Jealous of another sibling (Last Part)

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Last Part Guys xx

Read authors note at the bottom please x



It had been days since your brother had come to talk to you, and things had changed. He was trying to be a better brother; he really was. He kept asking you if you wanted to hang out, or go out for lunch with him, but every time he asked he'd get the same answer.
No, you didn't want to hang out with him and watch a movie, or have lunch at some expensive restaurant.
No, you didn't want to just pretend that everything was okay between the two of you, when it really wasn't.
And now was one of those times, when Harry was asking you to forget the way he had treated you when he first came home, and instead pretend that everything was okay between you, and that he was a good brother and that you were a good sister.
He had come bounding into your room, leaping onto your bed as he glanced at the book you were reading, before snatching it away from your grip and tossing it across the room in a manner that would suggest he was not ashamed of his misbehaving - resulting in nothing but an angry glare from you and an agitated, "What the hell?"
He smiles, mischievously, and shrugs his shoulders to make it seem as if his actions were somewhat more innocent than they appeared.
"Why are you bothering me?" you sigh, raising an eyebrow at the older boy when he continues to potter around your room; looking at your books and things without saying a word.
He glances back at you, and smiles once more, before sitting down beside you on the bed.
"So, where do you want to go?" He asks, ruffling you hair and messing up the curls that you had spent all morning perfecting; before the mirror with a curling iron.
"Away from you."
"Harsh," Harry sighs, standing once more as he continues to wander around the room, "Why are you being so difficult?"
"Because you're being a twat." You tell him, earning a smirk from your older brother; though if it was in amusement or courtesy you were unsure, and it was gone the instant it came - replaced with the anger he had been trying so hard to suppress for the past few days.
"I'm trying to make things right between us, and you're just sitting there like it's no big deal; like you don't care!"
"That would be because I don't care."
Harry groans, running a hand through his hair in agitation before letting out a yell that was a little louder than he had intended, "What do you want me to do? I'm trying, Y/N, I really am!"
You don't say anything, but simply sit there in silence as you wait for him to do something; say something.
But he doesn't.
He simply sinks down to your bedroom floor, his hands still in his hair as he pulls at his curls, a pained expression on his face; as if fighting with you actually did bother him.
You stay silent for a while longer, just as he does, before you sigh and join him on the floor, giving him a hushed apology that you still meant all the same, "I'm sorry, Harry."
And just like that, a weight was lifted from both of your shoulders - guilt.
And then, just like that, you were back to innocently teasing each other and getting along like you used to; before any of this ever happened.


The drive home was quiet; a deathly silence between the two of you - he too angry to even consider trying to hold a conversation, and you too afraid to start one. His bottom lip was caught between his teeth, as he chewed on the pink flesh and forced it white, and you could only imagine what it was that he was thinking; punishments for your poor behaviour, ways to make your life miserable. His hands clenched the steering wheel, knuckles white as the bones became more prominent. His brow was furrowed in deep thought, as he mulled over the thought of you sneaking out of the house, lying, and putting yourself in danger.
He couldn't bear the thought of you getting hurt, but he knew that you risked it tonight.
"When we get home, you are in so much trouble." He growls, under his breath when you turn to him, about to open your mouth.
You were going to say something in retaliation, defence, but then decided against starting up an argument with him a second time that night.
Liam sighs, just a little, and you can see his shoulders slump and his grip on the wheel relax; but only a bit.
"Why did you do it?" he asks, voice quieter than the roars he had let out earlier that night; when he first found you, when his temper had gotten the better of him.
You're silent for a short while, before telling him that you didn't know; that you weren't sure why you did it.
"I just... I don't know, I guess I just didn't like being treated like a baby." You admit.
"I don't treat you like a baby, Y/N." he says, but it's a lie and he knows it, as he takes his eyes off of the road for only a second, to glance sideways at you.
"Really, Liam? Just what do you think you did tonight?" You challenge, but answer the question before he can get to it, "You dragged me out of a bar, and chastised me like I was a child; like I was three years old."
He doesn't say anything, because it was the truth and he knew that.
"The same thing happened when you found out I was dating and you had yelled at me until you were blue in the face." You go on, pushing on the boundaries you knew were there, knowing that he was going to snap sooner or later and a screaming match would start.
"And what would have happened if that was Ruth, or Nicola that you found?" You ask, but he knows the answer before you say it.
He wouldn't have done a damn thing.
Liam pulls the car over, and parks it by the kerb; only a block or so from your house. He turns to look at you, but you can't tell what he's thinking; the lighting too dim to read the emotions from his face.
"I know that sometimes I baby you, - just a little -, And I know that it drives you up the wall, but I really just want to look out for you; that's what big brothers are meant to do. I was meant to protect you, and when you snuck out to that bar, and endangered yourself, I was terrified; not because of what you could be doing, because I know that you're not an idiot, and you know what's right and what's wrong. I was terrified, because there are people out there who aren't very nice people. I was terrified, because I knew that if you found yourself in a situation, and something bad happened to you, I wouldn't be there to protect you; to look after you. I was afraid of what might happen to you; and I was just so angry that you were even took that risk, and I was angry that you could have gotten hurt."
Nothing more was spoken between the two of you, after Liam had that little speech that he seemed to word so well. Liam had apologised, just a simple "Sorry" for losing his temper earlier and behaving the way that he did, and you mirrored his apology for your own actions, before Liam threw the car back into gear and pulled away from the kerb. He drove home, where your parents and sisters awaited with desperate eyes and yells, and it was never spoken of again, although there was always that burning reminder in everyone's minds of what could have happened that night; when you snuck away and traded the safety of your home for the danger of that bar, just to prove a point to your older brother.

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