#36 He sees your boyfriend break-up/hit you

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From tumblr my lovelys :*


His POV ...


I know management said what I did was the right thing to do but I hated it.They made break up with Y/N only to make the band more popular.It was torture and all I saw at night was her crying face.It killed me inside knowing that she's dating someone new after only 3 months,but at least she's happy. I was with Zayn walking to Nandos when I saw her.There talking with her new boyfriend right on the corner of the street.I just wanted to explain to her why and hold her tight.Zayn saw why I stopped walking."Do you want to take a different way,mate?" he asked.I nodded slowly and we crossed the street.I looked back at Y/N and saw facial expression had changed from smiling and happy to sad and shocked.What were they talking about?I stopped in my tracks and watched them."Niall?"Zayn said but I didn't listen.Was he breaking up with her?She started talking but he wouldn't even listen to her and just walked away while she was talking.She stood there and I saw her start to cry and run away.I ran after her"Y/N!"I yelled running faster and she stopped and looked at me."Niall" she said wiping away her tears that just kept coming."I missed you" I said and she laughed sadly."I guess you saw what happened.Twice in row" she said putting her head down and I felt like crying."I never wanted to break up with you....I still love you" I mumbled and she looked me."Then why did you?"she said "Management"I shrugged and she smiled."Your such an idiot you know that?"she laughed and walked closer to me."Can we just get back together please?" I pleaded and she kissed me.


I haven't really been feeling my best lately,me and Y/N had just broken up about four months ago.I know I should get over it but I just really cared about her but all we did was fight so we just couldn't live like that.So the boys practically ripped me from my bed and made get dressed and go out to meet someone new.I knew I wasn't going to but it would at least get them off my back for awhile.So yeah I got dressed and went them.We all got a drink and started talking.I didn't say much,all I could think about was her.All the good times we had and memories we shared."So Harry see any pretty birds you might fancy here" Lou asked.I looked into the crowd of people dancing.Not one face interested me so I just shrugged at Louis.He returned to the conversation with Louis.I continued staring into the crowd.Then out of nowhere I saw her,Y/N talking to some guy.She looked so depressed and scared?He was talking to her while she would just nod.Then some girl tapped his shoulder and he face immediatly brightened as he started flirting with.Y/N didn't even care like she was used to it.She looked up and her eyes made contact with mine.I saw a small smile form in her lips.I smiled back weakly,should I go talk to her?I was about to get up when her boyfriend turned back to her and saw that she was looking at me.He got angry fast.Though the music was loud I could hear him yelling calling her horrible things.I got up immediatly to go and give him a piece of mind.Then he slapped her and he didn't care at all.I ran and attacked him with punches.The boys came and pulled me off,I was beyond mad.He stood up his face bleeding and grabbed Y/N's arm.I was about to attack him again but instead he let go and left.Y/N looked at me a red mark now on her cheek.The boys had let me go and I held her tight to me."Take me back please,Y/N"I begged and she held me back"Yes Harry"


It was just one big fight that ended everything between me and Y/N.Things were said that I didn't mean and she just walked.I haven't seen her in months.The boys have told me she keeps in touch with them but she won't talk about me or of what she's doing.It killed me inside worrying about what she was doing or who she's seeing.I had to find out,I went by her old apartment and started knocking on the door.I heard some guy curse from behind the door.The door opened "Yeah?"he said angrily"Uh is Y/N"I asked trying to looked behind him."No she's out,What's your name I'll tell her you came by"he said "Uh tell her Zayn needs to talk to her"I said and I knew something was wrong here.He nodded and closed the door.I stayed listened just invade he was lying."Who the fuck is Zayn?!"I heard him yell.I could here a tiny voice I knew it was her "Fucking slut!"I heard him yell and Y/N yelped.I startled banging in the door "HEY!"I kept banging and no one opened and I all could here was her yelping.I kicked the door open and saw Y/N on the floor trying to protect herself.I tackled the guy to the ground and started punching nonstop.I stopped only to throw him out and I went back to Y/N.I held her against me and she held tight onto me sobbing into my chest."I'm here,Y/N.Shh don't worry I'm not going anywhere"I said and she held me tighter.


1 month,2 months,3 months,4. Months.Thats all I could think about.How much time had been passing since me and Y/N broke up.Its not like we wanted to its just things were getting to difficult.And I knew neither of us could handle it anymore.It was definitely the biggest mistake of my life.I miss her so much,I miss her smile,her laugh,her voice.Right now I'd give anything to see her again.I've staying inside my flat only leaving to go to the studio.The boys would try and cheer me up but it didn't work.But tonight maybe I should take step and actually try to get better.I got dressed and went out for a walk at around 10pm I know it's late but at least nobody would bother me.I started walking breathing in the fresh air a cool breeze.I had reached the park and heard some man yelling.I kept walking being curious.He was arguing with some girl,probably his girlfriend.I was about walk away when I heard him say"You know what!Fuck you,Y/N!You can walk your ass home I don't even wanna see you right now!Were done!"he yelled storming off leaving her alone,cold in the dark.Y/N?Could it be her.I walked back towards her and saw her shaking and crying,rubbing her arm.She was obviously cold,I took my sweater off and put it on her bare shoulders.She turned around"Liam?What are you doing here?"she said her voice shaky."I was just out for a walk when I uh saw you here"I said."Ha I wish you hadn't seen that"she said still crying."I always hated when you cried"I said smiling at her.She giggled"Come on your freezing.My flat is only around the corner."I said offering my arm to her.She took it and we walked together."He's a fool you know...for breaking up with you.Just like I was."I held onto her hand."He only broke up with me because I said I was in love with someone else."she said"Who?"I asked sheepishly."You"she smiled and I kissed her.


I should call her,no what would I say?Sorry and I love you.No that's too cheesy.Ugh I just need to hear her voice again.I don't care if she's got a new boyfriend I just need her in my life.Ugh!God why am I so stupid!I should have kept her while I had her.God I need a drink.I should probably get some fresh air too.Y/N does live nearby maybe I'll see her,maybe.I got dressed quick,it wasn't too late so maybe there wouldn't be a lot of people partying in the club.I got there and ordered a beer,maybe I shouldn't have gone out .What if she sees me drunk?What if I do get drunk?Fuck I should just go.I was about to leave when I saw her walk in,Y\N looking as beautiful as ever.But another man had his arm wrapped around her and she looked happy?I felt my heart sank,I'm never going to get over her am I?I quickly slip into the small crowd of people dancing making my way across the room.I sat in a booth slowly sipping my beer while watching them.I knew it was stalkerish but I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.I wonder what she in him?What made him better then me?He seemed a bit to touchy and I know Y/N hates that in a guy.How much was he going to have to drink?Isn't that his like tenth shot?He totally just checked out that girls bum!Oh no,Y/N's notices.Their fighting and he's drunk this won't end well maybe I should do something.No I shouldn't get involved.Wait he's looking really angry.I got up worried and slowly walked over to them.Before I could even stop him he raised his hand and brought it down against Y/N's cheek.I shoved him and he turned around and I punched him square in the jar sending him down to the floor.Security dragged me out pushing me outside,I started walking home."Louis!Louis!Louis wait!"I heard her voice call out to me.I felt embarrassed she probably that I'd been following them.I turned and looked at her she'd been crying."Why are you leaving?"she said her voice sad."I think I can tell where I'm not wanted"I said also sad."So your just going?You won't even talk to me?"she yelled "What's there to talk about?!Your boyfriend hit you and I punched him!So what!" I yelled "It's not just so what,Lou.I miss you and I know you miss me."she said crying again.I stayed silent"Really nothing?Not a word?"she said and sniffled.She turned around and starting walking away.No not this time."Y/N!"I yell running towards her she stops and I turn her around and kiss her,she kisses back.

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