#50 You're Jealous of another Sibling (Part One)

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Sorry I haven't been updating recently but the break just been so busy, sorry guys x Hope you had a Christmas and New Year 💕



Harry paid so much more attention to her; Gemma.
Sure, she was a lot closer to him, and the age gap was a lot less than that of the many years that separated you and your older brother. But you were Harry's sister too, and even though Gemma had missed him while he was away on tour, so had you.
He hadn't really said very much to you since he came back; touring the world and visiting places you had never even heard of. Maybe a word or two, but nothing more than the obligatory greeting that was expected from him when your family picked him up from the airport and the affirmation that had left his lips when you had asked if he wanted the television remote.
That was it really; all he ever said to you - that was, aside from the grunts that left his lips early in the morning, just after he woke up and his head hung down a little, because he was still too tired from the party last night; the one he had taken Gemma to, but not you.
It was never you anymore.


Liam had two older sisters, who seemed to be fine on their own.
You were younger than Ruth and Nicola, and you were younger than Liam. You were the baby of the family; the one who everyone always looked out for. You felt bad about it too; about how your brother would always ask if you needed help, and how your sisters would tease you occasionally, in the joking manner that they occasionally teased Liam in too. You didn't like feeling this way; as if you needed help with everything, as if you were a child -you could do plenty on your own.
You wanted to feel like that too; not the way your siblings made you feel (even though it was only because they cared about you), but the way that Liam, and Ruth, and Nicola always felt.
Free; happy.
That was all you ever wanted to be.
And, even though you weren't the kind of person to be envious, you found yourself feeling jealous towards Ruth and Nicola, because Liam never really nagged them or worried about them in that brotherly way that he always seemed to with you. They were free; happy - you could see it in their eyes.


Your sister, Doniya, was older than you - by a few years, actually. And though the age difference didn't seem like a lot, you still hated it; and especially when Zayn and Doniya went out and did all the things that you couldn't - going to bars and venues where minors weren't allowed.
Your other sisters didn't feel the same; little Safaa didn't mind, and she was quite content playing with her dolls and her friends down the street, and Waliyha was happy to hang out by the mall and waste her nights on social networking sites.
And you supposed that you shouldn't have minded either, that your brother was hanging out with his sister - your sister -, but you did.
You did mind, because it was always her; if not the band, or work, or his parents, or his friends.
You were left out a lot, and it seemed as if, over time, he came to forget about you.


Louis loved you, just as he loved all his sisters, but lately, it had seemed as if he loved them a little more than he loved you. He never had time to hang out with you anymore - kick a ball in the park, or chat about things that really didn't matter.
You were the middle child of the Tomlinson clan, and being in the middle meant that people forgot about you. You weren't the eldest and you weren't the youngest.
You were stuck in the middle, forgotten, as always - the one Tomlinson who was nothing special, who was always forgotten, who not even her own brother loved; not when you were standing next to your siblings.


Niall and Greg were close; they were like best friends, and you were often left out of the picture - and being the 'annoying little sister' certainly didn't help with that either.
They got along so well, and they cared about each other in that brotherly way that all brothers cared about each other.
Sure, they fought, - and which siblings didn't? -, and they didn't always get along, but they loved each other (although they'd never admit to it), and they would end up becoming friends again before the sun went down - even though an apology was rarely made, and it was just one of those awkward manly hugs with a pat on the back and a shake of the hand, that seemed to mean so much in their eyes, and all of a sudden they'd be back to being the best of friends; almost like magic.
But it wasn't as simple as that with you and your brother, Niall.
And that made you jealous, of Greg, as much as you hated to be jealous of your eldest brother and his relationship with your other brother.
But there was no denying the fact that you were envious of your own blood.

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