#62- BSM - He Sees You Making Out With Your Boyfriend

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Shoutouts to @fergaliciousharry and @xluciamixionerx

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In the last weeks you and your boyfriend had a lot of stress in school. This is why you both didn't have time for each other. Fortunately these times are over now and it was normal that you made plans quickly. It was planned that you two go into the park for a picnic but now you find yourself laying on the couch with your boyfriend of top of you. His lips pressed firmly against yours as his tongue enters your mouth. You missed this feeling more than anything and he clearly too. You two got so into it you didn't heard that someone entered the room. "No." you hear someone whine loudly. Shocked you jump apart to see your brother standing in front of you. "I don't want to see this when I'm around. You're kissing my sister." he says and points to your boyfriend. "No brother wants to see this." he complains. "Sorry Niall." you tell him and try to contain your laugh as your boyfriend glares at you. "I think we go to my room." you try to save the situation. "(Y/N) wait a second." your brother demands. He waits till your boyfriend is in your room. "I know that you're old enough to have a boyfriend and so but please be you know. Careful." he explains clearly uncomfortable. "I mean I was once your age and it's exciting and." "Please don't say more." you stop him before he goes into detail. "I know everything I need to know." you state awkwardly. "I better go." you say and quickly run away, not wanting to discuss the subject with your brother.


You and your boyfriend are together since a few weeks and so you spend almost every moment together. As you two relax in your room you couldn't keep your hands off each other. Every other minute you would kiss and so it wasn't a surprise that you find yourself under him on your bed. What you forgot was that Liam had a break from tour and would come and visit you today. As Liam enters the house with your mother he was surprised that you didn't jump right into his arms as you do this usually. "She's probably in her room." your mother says and so he quickly runs to your room. Without knocking he opens your door ready to wrap his arms around you but instead he sees your arms around another boy. As you realize you door opened you quickly pull away and push your boyfriend away. He lands on the floor with a thud. "What was that for?" he complains. "I'm sorry." you apologize quickly before you turn to Liam. "Liam. You're home." you say happily and quickly run to him. "Who's that?" he asks coldly. You sigh before taking your boyfriends hand. "That's my boyfriend. We're dating since a few weeks." you admit. "Wait downstairs." you whisper to your boyfriend as he leaves the room. "So you have a boyfriend now." Liam smiles sadly. "He's really nice. I told him about you and he wanted to meet you. Please be nice to him." you plead an he sighs. "I try. But if he ever hurts or wants you to do things you don't want than..." he threats. "Don't worry. He's not like that." He rolls his eyes. "Of course. They are always nice and then they want more and. What I mean. Be careful. I don't want you to get hurt." he confess and hugs you tightly. "I'll be careful. I promise. Now come on. You should meet him and be nice." you warn by what he starts to laugh.


"Are you going out?" Louis asks as you walk towards the front door. "Yes. (Y/BF/N) and I going out for dinner." you explain him as you put on your shoes. "Don't be back too late." he yells before you walk out of your house towards your boyfriend. He greets you with a kiss and you both drive to the little restaurant. After your dinner date he drives you back home and walks you to the door. "Thanks for bringing me home." you say as he holds you in his arms. "No problem." he smiles and leans in to kiss you. Of course you return the kiss immediately. The kiss doesn't stay as innocent as it was in the beginning. Quickly you're into a full make out session as suddenly the door swings open. "Alright. That's enough. Goodbye (Y/BF/N)." Louis declares and drags you in. "Louis." you laugh as he turns to look at you. "You shouldn't do this." he whines. "I'm 17. I think that's normal. We were just kissing and not more." you tell him and roll your eyes. "Until now. Next time he wants more and you can't do anything against it. He's just a teenage boy." Louis sighs and you could tell he's a little bit frustrated. "Louis. He's nice and you know that." He nods his head and pulls you into a hug. "You're right. I just want you safe." he whispers and kisses your head.


You were lucky enough to have the house to yourself for the weekend and so you invited your boyfriend over. Your parents allowed it as they trust you and luckily also your boyfriend. You both ordered pizza and decided to watch a movie. After a while you feel his hand starts to stroke your side as you lay with your had against his chest. Suddenly he leans down to kiss you softly on the lips. "I love you." he whispers and a huge grin forms on your face. This was the first time he said it. "I love you too." you say blushing. You both lean in to kiss again and soon you're under him while kissing heavily. "Hey! What are you doing on my sister." you hear an all to familiar voice. Quickly your boyfriend sits up and you look towards your brother. "I think you should leave." he says sternly. He nods and gives you a quick kiss before running out of the house. "What the hell. You're alone for once and then you have this boy over." Zayn yells. "Zayn calm down. We're together for over a month and know each other almost a year. He's one of my best friends." you defend yourself. "Why didn't you tell me." he asks a lot quieter than before before. You sigh. "You're very protective and that's nice but I love him and..." you explain and stop the sentence with a sigh. "Wow. Love?" he asks and pulls you into his arms. "Yes. We said it the first time today." you admit blushing. "Well I think it's ok. But I want to meet him properly. And I never want to see you like that again. Do you know how weird it is?" You nod your head. "I do. You had the one or other girl over you know."


You always were the baby of the family and so especially Harry treated you often like you're still a little girl. His reaction was priceless as you introduced your boyfriend. After a while he got used to the idea as he got to know him and was sure he's a nice boy. Nevertheless he didn't trust him completely and made sure your door would be open when he's over. During the movie you and your boyfriend watch he leans down to kiss you and so you started to make out. He was on top of you as his tongue enters your mouth. You moan lightly against his lips and his hand starts to play with the hem of your shirt. Slowly he lifts it over your head and you don't stop him. Suddenly you hear someone yelling. "That's my sister." You pull away from your boyfriend to see your brother in the doorway. You yelp and searched in record time for your shirt. After you put it on your boyfriend leaves. Harry sighs "(Y/N)." he begins. "I know you're both excited and young but please don't rush it. You both have time and if the time is right you should be careful so..." he explains. "Wait wait wait." you interrupt him quickly. "Are you trying to give me the talk? Stop it. I already know this stuff." you tell him desperately. "Are you sure?" he asks. "Of course. And if not I wouldn't talk with my brother about it." you answer him. "Just be safe." he says and pulls you into a hug while kissing your head.


Love Lou x

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