#40 He finds out your pregnant

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Zayn: Zayn was in the restroom looking for a new bottle of shampoo under the sink drawer. Looking through the back, he found an empty pregnancy kit. Judging by the crumpled box, he could tell that it had been stashed in a quick amount of time. Zayn cocked and eyebrow up, and started looking through the small trash can, not caring about how dirty his hands would get. He found nothing. "Babe! What's this?" Zayn asked holding up the box. "Ummm... Oh! I know this looks bad, but that's (Y/F/N)'s. She thought she was pregnant, but it was a false alarm." You explained to him. "Are you the friend?" he asked looking directly at you. You looked down, tears forming in your eyes. "Yes, Zayn. It's mine... And it came out... positive. I'm sorry, Zayn." You broke down and went on the floor. Zayn rushed to you and held you in his arms. "Babe, don't you ever say sorry about something this beautiful happening." He said. You were confused. "I'm going to be a father, you're going to be a mother, and we are going to raise a beautiful child. There is nothing to be upset about." He continued. You slowly stopped crying and gave him a small kiss. "I love you, Zayn." You said. "I love you, too."

Louis: You rushed over to Louis' flat and rang his doorbell. Your face was red, your eyes were puffy, and tears ran down your face one by one. "(Y/N)! What's happened?" he asked. You walked inside afraid of what you were about to say. "Louis, I love you. But there's something I've been meaning to say to you for quite some time now." You said. "(Y/N), what is it?" "Louis, I'm... pregnant." You cried. Louis looked confused for a bit and then smiled. "Love, don't cry, we're having a baby! This should be one of the happiest moments of your life." He said. Then it hit him, "We're gonna be mothers!" he exclaimed. You stopped crying and started laughing. He carried you bridal style and spun you around. "I guess there was nothing to be afraid of after all," you thought to yourself.

Liam: "Liam! We have a situation!" you exclaimed. "What is it, babe?" he asked. "I haven't had my period in over two weeks," you said with worried eyes. Liam's eyes grew big. "Are you trying to tell me something?" he asked. "I don't know! I think I need to get a pregnancy test kit," you said. You both went inside the car and drove to the store and got about four different brands to be sure. You got back to his flat and rushed to the bathroom. Meanwhile he paced outside the door to hear the results. You sat there waiting for the results to be finished. After a few minutes, you slowly held the test up and read a positive sign. You're eyes grew big with shock. "(Y/N)! Is everything alright?" Liam asked. "No! Everything is not alright! I'm pregnant," you responded and fell on the floor crying. Liam busted the door open, and hugged you in his arms. "Babe, everything is going to be alright." He said. "How do you know? I'm pregnant! There's a living human inside of me!" you exclaimed. "We can work this out, you don't have to worry about a thing." He tried calming you down. "Trust me when I say, that I will be the best dad anyone could ever possibly be," he said with a smile.

Niall: You were sitting on the bathroom floor, when Niall found you throwing up into the toilet. "(Y/N)! Are you alright?" He rushed inside and held your hair, while you constantly threw up. "Niall, I don't know. These past few days I've been feeling queasy, and nauseated. I may just have gotten food poisoning or something." You explained to him. Niall wasn't so sure, and looked under the sink for a pregnancy kit. "Try this, babe. We can never be too sure of what's going on with you." He said, handing you the kit. "You don't think I'm pregnant do you?" you asked with fear in your eyes. He shrugged, "I guess we'll find out." You did your business and came out of the bathroom with tears in your eyes. You held the results for Niall to look at. "So does the positive sign mean, 'yes, you are pregnant' or 'yes, you are not pregnant,?" he asked. "It means, yes, I'm pregnant," you cried. "I'm going to be a dad?" he asked. "Look Niall, I understand that if you don't want anything to do with this baby, then..." you said before he interrupted you. "(Y/N)! What are you talking about? I love you, and I already love our baby. I would never leave you for any reason, especially this!" he exclaimed. You smiled, happy that he had felt this way. "Now, we just need to be able to fit two fridge's in this house to meet the needs of our stomachs." He said and chuckled.

Harry: "Harry! Let's play Charades!" you quickly summoned Harry to the living room. "What? Why? You hate Charades," he said making a point. "Oh come on! It'll be fun!" You said. "I hope," you whispered. You started by pointing at your eyeball. "Eye," Harry said. You pointed at your nose, to show that he was correct. You danced the YMCA. "YMCA," he said. You put two fingers up, to show that you meant the second letter. "M?" he asked. You nodded. You cupped your hand and motioned around your stomach. "Bump?" he asked. You shook your head. After attempting a few more times, you couldn't handle it anymore and decided to tell him. "Harry! I'm having a baby!" you cried. He looked stunned. "Babe! This is what you had to say?" Harry smiled. "You act like this isn't a problem," you said. "Because it's not. We're having a babe, and I promise to support you through everything. Sure I would have expected to start a family at an older age, but if it's happening now, I wouldn't regret it," he said. You gave a weak smile. "But there's just one more problem," you said hugging him. "What's that?" he asked. "I'm going to be moody, with a big bump that I'll have to lurk around everywhere. I don't want to be one of those people who have so many feelings!" You cried. "Oh, I think we already passed that stage hun." He chuckled.

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