#24 He has an argument with your Son/Daughter

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You, Louis, and your daughter were going to spend a lovely summer day at the beach. You and your daughter had been tanning, and about halfway through she flipped over onto her stomach. Louis suddenly gasped, his face getting as red as his pants. "Kayla. What. Is. That?" Louis asked furiously. You looked at your daughter and saw as she hurriedly tried to cover her lower back. "Nothing!" She cried out quickly. "YOU GOT A TATTOO?" Louis yelled, angrily. Kayla sighed and nodded, knowing she had been caught. "Yeah.. I thought it was pretty, I just didn't want to tell you because I knew you would be mad..." she said quietly. "DAMN STRAIGHT I'M MAD! You know I hate tattoos! I told you the one thing you should never ever do is get a tattoo! And you just freaking get one anyway? How the hell did you even get it? Your only 17, you have to have parental permission!" He shouted. Tears filled Kayla's eyes as she stared at the ground. "I forged your signature..." She mumbled quietly. If steam could come out of Louis' ears, it would have. He didn't say anything, just went to the car and slammed the door. Kayla broke down in tears before running to the car towards her dad. About 20 minutes of them talking later, you looked over to see them hugging. You smiled as Louis came and sat down next to you. He shrugged and muttered "I guess it is a pretty nice tattoo. If she ever forges my signature again, I will murder her though." You laughed and kissed him lightly.


It was midnight, and your daughter still wasn't home. She was an hour past her curfew, and both you and Harry were worried sick. Suddenly the door creaked open and your daughter came in, holding her heels in her hand so she wouldn't make any noise. "And what do you think your doing?" Harry asked angrily as he stood up. Darcy looked surprised to see him, and very guilty. "I'm sorry daddy, me and Kyle just lost track of time and-" Your daughter started her explanation but Harry cut her off. "I knew that Kyle was no good! As if his tattoo wasn't freaking enough, now he's bringing you home late? That's it Darcy your not going to see him anymore. I forbid you to date him." Harry said crossing his arms authoritatively. Darcy glared at him. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT! You are not the boss of me!" She said angrily throwing her shoes on the floor. Harry looked absolutely furious. "HELL YES I AM! LAST TIME I CHECKED, YOUR ONLY 16!" Harry yelled, very very loudly. Tears flooded Darcy's eyes. "But I love him... " She said quietly, trying her hardest not to cry. Harry rolled his eyes, still too upset to see reason. "No you don't. Go to bed Darcy, we'll talk in the morning." Harry said turning away from her. Tears rolled down Darcy's cheeks as she hurried up the stairs to her room. "Harry, that was way to harsh, it was the first time shes ever been late... You need to go talk to her." You said touching Harry's arm gently. Harry sighed and nodded. "I know... I just miss my little girl." Harry said softly, standing up and heading up the stairs. About 5 minutes later you went upstairs and smiled as you saw Darcy and Harry hugging tightly in the doorway of her room.


"Bye guys, I'm going to Sarah's party." Your daughter said as she went towards the door. "What? No your not! You are way to young for parties." Liam said pulling your daughter back inside. She groaned and rolled her eyes. "Dad, I am not! I'm nearly 17!" she said sighing as she sat on the couch. "So? Will there be beer at this party?" Liam asked crossing his arms. Your daughter grimaced but nodded. "Yes but-" She started but Liam cut her off. "Exactly. Last time I checked that is not old enough to drink, and i'm not going to let you ruin your life with alcohol and drunk boys who don't respect you." Liam said authoritatively. Your daughter huffed and stomped her foot. "But Daddy-" Liam cut her off again. "No buts! Go to your room, you are not going to that party. End of discussion." Liam said calmly, not one for yelling. Your daughter huffed again and stomped upstairs, stopping at the top step. "Thanks for not trusting me dad. Seriously you raised me not to drink, and I definitely wouldn't waste my time with some idiot! But thanks for having faith in me, I really freaking appreciate it." She said sarcastically and slammed the door to her bedroom. Liam sighed and put his head in his hands. You rubbed his back softly. "She really has grown up hasn't she?" Liam asked sadly. You nodded. "Yes... But I think she grew up to be amazing... I really think you should let her go Liam..." You said persuasively. Liam sighed again and nodded. "Yeah, I know. I'll be right back." Liam said as he went upstairs. Soon you heard squeals of happiness as your daughter hugged her father quickly before running out the door to her party.


Your son was very, very upset with you. You had found out that he had slept with some girl, and of course you were very mad about it. You were lecturing about it when finally he just said, "Whatever Mom! God your so fucking annoying! Leave me the hell alone!" He yelled harshly at you stalking off to his room and slamming the door. Tears filled your eyes as you sank down on the couch. Your son had never behaved like this before. About 10 minutes later, Zayn found you sitting like that and immediately asked you what was wrong. You told him, and he was absolutely furious. He went upstairs and pounded on his sons door. "You listen to me right now! YOU DO NOT TALK TO YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT! HELL, YOU DON'T TALK TO ANY GIRL LIKE THAT! That is NOT how we raised you! I know you were mad, but she was just trying to tell you to be safe you DID NOT need to react that way." Zayn yelled fiercely. They talked for a few more minutes before your son came downstairs to hug you tightly. "I'm so, so, so sorry mom... I was just mad, I promise I'll never act like that ever again.." He said quietly. You smiled and nodded running your hands through his hair.


Your daughter came home with about 10 bags in her hands, happy as can be. Niall's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw them all. "What the heck is all this!?!" He said shocked. Your daughter shrugged sheepishly. "Shoes.." She said happily. "How much did all of this cost?" Niall cried in dismay. She looked down and mumbled "$1980 dollars..." Niall looked at her furious. "LEILA! That is way to much, you have to take all of this back!" He said, aggravated. She looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "But Daddy..." She said pitifully. "No buts! I'm sorry but you have to take them back!" Niall said finally. Leila sighed. "Can I keep one pair?" She asked hopefully. Niall chuckled and nodded.


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