#63 - You Have Morning Sickness

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Before anything, I would just like to say to every single one of you, THANKYOU! Thank you for taking the time to read, vote and comment on my book. Amazingly I have reached over 1 million reads on my book and I literally couldn't be happier! I started Wattpad just over a year ago, and I never thought I could reach 1 million! LOVE YOU ALL ❤️

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Shoutouts to @OceanBreeze14, @lovexclub and @XoXoXoPerf

Thank you guys for voting on my book❤️

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You're lying in bed, arm draped across your eyes to block out the light, groaning. "You alright, love?" Zayn questions, and if you'd been feeling better, you would have smacked him for being so dense. "I feel like I'm about to puke. I hate this," you complain. "Do you need help getting to the toilet?" he offers. "If I move, it'll happen. I'm so dizzy." "I'll get you a bin then...puke in that." "Just shut up for two seconds please?" you snap underhandedly. Zayn steps across the room for the wastebasket, placing it on the floor next to you. "I thought this was only supposed to go on for the first few months. Shouldn't it have stopped by now? Do you think something's wrong?" Zayn interrogates. "Nothing's wrong. Some women deal with it the entire nine months. And I'll tell you right now, if I have morning sickness for the entirety of this pregnancy, this will be our one and only kid." Zayn chuckles, knowing you don't mean it. He places a gentle kiss to the top of your head, causing another groan to escape your lips. He shuffles off to go take a shower, hearing the sounds of your stomach emptying itself as he passes through the doorway out of your room.


Niall wakes up when he feels the bed jostle from you jumping out of it so rapidly. "What's going on?" he asks groggily, rubbing at his eyes after being temporarily blinded from the glare of the light pouring in from the bathroom. He hears you gagging and perks up a bit. "You ok, babe?" he asks, rising to come to the doorway. You vomit and nod a bit. "As ok as I can be with an angry fetus making me do this every morning," you answer sarcastically. "It'll get better. And it'll all be worth it in the end," he tries to remind you. You swipe at your mouth and turn your head just enough to make eye contact and glare at your husband. He puts his hands up as though to surrender and quickly amends himself, "Or it completely sucks and you hate having to go through it despite the reason why." "Much more like it," you confirm as another wave of nausea hits you.


"I can't take this anymore. I've been at it for two hours!" you grumble miserably with your head leaning into the toilet bowl. Louis sits on the edge of the bathtub with a package of crackers in his hands and a bottle of water by his feet. "If you think this is bad, wait till you're in labor," Louis points out unhelpfully. "I'm gonna throw up on you next time if you don't watch yourself," you threaten. He holds a cracker out to you as a peace offering. You scowl at him, not wanting another one at the moment, as you'd already had several and they hadn't done a thing to settle your stomach. Louis shrugs a bit and pops the cracker into his own mouth. "Who are you? Niall?" you press, annoyed. "Those are supposed to be for me!" you manage to say. "Well, it's a bit pointless for you to eat them, don't you think? I might as well throw them directly into the toilet..." "Get out!" you snap, no longer able to tolerate your manchild husband for the time being.


"It's alright, baby. It's not your fault," Harry coaxes. "I hate this. I feel like a helpless little kid," you wail as a few tears stream down your face. "It's fine, really," Harry tells you as he scoops up the sheets in his arms to bring to the wash. "Oh God..." you moan as another round of nausea strikes. Harry returns a minute later, joining you in the bathroom. "It's not your fault that you didn't make it to the bathroom in time. In fact, I'm pretty impressed by how fast you do usually get to the toilet," he tells you with a smile, assuring you that it's not a big deal. "This sucks," is your only response. He rubs your back for a moment before kissing the top of your head and reentering the bedroom to replace the sheets you had just made a mess of. When he comes to the bathroom once more, you look at him appreciatively and manage a weak smile. "Thank you," you whisper. "Of course! It's what I'm here for," he replies, kissing the top of your head once more.


"I'm not gonna make it!" you moan, sitting up in bed, cupping your hands over your mouth, preparing yourself for the worst. Liam reaches over just in time to hand you the basin he'd gotten ready just for when a moment like this came up. He saves you from having to try to bolt from the bed, and you lean over with your knees up, the basin tucked between them, and your head hovering just above it. Liam sits up and scootches closer, doing his best not to bounce the bed too much. He rubs large circles on your back, offering as much comfort to you as he can. Once your stomach settles for a moment, Liam takes the basin to clean it out for you before fetching you a glass of ginger ale. He meets you back in the bathroom, where you're mentally preparing yourself for the bout that is undoubtedly on its way again. "You're the best," you tell him when he hands you the glass for you to take a few sips. "Well, this is half my fault, so you know, it's the least I can do," he tells you playfully, causing you to smile briefly before you're back at it.


Love Lou x

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