69 Contradicting Confusion

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Ellie's POV

"Welp, this is the place." I announced, looking up at the abandoned building. Kaito swiftly nodded. I looked at him, conserved. "Are you ok?" Another quick nod. "You haven't said anything since we left Akako. Is it still bugging you?"

He looked away. "No."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't lie to me, it obviously is. Why else would you be so quiet?"

He glared at me. "I'm fine. Drop the topic."

"Fine, fine." I giggled inwardly. I still can't believe she got him to do that! And that I was able to get it on tape!! Of course, he doesn't know that last little detail yet... But back to the task at hand.

"So do you think she's set up any traps?" Kaito asked, examining the junk-yard of a parking lot which separated us from the building's front doors.

I shrugged. "Wouldn't surprise me too much." I blindly took a step onto the pavement.

"Wait! If there are traps, you need to be careful where you step!!"

I shrugged again and continued walking. "What's the worst that could happen? Besides, this is a pretty flat and open area - what could she set up without making it obvious that there's something there?"

Kaito frowned. "I can think of plenty tricks that would be perfect for a place like this."

"Well golly!" I exclaimed sarcastically, now at the other side. "I crossed the whole thing on my own, and didn't get a single scratch! Isn't that a miracle?" Kaito rolled his eyes, then followed.

"Ok, so that part was safe I guess. But what about the inside? You have no idea what could be on the other side of this door!"

"Who said I'm using the door?"

"You're really fearless today, aren't you."

I ignored him, looking around the walls for an open window.


I froze in place, not daring to move. "K-kaito...?"


"Where did that come from?"

"I'd guess the second floor, back of the building."


"No idea."

"Do you think anyone saw us and were trying to - "

"I doubt that, but it'd still be a good idea to leave just in case."

I slowly nodded.

"Are you ok? You look like you're in shock."

I dared to move once more. "Sorry, I just was thinking... as far as we know, only us, Rory, and Conan are here. Neither of us did that, and I don't see any reason for one of them too, so then... who did? Why? What if THEY did it?"

Kaito got on one knee so we were eye to eye. "Sophie, why would they be here? That's not likely. Don't worry about it, we'll go check soon. But for now - "

Kaito must have spotted something bad behind me, because his eyes showed a hint of fear as he quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside the building without a second thought. Quietly, he closed the door and flattened us against the wall, slightly peeking out a tiny crack in the door at whatever was out there.

I began to mentally panic one more, whisper screaming at Kaito. "What is it?! What's out there?! Is it them?! Are they here to kill us?! Are we going to die?!"

Kaito placed his hand over my mouth. "Shut up."

I did as I was told.

We waited for what seemed like forever. Why does Rory have to live here of all places? This is a dangerous building that could cave in at any moment, swarming with dangerous people and possibly traps that could seriously injure - if not kill - us both. Why did we come here?!?!

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