1 Awakening

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?'s POV

Two voices. Arguing. Both young, one girl, one boy. I can't hear them very well, seeing as my ears are ringing. Once the annoying bells only I could hear left, I try to listen in on what they are saying. However, this is a pointless effort as they seem to be in another language. Whatever they are talking about REALLY must have upset the girl. Even though I can't understand a word they are saying, I try to follow the conversation. The boy is half way through a sentence when what sounds like an older man interrupts him. Whatever the man said must of had some kind of effect on the children, because even though he sounded cowardly they stopped shouting at each other.

Now that I think of it, those voices sounded really familiar... where have I heard them before? I couldn't put my finger on it but... Finally, I opened my eyes.

While getting up, I immediately felt a sharp pain in my head. I put my hand up and felt the huge bump... It hurts a lot. Someone had put a bandage around it, so I assume that those voices had treated my wound. Have I been unconscious? How long? I reach for my glasses which are on the floor next to the mattress I had been laid on. Where on earth am I? I spot a wall mirror across the room, so I get up and walk over.

My eyesight is slightly blurry, but once they come into focus I nearly scream. I stare at my reflection with wide eyes.

Three major things are wrong with me. Of course, the bandaged bump on my head was one, but that wasn't what shocked me. The first thing I notice is... how do I put this? I don't look "real". I look like some character off some anime. I look down and study myself, before returning to the mirror. Only now did I realize I was not in my own clothes. The outfit I have on is (my) floppy gray sneakers, (someone else's) light green cargo pants, and a light blue hoodie with gray trimming.

The final major difference immediately gave away which anime I'm in. I had shrunk. That also explained why I'm in a new outfit. My original one must've not fit me.

Stunned, I turn to the door. So that's who those people are... if I'm right, then that also means I have to be at his house... but... How? Why? So many questions race through my head.

Before journeying outside, I glance around the room one last time. I spot a small bag leaning against the wall. Recognizing it as my own, but not remembering ever having it with me, I unbutton the top and peek inside. Definitely mine. The contance of the bag are my homemade duct tape wallet (with some Japanese money that isn't mine inside), a small pad and pen, a small flashlight, my ipod and earbuds, and my oversized clothes.

Finally, I place the strap over my shoulder, but it's a little too big so I overlap it across my entire body. That'll fix the problem for now.

Now, I have two options here. Exit through the door, and probably run into the most awkward position in my entire life and make a fool of myself, or climb through the window unnoticed and say good bye to probably my only chance to get some answers about what the heck is going on.

I sigh... I'll eventually have to find him anyways...

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