#45 You and your kids surprise him on tour

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You smiled, taking your little girl's hand in the large crowd. She looked around her eyes full of fear and anxiety. "C'mon darling," you said lovingly, lifting her to your arms before kissing her forehead, whipping few tears away. You stood in the line where fans waited for meet and greet. Few fans had recognized you, but they had promised, they wouldn't say a word. You patted your daughters back when she sniffled against your neck. She was so excited; she didn't know what else to do. "Where's daddy?" she whimpered, making your heart broke again. After Liam left for his tour, she had cried every night and now, she was going to see him again. "Well see him soon honey," you promised, almost not capable to hide your own need to run closer to your husband. The line moved, taking you nearer the table where boys were sitting and signing posters and everything they got. "Look baby, uncle Louis is smiling for you," you whispered to your baby's ear, when she turned her head to look the first member she saw. Boys knew you were coming, but Liam had no idea... She shrieked quietly against your chest, snuggling her warm face against your shirt. "We're gonna see daddy!" You smiled excited when the line moved and you were standing in front of the table. Your daughter giggled, seeing the funny faces her uncles made her. Tears still gleaming on her cheeks, you saw Liam and so did she. "DADDY!" she shrieked struggling away your lap, when she ran to Liam. "Darling," Liam yelled surprised, lifting her up to his arms before showering her with kisses. Liam sighed happily, before he hugged her daughter tightly. "Dad, I can't breathe!" She yelled laughing, making Liam loose his grip immediately. "I'm sorry babe! Where's mommy?" Liam smiled, kissing her forehead again. Your daughter pointed you with her small finger, making Liam's face light up. You laughed, running to his embrace before kissing his lips. "I can't believe this! My girls are here! I can't believe this!"


"Sweetie, sit down, we're almost there!" you said patiently, looking at your son who was jumping up and down on his car seat. "But I want to see dad!" he screamed happily, not able to sit down with his excitement. He was a spitting imagine of Louis: Blue eyes, dark hair and mischievous smile, what made you expect his pranks and jokes, just like his dad's. "Tommy sit down," You begged again, looking at him angrily. He sat down, looking at you pouting. "When are we there?" he asked crossing his legs before lifting them to lean against the front seat. His Spiderman sneakers almost hit your ear, when you pulled the car to the parking lot. "We're there now," you said, relieved. Tommy screamed excited, jumping off his seat, before almost running inside the hotel. "Hold on big boy," you laughed, taking his hands, stopping him from running, "We need to surprise daddy, remember?" He smiled excited, blue eyes glowing when he gripped your hand following you inside the hotel. Paul smiled, looking at your son, when he jumped to his arms. "Pauly, where's daddy?" he screamed happily hugging his neck. "He's having private lunch with boys, right there," he said pointing the door before you. Tommy's eyes widen when he ran away from Paul, opening the door before running in. "DAD! DAD!" you followed your son, smiling, to the dining room. Louis looked up, surprised, mouth hanging open, "TOMMY!" You laughed when your husband ran across the room, to scoop his little son to his arms. Tommy wrapped his arms around Louis' neck, kissing his neck, "Daddy I love you." You smiled, seeing Louis' eyes water when he hugged his son tightly, "I love you too buddy!" Tommy smiled, pulling away for his father's arms before lifting his feet to show Louis his new shoes "Look what mommy got me! When I walk, Spiderman lights up!!"


A small giggle escaped your daughter's mouth when you bounced her up and down on your lap. Her small hands tangled to your hair, pulling them softly, when a spittle bubble escaped her lips while she giggled. "Who's happy today? Is it my girl?" you cooed, lifting her to stand against your chest. It was a new talent for her, just last week she learned how to stand against the support, "Your daddy is going to be surprised darling! Yes he is!" She giggled again, brown eyes lighting up. "Dada!" She had eyelashes just like her father's; long and beautiful. Black hair covered her small head, when her cheeks redden with a toothless smile. You sat on Zayn's hotel room, waiting his arrival with your baby girl. He had been gone so long, and you missed him so much it hurt. This time his tour was different from all the tours before: you had your baby to take care of, and Zayn missed her as much as you. Voices coming from the hallway made you grin in excitement. He was coming. You got finally see him again, touch him..feel his breath against your skin and see his proud eyes when he watched your daughter. A key card beeped in the lock when he entered the room. His eyes were on his phone, brown eyes focused to his typing. You smiled, looking at him adored, he hadn't even look around himself. "DADA!" shriek left your daughter's lips when she saw her daddy. Zayn's head snapped up, eyes widening when a huge grin appeared to his face. "What on earth?" he mumbled, running to you, tears forming to his eyes." You're here!" he smiled, hugging you both tightly. "We thought we'd surprise you!" you laughed, looking at his face. He couldn't believe it. "We're here," you chuckled, kissing his lips softly, making him grin again. "This is like a dream," he mumbled, kissing you back, before lifting his small daughter to his arms, "hi baby." She giggled when Zayn kissed her cheek, clapping her hands together, making you laugh. "Dada," she said again, making Zayn smile proudly. "Yes baby, daddy is here."


You stroked your son's brown hair peacefully, when he slept on your lap. His twin brother laid on cart, blue eyes closed and small lips tightly closed. Boys were tired after a long flight, but you couldn't even think of sleeping. "We're going to see daddy soon," you sang to your sons quietly, smiling to yourself. You missed him terribly and so did boys. They were always running to the door when it opened, only disappointed that it wasn't their daddy. Preston knocked the door quietly, before opening it smiling. "They're going on stage," he said looking at your sleeping twins, "I'll tell you when it's time for twitter questions." You thanked him, starting to slowly wake your boys up. They opened their ocean blue eyes, before rubbing their red cheeks. "Who wants to see daddy?" you asked, making their eyes widen with excitement. Other of the twins giggled, wiggling his toddler feet excited. They missed him so... After you fed your kids, another knock on your door made you smile. Preston didn't need to say anything when he opened the door, making your heart race even more. "C'mon boys," you said taking their hands before leading them next to the stage. They wobbled with their toddler feet, chubby hands on yours, wearing I love daddy shirts. You could barely hold your excitement when you saw Niall standing on the stage on his tank top, reading the tweets his fans had send them. "There's one for you Niall," Louis said happily, "It reads: today is father's day, do you miss your boys?" You smiled, looking down to the two little boys who were trying to escape your grip to run for their father. "Oh man, you have no idea. It's awful. I miss them so much and I wish I could be home with them chilling and watching football," Niall said looking down when fans awed to him. You smiled, kneeling down to your boys, "Go to see daddy!" Their faces lighted up when you let them run to stage with their toddler feet. The audience exploded, making boys confused what was going on, before Liam tapped Niall's shoulder, "There's two little Horan's on stage!" Niall turned around, eyes widen, when he saw his boys running to hug him. You whipped away a tear when he lifted his boys to his arms kissing and hugging them tightly. His eyes reached yours, and you smiled, knowing how much he loved you. "I love you," you mouthed, smiling happily. "I love you too," he mouthed back, before bouncing his boys up and down, making them giggle.


You smiled when you brushed Darcy's brown curls. They were soft under your hand, just like her dad's. You were sitting on the room next to the interview, waiting it to stop, so you could surprise Harry. He loved his girls more than anything in the world, and he was absolutely heartbroken when he had to leave for tour. Darcy smiled, pressing her dolly against her chest. It was her birthday, she was just turning three. You knew how badly Harry had taken the fact that he wouldn't be home at his baby girl's birthday, so you made a decision to surprise him. "Where's daddy?" she asked pouting her lip, looking at you with her light green eyes. "He's here soon," you said smiling, before kissing your sleepy girl's forehead. It was late, but boys had to do their work. "I want to see daddy," she said, tears rolling down her cheeks, when she cried against your chest. "I know baby, I know," you whispered, rubbing her back making her cry even more. "You can go behind the curtain if you want," Paul said smiling, when he reached Darcy's hand, squeezing it lightly. "Mommy please!" she begged, looking just like Harry, making your heart melt. "Let's go," you smiled, taking your daughter to the other room. You stood behind the curtain what separated you and the boys. They were making a small interview with Kid Kraddick. You smiled, watching Darcy's smile when she heard her dad's voice for the first time in long time. She looked at you, eyes big, before she peaked her head to see her dad. "Mommy I saw daddy!" she squeaked looking at you so happily, you couldn't help but smile. "Excuse me," Harry's deep voice interrupted Niall's when he stood up. You giggled, knowing that he had seen his daughter. "Darce?" Harry called in front of the curtain. "Man you're messed up," Louis laughed, making other boys giggle. "Go," you said kissing Darcy's cheek when she ran to the room, making everybody yell and cheer. "Darcy!" Harry yelled, scooping her up, twirling her around, and kissing her cheeks. You stood behind him, smiling when boys laughed. "Missed me?" you asked laughing, when he turned around to hug you crying happy tears. "Well who do we have here?" Kid laughed, looking at Harry who was holding his daughter and kissing you. "I have birthday!" Darcy yelled excited, making everyone giggle. Harry laughed kissing her cheek again, "my baby is growing up."

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