#14 Sad Song ** Moments ** 2/5

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" Heart beats harder

Time escapes me

Trembling hands

Touch skin

It makes this


And the tears stream down my face "

Louis was leaving for tour once again, but this time he would be gone for 8 months.

Eight long months.

Without him.

When you found out how long he was going, of course you were upset but you would never show it.

He knew.

He knew you were dreading the upcoming day.

That day was today.

All throughout the car journey you were silent. Not a word was said from both of you.

Even in the checking in for the airport nobody spoke. It was the most dreadful pain you had ever felt.

The time just seemed to be dragging on, making you want to forget about him leaving, yet so you couldn't bring your self to do so.

This was it. You both stopped. Both sighing. Both not capable of being the first one to say goodbye.

Louis turned to face you, then engulfing you in his arms. You never wanting to let go. You both seemed to stay there for what seemed like forever.

"I'm going to miss you so much" Louis mumbled in your hair. Both breathing in each others scents.

"I'm going to miss you too Lou" was all you could get out, trying not to let the threatening tears fall.

Still a couple, tumbled down your cheeks.

"Hey, look at me. Don't cry beautiful. In a few months we will see each other, you can come and visit. " he said reassuringly, all you did was nod as more tears fell.

His lips were soon on yours, giving you a sweet yet passionate kiss.

"Louis time to go" Paul yelled from ahead.

You both pulled away looking into each others eyes.

" Goodbye Beautiful " he quietly whispered, stroking away your tears.

You held his hand that was placed on your cheek. " Goodbye Lou " you spoke

He gently kissed you on the forehead,

Before pulling away and walking towards the others.

" I love you" he shouted down from the wide corridor.

"I love you too " you shouted back, waving him off.

This is going to be some tough 8 months you thought to yourself.

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