#26 Car Crash (funny)

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He already wasn't much of an excellent driver, as this wasn't his first accident. Louis was speeding down the freeway while you kept pestering him to slow down. "Louis, you're gonna make us get in an accident!" you exclaimed. He felt perfectly safe and chuckled at your worried remarks. The driver ahead of you looked in the rear view mirror and recognized the one and only Louis Tomlinson and pushed down roughly on her break in excitement. Louis cursed loudly and tried veering into the other lane but the end of your car crashed against hers in the process. "Dammit, Louis, you bought this car a month ago!" you shouted. He pulled over into the gravel with the girl's car behind you and made you get out to deal with it while he called the cops. Interesting day!


Harry was a spectacular driver, but driving in a car with the wheel on the left side on the right side of the street was throwing him off. Luckily, the speed limit was not enough to do much damage to your car. It was caused when Harry was in the right lane and turned into the left lane, when a slow-moving elderly woman crashed into him. You smiled watching him talk to her, being so sweet and easily charming her. "It was completely my fault, Ma'am! I will pay for your damages!" he exclaimed. In a short time, you were able to drive away with you in the Driver's seat. Harry liked when you drove, anyway. He loved watching your face in concentration making split-second decisions and cursing at the drivers that cut you off. Plus, you always knew women were obviously the better drivers!


Niall thought it would be a good idea to teach you how to drive today, even though you didn't want to. "You're 18 now, it's about time, (Y/N)!" he insisted. You knew you had to, but driving made you nervous and scared. And you knew that this day was being a disaster. "Okay, (Y/N), now turn." Niall said calmly. Your turn was very wide in the large car and was dangerously close to the parked Camaro. You couldn't help but feel even more terrified as Niall reached for the wheel. With no control whatsoever, you jerked the wheel to the left and hit a parked car in the small church parking lot. "(Y/N)! What the hell was that?" Niall yelled. You panicked, "I don't know! You scared me!" He suddenly felt bad and put the car in park, waiting for the owner of the car to angrily stomp out to see his wreck car.


Liam and you were on a road trip and Liam had the night shift. As any person would, he began to feel lonely without hearing your voice and decided to "indirectly" wake you up. He swerved back and forth on the empty road and watched you furrow your eyebrows. There was little to no light outside on the dark, lonely highway and led to him keep swerving until you woke up. You refused to allow yourself to wake up, but that was until out of no where, a large van with a large family came veering around the corner with the lights blinding him from the sudden impact. He tried swerving back into the right lane, but his car skidded across theirs and swiped off their side view mirror, along with setting off all of their airbags with the small impact. Your eyes flew open, "Liam!" He slammed on the breaks and apologised, "I promise, I didn't mean to wake you up!"


You two were headed to the movies, and you had just been boasting to Zayn yesterday about how fantastic your driving was. Now you were confidently swerving into the turn lane, when your eyes traversed to the large SUV trying to get into your turn lane two cars ahead of you. Zayn's hand suddenly flew to your chest and slammed you back against the seat roughly, then you realized you were inches away from a small Honda Civic. He was paralyzed with fear because you let go of the wheel and he didn't know what to do but gasp loudly. The hit felt very hard, and the Civic lurched forward a few feet. You were scared out of your mind, but all you could do was slam on the breaks and grab a hold of the wheel again. Zayn removed his hand from your chest and humorlessly chuckled for a few seconds, "Wow, (Y/N), I know who will be driving next time!" Both of you pulled over and exchanged insurance numbers, hoping that it wasn't your own fault.

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