#31 Finds out your child got cheated on

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You son had been quiet about the reasoning behind him and his girlfriend's breakup. The sad music he kept on replay and his general gloominess let you know that he'd been the one who'd been broken up with. You couldn't have been more wrong though. As you sat at dinner once again, Harry at the opposite end of the table from you and your son to your left, you touched the subject that had been unspoken of since its happening. "(Y/S/N), you need to eat. I know having someone break up with you is hard but-" You were cut off before you could finish, your son standing from the table. "Well she didn't dump me. I dumped her okay." His feet stomped as he went to his room. Harry stood immediately after him, slamming the door behind him, his voice louder than you thought necessary as he scolded him for disrespecting you. Suddenly all was quiet. You could hear nothing but as Harry told you later, your son spilled that he'd been cheated on, sad songs and thoughts the only way until he was able to get over the breakup.


Louis had never been so riled up than when he found out your daughter had been cheated on by her husband of three years. He paced your bedroom, ready for a fight once he found out she'd come back to your home for a while, needing time away from her unfaithful husband. "Louis, she told me to tell you not to flip out." You stopped his walking, grabbing onto his arms, hot with fury. "How am I supposed to stay calm? He fucking cheated on her." His voice was raised enough so that you knew everyone in the house could hear. Still you remained persistent with him. "I know and I know you want to protect her. She doesn't know what she's going to do yet though. You have to let her be an adult about this and make her own decisions." You nodded, watching him calm in front of you until he'd collected himself to speak with his daughter, helping her in the decision to leave a relationship where fidelity was absent.


Niall was able to read your daughter better than anyone, heading to her bedroom after her as soon as she came in from school, eyes red and a shirt that had been working to wipe tears away. He sat on the bed next to her, pulling her head into his shoulder as she cried. "I'll kill him for you if you want." Niall joked, looking down at her. She snickered a little, wrapping her arms around him. "I can also do serious injuries." He gave her a small kiss on her forehead, settling on what he knew she needed. "Or I can just hold you for a while." She finally looked up, smiling at her father. "That would be perfect daddy."

Liam: Your son had been locked away in his room all day. He hadn't let anyone inside until Liam got home, only wanting to talk to his dad about what happened that tore him and his girlfriend apart. "I just feel sick. I didn't think this would happen to me." Your son told Liam. Liam sighed, knowing the pain of a relationship that ended with cheating, wrapping an arm around his son, giving him the support and advice he needed. "I know and you'll feel bad about it for a while but if she'll cheat on you then she's not the one for you. There's plenty out there but you'll find the one."


Zayn was always a good judge of character. When your daughter brought her first boyfriend home to meet both of you he instantly knew something was wrong. "I don't trust him." He would say. You brushed it off as him being overprotective but when your daughter came home a month later, drenched in tears and completely torn apart from the discovery that her boyfriend had been cheating since day one, you knew Zayn was completely right. When he found out he went straight to your daughter's room, nothing but hugs and comfort for her as he knew that's what she needed, his words would only talk down about the boy that broke his little girl's heart for the first time.

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