mum apologising for the accident.


" What?!" You shouted across the room to Liam. He had just told you he had broken one of your miniature figures that you had been collecting since you were child. "I'm sorry hunny, me and the boys, we were just ... Ya know " he shakily spoke, knowing you were annoyed. "Messing around, like you always do, when they come over " you spat, tears freeing from your eyes. "I, I, I " Liam began, trying to figure what to say. "Save it Liam" you shouted and stormed out of the room, going downstairs to try and calm yourself down.

It had been hours since his little confession and he hadnt come downstairs once. You were beginning to wonder, so you sneakily tip-toed up stairs, being as quiet as you could. You opened your bedroom door quietly, revealing a remake of your miniature figure that had got broken earlier today. You had to say it was absolutely dreadful, yet you found it the sweetest thing possible. You saw Liam in the corner of the room holding up a board with the words 'I'm Sorry' written on it in big letters. You smiled. "Get over here" you sighed giggling.

That night he made sure you had definitely forgiven him. ;)


"You can't keep doing this Harry!" You shouted at him. "I can't help having a good time (Y/N) it's what I love to do!" He argued back, getting closer towards you. You stepped up towards him " I know but you do this almost every night, and I'm just getting worried! Don't you understand, stop wasting your life away getting drunk, it's not good for you!" You shouted, getting upset about the whole argument. Harry's fists clenched, his face turning red. "I'm not wasting my life away, if anything I'm wasting my life being with you!" He shouted, making you jolt back, as his hand reached out grabbing the pendant on your neck, pulling it off with force. Then throwing it on the floor. You looked down at the necklace, as Harry stormed out of the room. You knelt down, picking up the broken pieces. The pendant was given to you by Harry when he first told you he loved you. You hadn't taken it off since. You loved it. You loved him. You sobbed as good memories circulated your mind.

A few minutes passed when you heard what seemed like crying then padded feet making their way upstairs. Harry burst through the door engulfing you in his arms. Embracing your warmth that he thought he had lost moments ago. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I do love you. I love you more then anything" he mumbled in your hair, breathing in your scent. "I love you too Haz" you whispered, snuggling closer to him.

You both fell asleep after. Then waking in the morning, agreeing to start off fresh, falling in love with each other all over again.

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