#37 He gets angry and does something he regrets (Part 2)

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I stayed in the bathroom rethinking the night over in my head.The boys and I had a very serious fight,possibly the worst one we've ever had.I didn't mean anything I said to them but they just made me so mad!I picked up the thing closest to my hand and threw it against the bathroom tile.I heard it break and I saw that it was Y/N's brush.Y/N!I completely forgot about her.I pushed her!I hurt her oh god!I ran out of the bathroom hoping to see her there but she wasn't."Shit!"I cussed and ran into the hallway.She must have left,she had to the way I was being she must be so scared.I ran outside she had to be somewhere.I searched for hours calling her name and even her phone.But nothing she was gone,I came back to our apartment feeling horrible.I really messed up this time,really bad.I took off my jacket to put in the closet but it was locked.I turned the knob some more but it didn't budge."What the hell?"I pressed my ear against the door and heard a small sniffle."Y/N?"I said quietly."Y/N,please open the door please I'm so sorry please"I said and felt my eyes begin to water."no"I heard her squeak out."Baby please I'm so sorry.I don't want you in there please"I pleaded kneeling down and placing my hand on the door.She was silent for a few minutes before I heard the door click.I smile and opened it and saw her eyes all puffy and her nose red while she hugged her knees to her chest.I got into the closet with her and picked her up.She didn't struggle at all.I carried her back to our room and laid in bed with her.I ran my fingers through her hair and she winced."Stop!"she hissed and buried herself in my chest."I hit my head in the closet."she said and I kissed the small bump."I'm sorry I was angry yesterday I didn't mean to push you like that or grab you so hard.I was so scared that you left I searched all night.Y/N please I love you so much"I said and felt one of my tears land in her hair.She cuddled closer to me"I love you to Li-"she fell asleep right there.I smiled and kissed her cheek.I'm so happy I never want to let her go.


Its been a week since me and Y/N's fight and I'm still angry,I haven't tried talking to her but she hasn't even talked to me.I actually haven't even seen her since that night.I wonder what she thinks of me?I was harsh to her I said I hated her when I don't.I reached for my phone to call her when Liam was already calling me."Li-"he interrupted me."Niall you fucking idiot!She's in the hospital!I don't know what you did but you messed up big time!You better get down here!"he yelled and hung up.I ran out the door and into the car driving to the hospital as quickly as possible.When I got there all the boys were there giving me sad looks except Liam."What happened?Where is she?"I asked feeling cold,"Shes resting after getting stomach pumped,she tried to kill herself in a bunch of pills Niall"Liam said bitterly."C-Can I see her?"I asked,he nodded his head towards the door and sat down with the rest of the boys.I went inside the room to see her on that bed facing away from me.I already started crying just thinking about how she could have died.I sat near the bed facing her back.I saw her move so now she was laying on her back.She was awake and looked at me blankly."Do you have anything else to say to make me kill myself?"she said and I put my head down."No no I didn't what I said and I know now you wouldn't cheat on me.But I know you don't deserve me you don't deserve someone like me.I'm so sorry I just-"I started crying,I couldn't even look at her.I heard what sounded like a whimper,I looked up and saw her smiling?She started giggling and then full on laughing.She stopped and grabbed my hand,"You're an idiot you know that right?"she sniffled and started crying."Yeah I know that"I said,"But I'm an idiot who loves you"I said and she smiled."I'm sorry"I said again and she shook her head."Just come here"she said and moved on the bed.I got up and laid with her holding her while she cried into my chest and I kept telling her just how much I loved her.


"Fine"Thats all she said before running out of the bathroom,one word that made me regret everything I did."Fuck"I pushed the slut girl off of me and ran out of the bathroom getting some weird looks from girls going inside.I am a fucking prick,why did I even bring her here she hates places like this and then I left her alone!I started yelling her name over the music but I don't think she could hear me and I couldn't find her.I kept yelling and yelling and then I saw her,she was on the ground and she looked so scared.I ran to her kneeling on the ground and trying to calm her down while she was trying to breath.She always told me she had panic attacks and I caused this one."Get away from me"she yelled and weakly tried to push me away.I had to get her outside before she fainted.I picked her up while she still weakly struggled against me."Get off you cheating fucking man whore!"she yelled.I took her outside and helped her lean against the building and breath."Y/N sweetheart calm down just take deep breaths"I said but she kept hyperventilating."Get away!"she screamed and fell down."Y/N Please calm down take slow breaths"I pleaded but she glared at me."Y/N please I'm so-"she slapped me hard."fucking prick"she spat and I nodded."I deserved that I know but sweetheart please just breath"I pleaded and she pushed me away."I don't need you!"she huffed and started to walk away."Y/N!"I yelled when she started to wobble I caught just before she fell."Please just don't walk away"I said and she started to cry.She slapped me again,"Prick!"she yelled over and over while she hit me and started crying harder.I caught both of her wrists making her stop."I'm sorry"I whispered placing my forehead on hers."I hate you"she sniffled and I kissed her,"I love you too"I said and she just shook her head but didn't fight when I picked her up.


I've had that guitar ever since I was teenager and she just broke it like it was nothing.But I did make her cry,maybe I am overreacting its just a guitar and she was just cleaning.It was an accident.Fuck!I turned around to see that she was gone.I ran downstairs and didn't see her she must have left.I ran outside and could just barely make her out running down the street."Y/N!"I yelled and started running after her,I couldn't have her leave me,I need her."Wait please!"I yelled when I saw her running into an alley.I was a faster runner then she was but she did have a head start and I was trying so hard to catch up.But when I turned into the alley I came just in time to see her fall into some glass and shriek in pain."Y/N!"I yelled and knelt beside her.She had scraped her leg and palm.I tried to look at it but she pulled away."Please don't be afraid,I'm so sorry"I said and wiped away the tears from her eyes."What about the guitar?"she whimpered and I got angry with myself"Fuck the guitar,I'm just an idiot okay?!"I said and kissed her hard surprising her but at least she kissed me back.I pulled away and kissed her cheek making her smile."I didn't mean anything I said to you,I love you"I said and she kissed me"I know you didn't"she said softly and I picked her bridal style."Ah!Zayn!"she squealed and I laughed."Let's clean you up"I said and she kissed my cheek.


I woke up on the floor with a HUGE headache and a serious pain in my crotch."Fuck"I cursed as I rolled over in pain.I got up slowly and looked at the room which was a mess."Y/N?!"I called out but there was no answer.The boys had brought up some stupid idea that she was cheating on me while we were drinking and of course I believed it but I was just drunk and stupid."Y/N!?"I called out and stumbled into the hallway.I went to the guest room and tried the door but it was locked."Y/N?Please open the door!Whatever I did last night was just me being a fucking drunk jackass"I said but she didn't reply."Y/N please I love you just open the door"I pleaded knocking softly."Are you just going to accuse me of cheating again!?!"she yelled and I shut my eyes feeling horrible about what I said to her."No,I know you wouldn't do that I trust you and I love you please open the door!"I said jiggling the knob.I heard some movement behind the door but it didn't open."You scared me"I heard her small voice say."I know...I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that just please...open the door"I said and heard the door click.She slowly opened and her eyes were red and puffy.I immediately pulled her into my arms and held her tight."I'm sorry"I said holding her tight."If it makes you feel better you can kick me again" I said and she giggled."Maybe I will"she joked and I kissed her cheek,"I love you so much"

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