#37 He gets angry and does something regrets (Part 1)

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Both parts from tumblr x



You knew Liam would be working late tonight so you tried to stay up for him but ended up falling asleep in bed.You woke up to the door downstairs being slammed hard that it made the whole apartment shake.Scared you sat up and heard footsteps stomp upstairs.The door to the bedroom opened and and a very angry Liam stormed in. "Liam? What's-"he threw his jacket at a nearby chair making it fall over.You gasped and looked at him shocked."What's wrong!?"he only glared at you and started walking towards the bathroom. You threw the covers off of you and got up immediately.You stepped in front of him and he stopped walking."Liam!Just tell me what's wrong?!Why are you acting like this?"you said and he just glared."Move Y/N"you couldn't believe what he was saying."What?!Liam just-"he grabbed your shoulders so hard that you yelped in pain and could feel tears stinging in your eyes."I said get the fuck out of my way!"he said and forcibly shoved you towards the bed.He went into the bathroom slamming and locking the door.You stood there shocked with your shoulders still hurting and tears going freely down your cheeks.You opened your mouth feeling a sob aching to be freed.You ran out of the room and down the hallway into a closet farthest from the bedroom and ran inside there locking it.You fell against all shoes inside and banged your head on the wall.You groaned and slid down the wall crying silently.You stayed there crying in that small little closet all night.


"WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT OF ME!?"You yelled at Niall who was accusing you of cheating for the third time this week."DO YOU NOT TRUST ME AT ALL!?"you yelled and you could see his fists clenching at his sides."NO I DON'T FUCKING TRUST YOU OKAY CAUSE I KNOW YOU THNK YOU CAN ANY FUCKING GUY YOU WANT!"He was walking closer to you."WELL GUESS WHAT Y/N!YOU FUCKING CAN'T CAUSE YOU'RE NOTHING AND YOU'LL ALWAYS BE NOTHING!AND I FUCKING HATE YOU!"He kept eye contact with you as he screamed it all to your face.And just as he said the last word you felt everything inside you just collapse.You let out a shaky breath but didn't cry.Nothing.Nothing.Nothing.His voice was screaming it over and over in your head just nothing. "Just fuck off!"he yelled kicking the coffee table making everything on it fall off.You flinched at the sound and went to the door not saying anything but just walking out feeling numb.


"Please Harry don't make a scene!"you pleaded and hoped he heard you over the loud music in the club."I don't give a fuck what these people see!You shouldn't have called me a fucking prick!"he yelled and you flinched at his voice."Well maybe you shouldn't act like one!"you yelled back smirking and you knew you only made him angrier.He walked closer pressing you against the a nearby wall glaring at you hard."Fuck.you"he spat out before walking away and disappearing into the dance floor.The look in his eyes made you feel extremely guilty so you hurried after him shouting his name.You searched around for nearly twenty minutes until you felt like you were about to faint.You started running to where the bathrooms are and rushed inside only to freeze on the spot.You knew that set of curls anywhere and there he was kissing some girl he probably didn't even know.He saw you in the mirror and and smirked while kissing her neck.Now you really couldn't breath."Fine"you said your voice cracking as you walked out and then started rushing to find some exit.You haven't been to this club at all so you had no idea where anything was.It was way too crowded and stuffy and the longer you stayed the harder it was to breath.You ended up bumping into some drunk man."Where ya going sweetheart?"he slurred gripping your elbow."Please let go I-I can't breath!"you struggled to get loose."Come on" he said and you felt my heart rate sky rocket,you were starting to wheeze and shake like crazy,please not now you thought and started to hit the man and he just pushed you to the ground where more people ignored you and crowded around suffocating you.


"I'm s-so s-s-sorry Zayn I was just c-c-cleaning"you stuttered as he picked up the guitar you broke on accident,his favorite guitar.He was silent for a few minutes while looking at it."You fucking idiot"he muttered under his breath but you heard him just fine."Can't you do anything fucking right!"he yelled throwing the broken pieces of the guitar. You gasped taking a step back shaking in fear,"I'm s-s-sorry I d-d-didn't mean t-t-t-to bre-a-ak it"I stuttered to terrified to talk normally."Stop fucking stuttering!"he yelled and you kept your mouth shut."You fucking bitch ugh!"he screamed throwing things off his desk.You yelped at the loud noise and ran out of the room and outside running from the house and from him.


Louis was over with the boys supposedly for the whole night.But you didn't mind since you could have some time to be alone.It was really late when you woke up to loud noises downstairs.You felt extremely scared and listened as they ran up the stairs stomping down the hallway.You screamed when the door opened.You held your chest when you saw it was just Louis."Louis?Oh my god you fucking scared me!Its 3 in the morning what are you doing here"You yelled as he shifted on his feet,he's drunk."Louis."he groaned and you got up to help him into bed."Don't touch me you whore!"he yelled slapping your hand away."What?Louis!"you tried helping again but he walked away opening the closet."Where is he?"he slurred looking inside it and then looking under the bed."What are you talking about?Louis stop!"you said and tried to grab his arms.He shoved you away and held you against the bed."Louis get off me!"you screamed and he glared."Your cheating on me aren't you?Where is he slut?!"he screamed in your face.You kneed him hard in the groin and pushed him off running into the nearest room and locking the door hoping he would stay away.But you could hear him yelling terrible things.You covered your ears not wanting to hear it and just cried rocking yourself back and forth.

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