#5 He gets jealous 5/5

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You were in London with your boyfriend Liam, shopping. Even though he doesn't really like it, he would do it for you any day.

You were just walking down the street passing many fancy stores. Too fancy for your liking. And by the looks of it too fancy for Liam's either.

Further ahead you saw your favourite of all Top-shop .

"Li please can we go in?" You gave him the puppy dog face, knowing he wanted to get going now.

"If you want, but we better hurry, the paps could find us if we stay too long" he smiled, looking down at you.

You blushed then proceed to the store, yours and Liam's hands entwined.

You entered, smelling the scent of new fashion. Time to get shopping.

You ran over to the nearest rack, taking as many items in your hand, as you could possibly carry, then rushing to the fitting rooms dragging Liam along.

Liam sat on the chair outside your mini dressing room pulling out his phone, as you pulled the curtain along the rail enclosing you in the tight space.

You tried the first one on, being a lacy white top with brown coloured shorts. The shorts felt a bit tight while putting them on, then realising you got the size below your normal by accident.


"Li, could you get me the next size up in the brown/creamy coloured high waisted shorts please?" You trailed ending with a high pitch.

You heard ruffling then " sure babe " and then silence, meaning he had left to find the item.

You thought why not try another outfit on whole waiting?

You pulled the short tight black dress off the hanger, taking the clothing off then pulling the dress over your body.

You straightened the bottom out, then looked in the mirror. Wait... Where is the mirror, you thought to yourself.

There was no mirror.

You huffed, then stepped out of the fitting area, making your way to the mirror just down the small corridor.

You observed the dress, it's goods and bads.

"Wow, you look absolutely amazing" a voice spoke from behind.

You smiled thinking it was Liam but as you turned around another male stood in front eyeing at your well fitted body.

"Excuse me?" You asked rudely enough so he could hear the annoyance in your voice.

"That dress, looks absolutely stunning on your body, ill buy it for you... In return for a date " the male spoke, in a cocky, selfish manner. Everything you hated in a guy.

You were speechless, loss of words, too humiliated to speak.

"Babe it's time to go" Liam appeared from behind the towering man. Obviously he over heard our little conversation.

He dragged you away, out of the shop,

leaving it to beep frantically, as you forgot to pay and had left your clothes in the stores changing rooms.

"Li, wait my clothes " you ushered tugging him back.

"No (Y/N)! We aren't going back in there, did you see the way that guy treated you, it was disgusting." He pointed towards the store almost yelling out of .......


You giggled pulling him into a hug.

" Liam no matter what, I will always choose you over any guy and will never listen to what any man says as your compliments are the only ones I listen to and remember." You smiled, pulling his neck down with your hands , gracefully meeting your lips with his.

"Sorry (Y/N), I just get worked up sometimes" he spoke after pulling away, his head facing the floor.

You smiled " it's ok Li. It's ok" you spoke with tenderness.

Bringing him back into the store, for you to get changed and apologise to the store manager for any inconveniences.

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