#29 Your Child Gets Sick

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'Oh no, oh shit no' is the first thing that crosses his mind, his hand flying up to feel his little girls forehead. Her head was burning hot, so he picked her up, cradling her like she was a baby again, carrying her down the hall and into the room where you were sleeping, laying her down and cuddling her, "It's gonna be okay love, you're gonna feel better soon."


Hearing the cries of your daughter from down the hall, begging for mummy and daddy, I pattered down the hall, opening the door and sighing at the sight of her with her hand over her mouth, vomit running down her arm and tears streaking her cheeks. I wipe away her tears and tell her to go to the bathroom so she can wash the vomit from her arms.


He's immediately the first to pick up his son, trying to calm him down, tears running down the toddlers cheeks, "Shh. It's okay." He whispers, bouncing him. Your sons stomach churns at the bouncing, and just as Lou holds him up in the air, his mouth opens and vomit spews all over Louis' face.


He doesn't leave his sons side, sitting by the bed and watching movies on the tv he took the effort to drag into his bedroom. Reading books about dinosaurs and singing to him when he started to feel a little better. He made sure to keep him hydrated and nourished because you were gone while your little boy was sick, but Niall was the perfect daddy while you were gone.


He noticed your daughter didn't want to eat, she was just pushing her food around on her plate. "You feeling okay babydoll?" Your daughter shrugs, "My tummy hurts daddy." You reach over the table feeling her forehead and find that she has a fever, "How about you go lay down and I'll bring you some medicine." Your daughter nods, following instructions.

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